"Next, after you told my brother about these things, what did my brother do?" After listening to the story just now, Sirius suddenly became excited. If it wasn't for Lupin's hold on him, he might have gone up and grabbed Kreacher by the neck and pressed him.

"Master Regulus is very worried, very worried," Kreacher hissed. "Regulus told Kreacher to hide and not leave the house." Then...after a while...one night, Regulus Master Luth came to the cupboard and found Kreacher. Master Regulus looked weird, not like normal, Kreacher could see that he was very upset... The young master asked Kreacher to take him to the cave, the same cave where Kreacher and the Dark Lord went...

"He made you drink the potion?" Hermione asked with some disgust. Although she didn't plan to liberate the house-elves now, as someone who grew up in modern society, she was naturally disgusted with this slavery system.

Kreacher shook his head, crying bitterly. Hermione covered her mouth: she seemed to have guessed something.

"Master Ray—Master Regulus took a locket out of his pocket, the same as the Dark Lord's," Kreacher said, tears streaming down the sides of his long nose. "His name was Kreacher. Hold it, and when the stone basin is dry, replace the locket..."

When it came to this, Kreacher could not help himself in grief. He forced himself to continue:

"He ordered - Kreacher to leave - leave him alone. He called Kreacher - go home - not to say to the mistress - what he did - but must destroy - the first locket. Then He just drank - drank the potion - Kreacher swapped the locket - and watched... Master Regulus... being dragged underwater... and..."

"Don't say it anymore, don't say it anymore-" Sirius grabbed his hair forcefully, a pained expression on his face. "Regulus is still too weak. He became a Death Eater as soon as he was told by his parents. It's all my fault. If only I could persuade him to leave this house."

"It's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong." Lupin comforted beside him. "If you want to say something wrong, the biggest mistake is also because of Voldemort's ambition and evil." Hermione also nodded in agreement.

"Then, you brought the locket home." Looking at Lupin, who was comforting Sirius, Ryan, who felt that he didn't need to intervene, was determined to ask everything about the locket, "try to destroy it. ?"

"Kreacher couldn't leave a trace on it," said the old elf sadly. "Kreacher tried everything, but none of them worked... There's so much magic on the box, Kreacher believes that only It can only be destroyed from the inside, but it won't open... Kreacher punishes himself repeatedly and tries again. Because Kreacher fails to follow his orders, Kreacher can't destroy the locket! The hostess is mad with grief, because Ray Master Regulus is missing, Kreacher can't tell her what happened, can't, because Master Regulus forbids—forbids him to tell his family—family members about the rock—the cave…”

"Oh, God..." Hermione couldn't help turning around and wrapping her arms around Ryan's neck, before resting her head on his shoulder.

"The flames of justice and courage burn in people's hearts even in the darkest of times, and having these noble virtues has nothing to do with their origin, education, or even blood. All that is needed is hope in the heart. I think Sirius' younger brother should die generously in the hope of defeating that person." Ryan put his arms around Hermione's shoulder at this time and kept comforting her.

Ryan also felt that his nose was sore at this time,

Reading it in fiction is one thing, but experiencing it in person is another. This kind of person who gave his life for a noble idea can be called a true hero from any point of view.

At this moment, the living room fell silent, except for Kreacher's sniffling. After everyone calmed down, Ryan said to Lupin, who had almost recovered: "Professor, I think you may need to inform Principal Dumbledore. The magic level of house elf is not weaker than that of ordinary wizards. Having such a strong defense and allowing that person to hide in such a sophisticated way should be very important to that person. It's beyond our scope."

"I'll go find Dumbledore right now." Lupin stood up immediately, patted Sirius on the shoulder and walked downstairs quickly.

"I think Dumbledore should be able to destroy this thing," Ryan said, looking at Lupin who came downstairs.

"You must destroy it!" Kreacher suddenly jumped up and hugged Sirius and cried. Sirius was about to scold, but he swallowed the words after thinking of something. It's just a bit blunt enough to make Kreacher sit there quietly and wait.

After waiting in silence for more than 20 minutes, footsteps were heard on the stairs. Dumbledore appeared at the entrance of the stairs wearing a purple robe. After greeting the three of them with Sirius, he directly asked his purpose.

"You said you found a locket of Slytherin relics that were hidden by Voldemort with various mechanisms, and you both thought it could not cause damage to this box? Could you let me take a look at that box?"

"That's it." Ryan handed the locket to Dumbledore and added. "I feel like this locket is a bit like the ring we met last time with Moody."

"Understood." Dumbledore nodded solemnly, took out his wand and suspended the locket in the air with magic, and then used his wand to aim at the locket to start casting spells. One after another, golden-red flames spewed out from the head of his wand, and finally formed a phantom of a phoenix that revolved around the locket.

After more than ten seconds, the locket was completely wrapped in golden red flames in the air to form an artificial sun. Dumbledore's mouth began to slowly spit out unfamiliar pronunciations, but Ryan, who had studied ancient Rune, knew that this was the Anglo-Fortok script, a variant of the famous Rune script in Britain.

As the incantation was uttered, traces of black smoke emerged from the locket. After seeing this scene, Dumbledore scattered the flames surrounding the locket, and then reached out to take the locket.

"Ryan, you feel right. This is indeed another Horcrux of Voldemort." Speaking of which, Dumbledore looked helpless. "And unlike the last ring, the core of this Horcrux is hidden in Slytherin's locket. So his protection is stronger than the last ring, which means that we are now facing Slater. The double protection of Lin and Voldemort. Such protection is difficult to open directly with brute force."

Looking at the unease on the faces of the four onlookers, Dumbledore added: "Even so, from another aspect, this Horcrux is also easier to destroy. Because of the characteristics of the locket itself, Voldemort is also very It is difficult to fuse the soul with such an object. It can be seen that his spell simply reinforces the locket itself, so the split soul in it should simply be placed inside instead of the object being combined together ."

"This means that as long as the box can be opened, the pure piece of soul inside is easy to destroy." Ryan responded after Dumbledore finished. "I have a guess, this is Slytherin's locket, so opening it might use some Slytherin-specific methods."

"You mean Parseltongue?" Dumbledore responded immediately.

"It's very possible, and the mysterious man also masters this language. He may have chosen to use this thing as his Horcrux after discovering this." Ryan said the information he mastered in a conjectural tone .

"Your analysis should be correct." Dumbledore nodded. "The problem is that wizards who can speak Parseltongue are hard to find."

"I remember Harry, he used to say he had a conversation with a python before he started school," Lane said.

"Ah, that's an option. But because of the spell that didn't kill Harry, Voldemort's brain might have been connected to Harry's at times. Going to Harry would expose our plans to Voldemort. Possibly, so this can only be used as a backup option. By the way, you remember to keep this sentence confidential, especially not to tell Harry himself." Dumbledore said seriously, and the other four nodded seriously.

After seeing that this option was rejected by Dumbledore, Ryan thought for a moment and said to Dumbledore. "I think I might be able to speak Snake, can you give me a try?"

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