Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 17 The Final Exam Harry Breaks Through

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye Aristophanes completed the report on the second potion, but this time he did not publish it directly, but handed it over to Dumbledore to prepare for production according to this formula. In his free time, besides accepting the envy of the students with the unicorn, he continued to read, write, and sort out the materials in his mind.

The three of Harry took the wizarding final exam for the first time in their lives. The weather has become hotter, and they are answering the written test in the big classroom, and taking practical tests on spells, transformations, and potions in different classrooms.

In fact, due to Aristophanes' intentional training, Harry, Hermione, and Neville's talents in potions gradually emerged.

Although Snape still didn't like Harry, he had to hold his nose in the test of forgetting potions and admit that Harry had inherited his mother's talent in potions, which aggravated Snape's inner anger .

After finishing the last history of magic exam, Harry still asked Hagrid as in the original book, and got Lu Wei's weakness from him, which shocked the three of them.

They first went to Aristophanes' tent to look for him, only to find that there was a notice posted on it: Take the unicorn to visit the centaur during the day, and come back at night, please leave a message if you have anything to do. They could only write a note and stuff it through the crack of the door, hoping that Aristophanes could come back sooner.

Then they wanted to find Dumbledore, and found that Dumbledore had also gone to the Ministry of Magic. This sudden accident made Harry decide to act alone at night. "Activity.

After dinner, the three of them sat in the corner of the common room, all enjoying the free time after final exams, so they were all lazy, and no one came to disturb him, except for Ron who asked Harry to play wizard chess, The result was declined.

Everyone left the lounge one after another and went back to bed to sleep, and there were fewer and fewer people.

"You can go and get your invisibility cloak," said Hermione, "Neville, keep an eye on it, so that no one disturbs us."

Neville nodded nervously.

But it went smoothly, the three of them put on Harry's invisibility cloak, and walked all the way to the outside of the corridor on the fourth floor without any risk - the door was already opened a crack. Before opening the door, Harry turned his head and asked the two of them again: "Are you sure you want to go with me? You can take the invisibility cloak away, I don't need it anymore. I may face Snape or even Voldemort behind the door, regret it It’s still too late.”

Hermione didn't feel anything when she heard the mysterious man's name, but Neville trembled. But he shook his head, pulled out his wand, and was the first to open the door.

Following the creaking sound of the door opening, low-pitched barking immediately sounded in their ears. The big dog could not see them, but all three of its noses were twitching and sniffing wildly in their direction, and there was a harp at the dog's feet.

"Snape must have left it behind," whispered Harry. "Apparently it wakes up as soon as the music stops."

He took out the flute he had prepared in advance and played it. In the blink of an eye, the big dog fell to the floor with a plop and fell into a deep sleep.

The three of them took off their invisibility cloaks, tiptoed behind the big dog, and opened the trap door behind it. Looking at the dark door opening, the three of them looked at each other, Harry pointed to himself, and then to the entrance of the hole.

"Are you going down first?" Hermione asked softly.

"Then I'll continue playing the flute, you two go down first." Neville said.

Harry handed the flute to Neville, and within a few seconds the dog writhed again, Neville blew the flute quickly, and it fell down again in a dazed state.

Harry slid slowly down the hole until he finally clung to the edge of the hole with just ten fingers. He looked up at Hermione and said, "If something happens to me, don't follow me down. Go straight to the cupboard where the owl lives, and send Hedwig to deliver a message to Dumbledore.

it's OK?"

Hermione nodded, but said nothing.

"See you later, I hope.."

Harry let go, the cold, damp air whistling past his ears. He fell, fell, fell, and—thumped. With a strange, dull thud, Harry landed on something soft. He sat up and groped around. His eyes hadn't adjusted to the dim light here. He felt as if he were sitting on some kind of plant.

"No problem!" he shouted toward the opening, which now looked like a spot of light the size of a postage stamp. "It's a soft landing, you can jump!"

Hermione jumped down next, and then Neville.

"We must be a long way from school," she said.

"Honestly, it's a good thing to have this pile of plants here," said Harry.

"Lucky what!" screamed Hermione, "Look at us!"

She jumped up and struggled to move towards the wall, but it was useless, they had been entangled by long vines around their legs and continued to entangle without knowing it.

"This is the devil's net!" Neville said. "I told you in Herbology class, don't struggle, the more you struggle, the tighter it will get! Relax, Harry, Hermione, don't be afraid!"

After speaking, Neville stood still, and then slowly the devil's net engulfed him. Harry watched Neville disappear before his eyes, and was about to cry out.

"It's all right! Hermione, Harry, there's an open space below! Relax, the devil's net will catch you!" It was Neville's voice!

The two looked at each other upon hearing the words, and Harry gritted his teeth and closed his eyes to forcefully suppress his fear, feeling the vines of the devil's net slowly wrapping around his body.

He felt himself moving downwards, and suddenly his whole body relaxed. He opened his eyes and found that he had reached the bottom of the devil's net, and Neville was catching Hermione on the other side to prevent her from falling.

"Fortunately, Neville, you are good at herbal medicine," said Hermione, "you can think of the devil's net at the first time."

Neville scratched his head, "Mr. Flitwick Jr. and Professor Sprout both said that I am quite talented in herbal medicine."

The three of them took a break before Harry pointed to a stone corridor and said, "This way."

This is the only way to go.

They heard the sound of water dripping slowly along the walls besides their own footsteps.

"Did you hear that?" Neville asked quietly.

Harry listened carefully, and there seemed to be rustling and clanging sounds coming from ahead.

When they came to the end of the corridor, they found a brightly lit room with a high vaulted ceiling. Countless little birds, as dazzling as jewels, flapped their wings and flew around the room. There was a heavy wooden door on the opposite side of the room.

"You mean they'll attack us if we walk across the room?" Hermione asked.

"It's possible," Harry said. "They don't look very vicious, but if they all rushed over at once, I'm afraid...whatever it is, there's no other way...I ran over."

He took a deep breath, shielded his face with his arms, and dashed across the room. He thought there would be sharp mouths and claws tearing him apart at any moment, but nothing happened. He came to the door unscathed and pulled the handle, and it was locked.

Neville and Hermione followed. They pulled and pushed together, but the wooden door wouldn't budge, and Hermione tried the opening spell again, to no avail.

"Harry, Hermione, it's strange that you two look at these birds carefully..." Neville said suddenly.

"They're not birds at all!" said Harry suddenly, after a good look. "They're keys! Winged keys - obviously that means .."

Harry looked around the room, while Hermione stared up at the mass of flying keys.

"..There you go! Broomsticks! We must go up and grab the key to that door!"

"Emmmmmm," Neville said with a look of fear on his face, "I can't fly..."

"Hermione and I will catch it, Neville, you come and determine the target for us!"

Hearing this, Neville turned his head to observe, and soon he found the target - a silver key with wings stretched out, which seemed to have been grabbed and roughly stuffed into the keyhole.

"Harry! Hermione! Do you see that?" Neville yelled. "That's the one, the one with the sky-blue wings! That should be it!"

Harry and Hermione kicked up into the air and went straight to the key, and Neville also took out his wand to help.

The three hurriedly grabbed the key. However, because the flying object was too small, Harry tried several times but failed to catch it.

"This won't work! Neville, you force the key to fly upwards, Hermione, watch it from above, I'll catch it!"

Hermione swooped down, Neville cast spells from below, and Harry headed straight for the key. Although Neville's spells were blocked by other keys flying in the air, Harry pressed the key against the wall. Neville and Hermione's cheers echoed in the room for a long time.

Harry and Hermione landed quickly, and then sprinted towards the door. He quickly put the still-struggling key into the keyhole, and twisted it hard, only to hear a "click", and the key flew away crookedly as soon as the door lock flicked open.

"Ready?" Harry asked, they nodded, and he pushed the door open.

--------------Dividing line------------------

Just as Harry and others grabbed the key, Aristophanes came out of the Forbidden Forest with the unicorn.

He walked to the tent and found that the magic he had set had been touched. So he took out his wand and carefully opened the door.

There was silence in the room. He cast a light spell and found a piece of parchment under his feet.

After seeing Harry's message, he took the time to clean up and let the unicorn guard the door. He hurried towards the castle, only to find that Dumbledore was already standing in the hall.

"Professor?" Aristophanes was taken aback. It seemed that Harry Potter was under his control from the beginning to the end.

"You're here, little Mr. Flitwick. Are you interested in watching the performance of the little savior with me, an old man?" Dumbledore asked with a smile, holding the old wand in his hand.

"Stay true to what you want, but dare not ask for it." Aristophanes replied with a sentence in classical Chinese, "But Professor, are you really relieved?"

Dumbledore sighed: "I want to thank you, little Flitwick, you have trained Harry, Hermione and other students very well, and you owe a lot to him for growing so fast."

"But have you ever thought that your help has virtually reduced the hardships he has endured, and he will habitually rely on others when he encounters setbacks. The reason why I am waiting for you here is because I know you will definitely help him , this time I hope you can watch his adventures with me, a bad old man."

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