After Ryan and the three had packed up in the living room for a while, Lupin joined them upstairs. With the help of the former Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, the cleanup has sped up considerably.

In the process, Ryan also got a few good things, such as a silver utensil similar to multi-legged tweezers that can crawl like a spider. Because Ryan felt he could transform this thing into something useful, he quieted it down with a rune and asked Sirius to leave the thing. (Sirius: I said which one you see can be taken directly.)

"What's in here?" Lupin took out a souvenir box and broke it open. "Why can't I open this thing?"

Sirius also took the box and tried it, and then said curiously, "Why don't I remember that this thing was in the cabinet? Did I put it back in after I was kicked out?"

"You still remember the origin of everything in the cabinet? How did you do that? I can't remember where some of the things in my decorative cabinet came from." Hermione said in surprise at what Sirius said.

"I hate this." Sirius smiled wryly. "But since I was five years old, my parents have often brought me here to tell me the stories behind each item, and sometimes even let me get lost because I didn't tell the glory behind an item. Meals are nothing but rusks and water. In this case, I remember everything even if I have been away from here for many years.”

"Can I take a look?" Ryan said after Sirius finished speaking, and when they said it couldn't be opened, Ryan suddenly woke up with a shudder. Because he thought of an important thing.

Taking the souvenir box, Lane found the so-called souvenir box, an egg-sized locket made of octagonal gold. The lid has an ornate letter s inlaid with emeralds. More importantly, when Ryan perceived the box through magic, he found that the complexity of the magic runes on the box was far more complicated than other things.

"Black." Ryan turned and looked at Sirius seriously. "If I read it correctly, it should belong to Slytherin, one of the four giants of Hogwarts. It is very precious, and you can even say that the things in your glass case are not as expensive as a locket. According to your family Habits can't be stuffed here without any records."

"Then it's only possible that I was put here after being kicked out of the house." Sirius' face became serious after hearing this. "If that's the case, then I think only Kreacher knows the source of this thing."

After speaking, he called out "Kreacher" into the air. With a snap, the house-elf appeared in the living room.

"Oh, that nasty young master is pointing fingers at poor old Kreacher again. It's like everything here really belongs to him." After he finished, he looked up at the decorative cabinet and said, "Even he put things with family honors. Take it out like a robber breaking into this house—"

"Shut up!" Sirius interrupted Kreacher's chatter and took out the locket. "Tell me where this thing came from, I ask you to answer truthfully. There must be no concealment or lies."

Kreacher was only looking at his feet, but under Sirius's order, he raised his head and looked at Sirius's hand. At first glance, Kreacher's expression froze. Then he gasped for breath, his shriveled chest heaving sharply, and then he opened his eyes and let out a blood-clotting scream.

"—and the locket, Master Regulus's locket, Kreacher made a mistake, Kreacher failed to carry out the master's order!" As he said that, he picked up a heavy silver box and prepared to smash it on the head. .

Ryan and Hermione quickly caught him from left to right, and then shouted to Sirius: "Quick, let him stop."

"I order you to stop." Sirius, who was a little stunned by what the house elf said, quickly recovered from Ryan's shouting, and then ordered Kreacher.

As soon as the order came out, Kreacher stiffened up there. Ryan and the others just let go, Kreacher lay upright on the cold slate floor, tears gushing out of his sunken eye sockets. At this time, even the most obtuse person can see that this locket should be involved in something very important.

"You said that the locket was 'Master Regulus'," said Sirius. "Then why does my brother have such a thing? What other orders did he give you that you didn't fulfill? Kreacher, Sit down there and tell me everything you know about that locket and my brother's relationship to it!"

Kreacher sat up, curled into a ball, tucked his snotty face between his knees, and began to rock back and forth. When he spoke, his voice was low and muffled, but it was very clear in this empty and quiet living room.

"Master Sirius escaped, and it was better to go, because he was a bad boy, and his unruly behavior broke my mistress' heart. But Master Regulus had a sense of pride, and he knew the name Blake and his What it means to be of pure blood. At sixteen, he joined the Dark Lord's organization, and he was so proud, so proud, so happy, to be able to serve..."

"Hey, my younger brother is too weak and lacking in opinion. He was incited by my parents to run after the Dark Lord. But the job of a Death Eater is really not suitable for him." said in a low voice. "If he left the house like I did, maybe he'd be a Chaser for the Tornados by now. I always hear him talk about that before I leave the house."

Hearing Sirius's recollection, Kreacher's tears flowed even more, and the tears flowed down his long nose into his wide-open mouth, and a set of gray teeth could be seen, "A year later, one day, Regu Master Ruth came to see Kreacher in the kitchen. Master Regulus has always liked Kreacher. Master Regulus said...he said..."

The old elf sobbed hard, shaking faster.

"...he said the Dark Lord wanted an elf. Master Regulus contributed to Kreacher. It was an honor, Master Regulus said, for himself and for Kreacher. Kreacher had to do the Darkness. Everything the Demon King wants him to do... and then go- go home."

Having said that, the painful memories made Kreacher's answer start to chop off, but the four wizards sitting here still listened carefully.

"So Kreacher went to the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord didn't tell Kreacher what to do, but took Kreacher to a cave by the sea. It was a big cave with a big black lake in it...and there was a boat by the lake. ...the boat took me to the little island in the lake - there was a stone - stone basin on it, full of potions. Black - the Dark Lord told Kreacher to drink..."

Kreacher drank, and saw a lot of terrifying sights while drinking... Kreacher's internal organs were on fire... Kreacher called Master Regulus to save him and called Mistress, but the Dark Lord just laughed... He forced Kreacher to run out of potions...he threw a locket into the empty basin...and filled the basin with potions. "

"Then the Dark Lord got on the boat and left Kreacher on the island... Kreacher needed water, and he climbed to the edge of the island to drink from the Black Lake...Many hands, hands of the dead, stretched out of the water Come out and drag Kreacher down..."

The hoarse voice made everyone feel a hint of coolness rising from behind. Hermione heard this and grabbed Ryan's hand subconsciously, while Ryan gently patted the back of her hand with his other hand to soothe his emotions.

"And then what happened?" Sirius demanded.

"Master Regulus said he wanted Kreacher to go home." Kreacher said with a weird smile. "The supreme law of house-elf is the master's order, the master tells Kreacher to go home, and Kreacher goes home..."

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