My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 715: Charity Lunch Auction

The old professor smiled, looking at the stage, the wrinkles on his face were all wrinkled: "I know this little girl!"

"Which little girl is singing this?" Sitting next to the old professor is Xiao of Yizhou University. At this time, he slightly turned his head to whisper, and his voice was low. The fastest mechanical update

"I just sang the children's song. I don't remember the name. The little girl has the ability and talent to study."

"Yo, haven't you been retired for a few years? How did you know this?"

"Haha, Li Shouan told me that I saw it once. The little girl looks good, and the taro is profound."

"Oh, that's true." Xiao did suddenly.

Li Shouan is the teacher in charge of the school's student union, also manages the school community, and is also a student of the old professor.

Xiao continued to look at the stage, and suddenly turned his head again: "Aren't your old people distracted by the disciples' heart?"

His voice was lower in this sentence. The high-ranking person is also a person, and there are gossip and gossip, and occasionally talk about trivial matters that do not represent any position, but these words are easily heard by intentional people and cause misunderstandings, whether they are intentional or harmful. It is uncontrollable and has been consuming its own infamous reputation and power.

So these words can be heard by people at the same table, because they can understand but cannot be heard by those behind!

Unsurprisingly, the old professor waved his hand with a smile: "Just talk about it. You are too old to care about it. The disciples who have closed the door are all out of school. It is impossible to make trouble again."

"That's it!"

Xiao Chang from Yizhou University breathed a sigh of relief.

The retired old man is bored and looking for something to say. He almost thought it was true. He could not help being dragged. His status was so high that it was easy to misunderstand even at the same level!

Suddenly, the old professor turned his head again, and his turbid eyes shone with interesting colors: "Isn't that the little girl who played the harlequin in the crab just now?"

"Really?" Xiao hurriedly glanced at the program table and glanced, "Is that girl called Anyou?"

"It's like, it's too old to remember."

"That's really her, hehe, very active!"

"It's good to be active, the young people are full of vitality, they should take part in everything, what is it like to be nestled in the bedroom! But it's pretty, a little girl with makeup like that, haha!"

"Yes, young man, huh!"

The two were chatting, as if they were watching a play, or ordinary people were watching a movie, and talked to the Xingzhi Office.

But their original source of speech was Anyou.

Anyang has not seen the old professor at the same table, but it does not hinder his recognition of the respected status of the old professor

Can watch the program at the same table with the deputy ministerial Xiao and the ministerial old man. When they proposed that they needed a few positions, they left the hall-level cadres and famous entrepreneurs, and almost all stood on the side of power and financial resources. On the top floor, but this old professor stayed, obviously it will not be simple. ”It is the Taishan Beidou in the academic world is the famous teacher of Tao Li.

People at the same table basically heard their conversations, and another old man later inserted two sentences from time to time. Xiao Xueer's face had a slight glance, and Ji Weiwei felt very proud.

"Provocation is very popular in school!"

"I don't want to admit it, but I have to admit that this girl's college life is much more fulfilling than we had!"

"Who let you get into the dead end of love!"

"Haha" Anyang smiled awkwardly and quickly removed the topic, "This girl has added several clubs, so you don't need to say the results. I can't think of the first one. I heard that I have been preparing for the chairman of the student union recently. Related work. The president of the school, in the eyes of these filial sons, is probably the biggest official, haha! "

Ji Weiwei rolled his eyes at him: "You can feel the sour taste in your tone when you say this without looking!"

"Well, is there?" Anyang rubbed his nose.

"Of course, for someone who only plays basketball, guitar club and foreign language department during college, his sister is so good, must it be very stressful?"

"Don't you think it's worth the third item to blow me for several years?" Anyang blinked at her, very evil.

Ji Weiwei froze for a moment, his face blushing.

"Haha!" Anyang laughed, who told this Nizi not only to hurt him with words, but also to wink at him, deserve it!

The old professor sitting opposite turned his head and was very kind: "Listening to you talking, do you know this little girl?"

Anyang stunned a little, then smiled and nodded to the old professor: "My name is Anyang, that is my sister."

"Oh," the old professor suddenly realized that he had a unique tone of educators, "Your sister is very good!"

Anyang still smiled: "It's just a little arrogant."

The old professor "Ao Jiao" has been in the literary world throughout his life, saying that he has never seen such a strange word. After stunned, he quickly thought of the general meaning, "No, I heard a student talk about this girl not once or twice. Well, it ’s very generous, and has a good personality, there ’s nothing to pick on. "

Anyang smiled, then suddenly, politely said: "Since you have said so, then I can rest assured."

An You is usually very cheerful and generous. She lives much better than her peers. She also performs perfectly in front of her classmates and teachers, and will be considered for others. It is impeccable, coupled with excellent academic performance and other talents and comprehensive qualities. It is really not a loss to give her a scholarship from small to large; it is only when you are in front of yourself that you automatically unlock the mentally retarded mode!

That's right, Anyang thinks about the Anyou you know, it is simply an intellectual disability, or the kind that can not be cured at a later stage!

Ji Weiwei next to him saw his expression and only smiled.


In the background, the door is deadlocked!

Many people are busy and shuttle among them.

There are fresh and handsome boys, and young and beautiful girls, some are putting on makeup, and some are waiting to change clothes.

Others are anxiously memorizing the content or lines of their performances. The most conspicuous are the two presenters in dresses who are reading the lines, both of whom are nibbling beauties.

Of course, more is still resting and chatting.



The door of the compartment was pushed open by a slender white tender hand, and hit the wall next to it, startling a girl.

Anyou shoved that kawaii song skewers costume, changed back to a black professional dress, and came out with a light expression and sat down in front of a mirror.

At this time, a tall boy came to stand behind her, looking at her expressionless face in the mirror and caring: "You seem to be a little out of shape today!"

Anyou took a long breath and raised her head slightly towards the mirror, apologizing: "Have you also found it?"

Many people in the background nodded.

"Yeah, I have seen you make mistakes several times."

"Isn't it uncomfortable? Or is there too many people underneath? I always see you in the audience."

"Anyou doesn't seem to be a stage fright!"

"But wasn't it good during the rehearsal yesterday?"

Anyou squeezed her fist under her clothes, tolerating the urge to pull her teeth, said: "I'm sorry, everyone, my brother is sitting under the stage, I feel uncomfortable when I see him!"

The boy behind her stunned: "Your brother is here too?"

An You exhaled and nodded: "Well, I'm sorry, because my business has affected the quality of the show."

"Yes, I seem to see the girl who has a good relationship with you. I sit in the first row with Xiao. If it is really her, is the brother next to her right?"

"Well, that's my brother." An You can calm her expression, but secretly clenched her teeth.

Hearing her confession, Rao was surprised when the boy behind was ready, and the people next to him were even more upset!

Even the two presenters who had been holding the line books temporarily stopped reciting the lines and turned to look at her in amazement: "Great, sitting in the first row with Xiao!"

"Should your family be a low-key giant?"

"Married An Youshao to struggle for a lifetime series!"

"The first two rows are either billionaires or senior officials, or the middle of the first row, 666!"

An You looked dull: "You think too much. My parents are ordinary middle school teachers. As for the guy, not only do you not understand, but I do not even understand!"

"It seems that your brother must be well mixed. I think there is a big beauty sitting beside him!"

"That's just my sister who has a good relationship."

"This way"

Without gossip, the people next to me soon lost interest.

Only the boy behind Anyou stood still: "Are you afraid of your brother? Why is he so nervous that sitting on the stage, you usually don't!"

"Why am I afraid of him?" An You frowned. "It's just that I feel that this guy is sitting under the stage watching my performance like a treasure. I feel a little embarrassed."

"It turns out ~ ~ The boy smiled.

An You didn't talk much with him, she sorted out the hair that was messed up when she just changed clothes, and she got up and left the mirror.

She has another big thing to worry about!

The show's performance soon ended, the unforgettable chorus of the chorus sounded tonight, and the lights in the auditorium gradually softened.

Xiao Xue'er was almost next to Anyang, two long and white legs overlapped and looked at the program list.

"This question mark is"

"Mysterious activity!" Ji Weiwei glanced at the program table in her hand and whispered, "Many performance parties do this, leaving a suspense for the guests!"

"look forward to!"

"Not interesting"

The two presenters walked onto the stage and alternately praised the previous program. The reserved interactive words came to an end: "Today's performance is over, thank you all."

"But in fact we have set up a hidden event today. The reason why it is an event is not a show, it is because it is not a show, but it requires everyone ’s participation. It is also a charity event for the poor children in various parts of the motherland and drought and flood disaster areas. I hope everyone can actively participate! "

"Everyone has completed complete higher education, but as we all know, in some impoverished areas, many children can't afford to go to school, they can't afford books, and they lack education."

"Our school upholds the principle of educating people and wants to make education universal, and this requires the participation of everyone, not only the brothers and sisters who have achieved success, but also every classmate."

"In this way, we end the 100th birthday of the great alma mater, which actually has a very good meaning."

"And this is also closely related to the students at school."

"That is"

"Charity lunch auction!"

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