My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 652: Senlu

Anyang returned silently to his tent, and no one found him, silently holding this technique to look.

Zihong tassel is the name that other people choose based on the characteristics of this technique. In fact, its real name is Zixu floating, which is not as good as Zihong tassel in Anyang's eyes.

The purple-red tassel is powerful and defensive and attackable. Once it is used in a spell control array, it is equivalent to occupying one spell position but getting two spells. But correspondingly, its surgical model is more complicated than other surgical methods, and it consumes and occupies mental energy very high, especially the energy consumption is very large, which is very troublesome for the new scholars.

It is estimated that the academics who have just started can't support the purple-red tassel to keep running. For a period of time, this defensive technique that determines the mysterious person's extraordinary status is equivalent to being abolished.

Anyang had been playing Glie for a long time. He had known Glie in the tower. The tower also had a lot of research on the genius of this competitor, so he also got a lot of information.

It is said that when Gree hadn't revealed his anger, he had been silent for a long time in the process of hitting the threshold. It was not very eye-catching until he became a warlock, and he flew into the sky. Probably because he used purple-red tassels to establish a surgical control array took too much mental energy, and later the establishment was successful and it was difficult for a long time to support the energy consumption of purple-red tassels.

When the time slowed down, it suddenly rose ...

However, this is not a problem for Anyang, and his spiritual strength and energy will naturally not have this weak period.

"Import the surgical method into the analytical model of the surgical method, conduct vulnerability detection and optimization, and then store it in the database."

"As you wish, Mr. Anyang."

A not-so-progressive progress bar appeared in sight.

Three worlds with similarities and differences, three civilization systems that manipulate energy, and the efficiency of surgical analysis models built from different angles of knowledge as parameters are amazing.

After half an hour, the biochip is optimized.

Anyang looked at this door, which was significantly streamlined, and he had optimized many surgical models in all aspects, but he still resisted the urge to establish a surgical array first. Anyway, he didn't have the process of restoring the consumed mental power and re-accumulating the occupied mental power of other trainees. He could wait for the three surgical methods to establish the surgical control array at one time.

Putting away the stack of paper, he went outside.

The sun on the island is very bright, and other places are now in winter. It is a good place to shelter from the cold. It is a good choice to lie on the beach to sunbathe. However, scholars and trainees are silently hiding in the woods. It hides itself under the cloak as if it can't see the light!

Anyang ignored them and went out to stretch.

Because he still has the status of a knight, he didn't wear a robe or cloak like other trainees, but a very light leather armor, holding a strong body tightly.

The beach is very soft and the water is clean.

"A world without pollution!"

Anyang sighed with emotion.

Suddenly he remembered the students of the Federal Capital City College. They did n’t know how their steam engines were studied. If the world is changed, can the sea water be so clear?

Shaking his head, looking towards the sea, sparkling.

Last night, when I met the big ship at the Smere Manor, it was at least two hundred kilometers away. Even if the ship was fast enough, it would not arrive until tomorrow. It seems that there will be no war today.

I don't know how long this task will last. I just hope Gleeve can quickly lead the man he said, and make up the three spells earlier. At the same time, this war will definitely have strong men and women, and it is also a great opportunity to obtain powerful spells. Anyang does not want to waste it. If necessary, he is even willing to take the initiative to seize powerful spells from other people!

"Half a month later, there is a contract ..."

Anyang muttered to himself.

Obviously, he did not intend to pit the grid.

The contract in this world is a zero-order technique, which is only used by trainees from the department. From the structure of the technique model, its role is to communicate, and this is also true. The principle of contract signing is to request a certain existence in this world to be notarized, and it will pay, and then the two parties sign the contract, and if they violate, they will be held accountable for this existence.

This existence should be very strong, but it is not too strong. Generally, scholars with strong points can ignore the binding force of the contract, but usually no one will do so.

Glein certainly cannot break the contract.

As for Anyang ...

Maybe it's because Ian Kofinoli wasn't his real name, he couldn't feel the existence of the contract at all.

Early the next morning.

The fiery sun slowly rises from the sea level, the clouds on the horizon are all illuminated colorfully, and the sparkling sea is also set against a red, beautiful and beautiful.

The outline of a big ship on the sea has already appeared.

Liado immediately came to the Anyang tent: "Master Ain, the people of Smel have already come. Prepare to fight!"

Anyang nodded and walked out of the tent.

The big ship quickly docked, and the silent tower was still waiting.

A group of people descended on the ship one after another, and the tower still hid in the distance until the big ship left and the people of the Smir Manor landed on the island, and the tower began to attack.

"Oops, there is an ambush!"

"It's the people in the silent tower, damn, how do they know we'll be here on the island at this time!"

The two sides immediately fought fiercely!

The battle was smoother than Anyang had expected, because Gree was not on board, and may have returned to Smaller.

The Silent Tower originally planned to use two first-order academics to contain Gleen. The remaining trainees and scholars were responsible for sniping the other supporters of Smyr Manor. Gleet was not equivalent to vacating two First-rank academics to fight against others. For these trainees, the first-order academics are almost invincible, immediately determining the battlefield situation.

Two hours later, the battle is over!

More than half of the deaths and injuries have been at the Smer Manor, and there have been losses in the silent tower, but they are still within acceptable limits.

Master "Earth Beast" is very puzzled: "Is it because the line report is wrong, this battle should not be so smooth, and even if Gleard did not come, it should not be this strength!"

Anyang heard nothing in the distance.

In this battle, he performed very well, killing many people in Smyr, and naturally his status was elevated again.

It is estimated that there will be additional rewards after returning to the tower.

Ten days later-

The first batch of people who participated in the mission can already end the mission and go back, including the "Earth Beast" also decisively left.

But Anyang did not go back, but stayed on the battlefield of the island, which was equivalent to carrying out a mission again.

There were also a few people who stayed with him.

Silent Tower will not pay off in this respect, as long as they pay, they will be paid, if they still survive on the battlefield, they will get double rewards when they go back.

It was another five days, just blink.

Recently, the war between the Tower and Smyr has intensified, and the situation has become increasingly tense. Almost every day, large and small battles broke out on this island, and some people died. The few people left in the previous war mission had only three dead. Apart from Anyang, there was also a trainee and an academic. They also complained all day that they did not go back in time.

In this situation, there are fewer and fewer people signing up for the task. The trainees who come are forced by the tower, but academics have a stronger sense of belonging to the tower.

Anyang had no choice but to pretend to have been injured in the previous battle, rest in the tent, told others not to bother, and picked an opportunity to go directly into the sky with his armor.

Because of his outstanding military achievements, no one felt that he was deliberately escaping from the fighting, and no one was against his will.

A small island agreed upon with Gree-

A silver-white metal figure broke through from the sky, traversed a beautiful arc in the beautiful sky on the sea, and landed suddenly, leaving a mark on the beach.

Anyang waited for a while, two big birds flew side by side.


Anyang looked suddenly happy.

The two big birds landed quickly, one of them sitting on Gree, and the other on the back was another young man.

Gree stepped forward and apologized: "I'm sorry, I don't know if you don't know clearly. Recently, our Smer Manor is fighting with the silent tower of the Federation of Mesoyaran. Although I don't need to go to the battlefield, things are also A lot of time has been delayed, and I apologize to you here. "

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize, and I have been delayed for some things, and it didn't take long."

"That's good, if I have wasted your precious time for my reasons, then I'm too disappointed."

Kung fu of the two, the young man frowned and looked at them, especially Anyang covered in silver and white metal, his face full of doubts and a little dissatisfaction.

"Who is this……"

"Ah, I forgot to introduce you in time. This is Senlu, the scholar of Yado's Lodge, and my friend from many years ago until now. Senlu, this is Master Ain!"

Anyang nodded at the man.

"Hello there."

"Sir Ain, hello."

Senlu was obviously not happy, but still very polite.

It did n’t take long for him to find an opportunity to put Grera aside and say, "Master Gree ~ ~ What's going on? Isn't it good to say that only the two of us are going to explore this relic?"

Grie's mouth twitched a smile: "Sorry, my old friend, I used your trust to deceive you!"

"What? What do you mean?"

"There are no remains here, only Lord Ain."

"You ... what do you want to do with him?"

Gree chuckled: "Relax, although I don't value friendship very much, but you are also one of my few friends. I won't hurt you, and it's good for you!"

"Will I believe you again?"

"You can only trust me. Lord Ain is at least a third-order warlock. He can fly at a speed that is not as good as a giant bird. What do you think you can do except believe me?"

Senlu chilled: "What the **** do you want to do?"

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