My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 716: Auction object, An You

The three of Anyang suddenly looked surprised. Fiction

Including Ji Weiwei who was boring before.

This term may be relatively new to students, but business people absolutely hear it.

Charity lunch auctions are more common among celebrities.

The most famous is the stock charity Buffett ’s annual charity lunch auction, which often sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars. In addition, there are many in China. For example, the afternoon tea of ​​a famous economist sold a price of 259,000 yuan, and the giant network founder Shi Yuzhu sold more than 2 million yuan in three hours, most of which was used for charitable donations.

Because the time of these bigwigs is high enough in gold, but they actually consume their knowledge, contacts, vision, etc.

This is clearly different from the celebrities who charge for food.

Anyang had also heard that a handsome and **** male doctor in Russia took a high price of 600,000 yuan for dinner, which is estimated to be beautiful. But it is also different from many celebrities. The biggest difference is that this male doctor uses all the auction proceeds for the charity industry. His own penny is not only not related to nothing, but can also be called pure and kind.

But at this time the lunch auction, I do not know who is auctioning the lunch, and what is really consuming.

Won't it be the beauty of female students?

Or the talent of professors?

Anyang smiled.

In fact, this activity was not created by Yizhou University. In the United States or some European countries, many schools have held charity lunch auctions. It is usually a handsome male student, and the object of the auction is only for other female students. Usually, a lunch is only a few tens of dollars, or even a few dollars. Naturally, these auction proceeds will be used for charity.

Can cultivate many qualities of students.

At this time, the lunch auction is obviously not so simple, and it is aimed at outstanding graduates who have rolled through the society. The amount of the auction will also exceed the pocket money saved by the children.

At the same time, Anyang also realized that if this event was not handled well, Yizhou University might be criticized for it.

Even if it is just a plan adopted by the school student union!

Xiao Xueer didn't know what to say to Ji Weiwei in a low voice. The two didn't have much contact, but they seemed to fit together, and the two hosts also introduced the event alternately.

"We have prepared hearty food for you, brothers and sisters, on the second floor of the luxurious No. 1 canteen. Which classmates will be photographed during the auction, and which classmates will present you exquisite food All the funds will be used for charity education in poor mountain areas, and the names of brothers and sisters will be written in the donors! "

"We are here to thank all the brothers and sisters for their support for all children in the poverty-stricken mountainous areas of Yixi, thank you!"


Anyang suddenly realized that it was such an activity.

The following is also a discussion.

There is no private room on the second floor of the school's canteen, and it is lunch, so that even if the lunch is for beautiful female students, it avoids the suspicion of consuming students' beauty. In addition, all the income will be used for charity education. This great righteousness can offset some rumours to a certain extent, even if someone wants to use this to defame the school, there is no excuse.

What's more, students don't eat with them, just present food, which is equivalent to being a waiter. The place is still in the school cafeteria, under the eyes of everyone, what can there be?

It's actually another form of donation ...

In the eyes of mediocrity, it seems to consume the appearance of male or female classmates, but in fact, it is the vanity and performance of these graduates who return to their hometowns, and they consume their deep sense of identity for this alma mater, The idea of ​​consuming some people's goodwill and hope to accumulate virtue for themselves is obviously different from that of business celebrities and celebrities.

Perhaps the term consumption is not appropriate here.

At this time, a picture of a mountainous child in a tattered dress standing on the hill with a schoolbag on the background screen appeared on the stage. It was very sympathetic to people and even changed the music!

"Charity lunch auction, officially started!"

"The first student, the junior student of the Department of Finance, named Zhang Yuyao, I believe that many brothers and sisters who are more concerned about talent have heard the name of this classmate. Yes, he is the one from our school ’s Finance Department in recent years. The most outstanding talent, sophomore, once rescued the senior student Zhang Yuyao of Sami Group through stock market, publicity, financing and other crisis countermeasures! "

"This record is brilliant, but in addition, Zhang Yuyao also made a record in the stock market last year ..."

"Also considering the difficulty of mountain children ..."

"We expect this classmate to start the first shot of the auction for us, then, now the auction begins!"

Anyang was a little surprised, but also a little amazing.

He thought that this lunch auction was based on the beautiful and handsome male and female classmates who made the insignificant gimmick. Unexpectedly, there is still this hand, which is beyond his expectations.

Have to admire, this handwriting is good!

This student who participated in talents promoted both self and school education, and immediately raised this activity by more than one grade, and the slightly crooked nature immediately returned to the right!

He glanced back and found that there were a lot of volunteers and ceremonial ladies all over the big venue.

After a short silence, someone quickly bid: "Ten thousand!"

The bidder was a lady sitting in the back, about 40 years old. It is estimated that it was not for the purpose of throwing away the bricks or simply wanting to donate to the children in the mountains.

Soon someone added money: "Five thousand!"

Anyang noticed that whenever someone wanted to bid, he would notify the staff next to him, and they would be notified by the mobile phone in their hands to the stage and then appear on the big screen.

It didn't take long for the price to climb to 100,000.

Xiao Xueer was a little surprised: "This male student seems to be very good, so many people are willing to bid for him!"

Ji Weiwei chuckled aside: "Naive, although this male student is talented, he is still not enough. In short, this environment magnifies him. In other words, most of the people sitting here are rich and People who want to show up at their alma mater ’s 100th birthday will naturally not care about this, just bidding, it does n’t matter what they shoot! "

"Oh! They are donating ..."

"Smart! But this is not bad, I have heard of him. He is very insightful in the stock market. Although it is far from worth so much, if the person who photographed his lunch can recruit him. In the case of the company, it is still reluctant to return to its original cost, at least much better than throwing money away. "

"Sister Weiwei, you are so good!"

"Where, where ..."

Anyang listened to Ji Weiwei's pretentious humility, and it really hurts. Every time Nizi comes with all kinds of pride in front of him!

Genius Ji ... Big Beauty ... Goddess ...

Damn, so humble in front of Xiao Xueer!

Soon, the first lunch provided by the first classmate in the canteen, which cost no more than a few tens of dollars, was sold at a price of 180,000 yuan, which caused an uproar and succeeded in starting!

"Thanks to Senior Zhang Yuyao for this lunch for children in the mountain area, and also to Brother Liu Longwen from Xinhai Shoes Industry for the 180,000 student aid funds provided to the children in the mountain area. All used to fund the education of poor children! Your kindness is so dazzling, I believe everyone will come from within ... "

The beautiful host kept talking at the moment, and said the message of the photographer. In this feast of friends, it is undoubtedly a powerful propaganda!

Unsurprisingly, many people's enthusiasm was gradually mobilized, and the second lunch was quickly sold at a high price.

Although this is just a very handsome male student, the host only introduced some praises in an empty way when introducing, but it is still difficult to stop everyone's love!

And in the background, a battle between heaven and man is taking place!

"Anyou, what are you doing here? Don't you wait on stage to contribute lunch? Get up!"

"Uh, I'm a little bit fragile."

"What is guilty, isn't this what you proposed?"


An You was powerless lying on a makeup table, showing her helpless face, but unable to refute and even get up.

This charity lunch auction was indeed proposed by her, and it was also planned and arranged by her own. If it is held well enough, this achievement and the subsequent charity funding will provide a strong force for her campaign for the president of the school student union The latter is the most important and the most powerful. It will also write a strong pen on the file.

The inspiration is still from a love movie called "Blind Heart" that I watched a few days ago. And she exhausted her mind and thought of many ways to eliminate possible negative effects.

But now, she was a little frightened.

The original self-confidence and high spirits, the strength of this activity, and the exhaustion of brainstorming at night, seemed to have run out at this time!

It was a woman who comforted her, dressed up, outlined a good figure, and said, "Is there any guilty conscience, isn't it just to serve a dish and pour water on it? After the waiter, who has n’t thought about it yet? Can you earn a lot of financial aid for children in the mountains, why not do it? ”

An You grinned: "My brother is below. You don't know how annoying that guy is, who knows what he thinks!"

"It's glorious and loving, but you said it!"

"Ooooooo ..."

"Don't be afraid, stand up, Gee, why didn't I find you so timid before, just because of your brother?"

"No, no!"

"Cut, hum!"

Soon, the host called out a name.

The girl hurriedly sorted out her clothes: "It's time for me to go on stage. You have to remember that others can be stage fright, but you and I have all been to people who have visited mountains, how about it, and how the children live there. I have felt it, and you are the planner of this event ~ ~ It is more likely to shoot the highest price, you must be a role model! "

Having said that, she took the stage.

Anyou buried her head deeply, it was really helpless!

About half an hour later, Xiao Xueer patted the sleepy Anyang, did not speak, just let him concentrate.

Anyang looked inexplicably for a while, looking at the stage.

At this moment--

Just now a tall girl from the dance department got a price of 140,000 yuan. Thanks to the more and more warm atmosphere on the scene, they became so valuable as a dinner plate.

"The next one, the sophomore, the Department of Economics and Management, is the planner of this event and a strong contender for the next chairman of the school student union. Doubtful, and she is also the organizing minister of the music club, the enrolling director of the dance club, and even sports has won many times ... "

"The most important thing is that she has been serving as the assistant to the general manager of Anshi Group Network Technology Co., Ltd. part-time during the summer vacation after her sophomore year!"

"Yes, you heard it right, the youngest assistant of the general manager of An's Group Network Technology Co., Ltd.!"

"Let's welcome, Anyou!"

The business people below are suddenly in an uproar!

For what it is, needless to say.

The gold content of the words of Anshi Group Network Technology Co., Ltd. is too high, and the position of assistant general manager is enough to scare a group of people. And this is just noble, if you add the words "first year" and "part-time", it will be enough to add a fantasy to this matter! After all, the successful people here are not stupid!

In contrast, although other auras are much dazzling than other students, they are already worth mentioning.

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