One Guard

Chapter 168: This Is Our Flower Tanxiu

In the third quarter, Westbrook's performance can only be described as a collapse. --He scored 12 points in one fell swoop in the first half, and by the end of the third quarter, his score had only increased by 3 points.

Moreover, Westbrook's shooting percentage, which was not bad at halftime, has fallen below 35%. No. 0 in Oklahoma City, who was determined to regain face in the previous match, was defeated by Tan Huaxiu again.

Although judging from the scene, Westbrook, who has a strong style of play, does not seem to be at a disadvantage. But Van Gundy, who has detailed game data, knows that it may be very difficult for Westbrook to stand up today.

In stark contrast to Westbrook is naturally Yiyang, who performed well today and is quite calm on both offense and defense. After Nowitzki was injured and left the game, the first-year rookie was most likely to be a leader. This is also very much in line with Cuban's original expectation of choosing Yiyang. Yiyang is definitely not a successful leader now, because he can't even guarantee that the Mavericks will win today. But you have to admit that this guy can indeed vaguely see the temperament of some team leaders.

At the end of the third quarter, Brooks replaced Westbrook and let James Harden play again, which allowed the Thunder to gradually recover some points and save the situation.

Of course, Kidd, who came off the bench, naturally used his sophisticated organization to help the Mavericks hold their advantage and bring the advantage into the fourth quarter of the game.

When the halftime game ended, the fans of Oklahoma City were ecstatic, hoping that the team could overtake the score in one fell swoop and defeat the league's number one Mavericks. And now, just 12 minutes later, instead of overtaking the score, the Thunder fell behind the Mavericks by 6 points.

A gap of 6 points, which is still the difference in the Mavericks without Nowitzki. Brooks is very dissatisfied with this situation, but he is not good at blaming young players by name.

So when the fourth quarter began, Van Gundy was surprised to find out. That guy Westbrook sat on the bench with a blank face, but James Harden, who performed well today, became the one defending Yiyang at the moment.

Seeing that his opponent was replaced by a bearded but very young guy, Yiyang felt a lot more relaxed. Although Westbrook is prone to impatience, his defense is indeed more threatening than Harden.

Harden is equally active on the defensive end, but this guy has a 'problem'. When defending, I like to focus on the ball rather than people. If Yiyang just held the ball and played against him in singles, it might be very difficult. But if Yiyang plays without the ball, the effect may be completely different.

Thinking of this, Yiyang passed the ball again. After receiving the basketball, Terry broke through directly through the pick-and-roll, and then hit a mid-range jumper.

This straightforward goal is not to mention a Thunder player,

Even Yiyang himself didn't think of it. It seems that my teammates' desire to score in the last quarter of the game is also very strong. If so, this game will be very easy to play.

The Mavericks' quick and violent offense caught the Thunder by surprise. Don't forget, Terry has always been the terrifying sixth man of the Mavericks. He didn't start because Carlisle wanted to keep him behind, not because he wasn't good enough. Many people have overlooked a problem, that is, Terry can still average 15 points per game this season.

Under the yelling of Coach Brooks, Harden slowly advanced with the ball. No sooner had he stepped on the halfway line than the bearded guy passed the ball to Durant. It seems that his obsession with the ball is not as exaggerated as Westbrook.

It's also a talent show, but Harden's offensive methods are much richer than Yiyang's. Although Harden doesn't say he is proficient in everything, he knows a little about everything.

Therefore, Yiyang did not dare to slack off. When Harden moves, Yiyang also has to keep pace. You let him shoot, and his shots are more stable than Yiyang and Westbrook. You let him break through, and his steady pace can indeed threaten the basket.

While Yiyang was still running behind Harden, the sound of the Nets tumbling rang out behind the No. 1 Dallas ear. Yiyang turned around and saw that Durant had already used his height and long arms to make a mid-range shot over Marion's head. In the last quarter of the game, the same quiet No. 35 played more and more neatly.

Yiyang knows that the most important thing for the Mavericks to do now is to stabilize the point difference. If the defense fails, get the lost two points back on offense.

This time, Yiyang still didn't stick the ball, but gave it to Terry again.

Terry's excellent performance on the offensive end today has made the Swiss Severosa dare not underestimate him. Now all his thoughts are on how to deal with Terry. As for other things, the Swiss can no longer scruple so much.

This also meant that the Thunder instantly lacked a strong point in defense. Although Yiyang didn't control the ball, he still shuttled through the crowd. Harden follows closely, but it can also be observed that he looks in the direction of the ball holder more often. This guy, the focus is still on the ball!

The moment Harden looked at Terry and turned his head back again, he found that his eyes went dark, as if he had hit an extremely hard wall.

Tyson Chandler's off-the-ball pick-and-roll directly stopped Harden completely, and Terry quickly took the ball when he saw this situation.

To say that Sefolosha's reaction was really fast, seeing Terry pass the ball, he immediately stretched out his hand, and the Swiss even felt that his fingertips had touched the surface of the basketball.

However, Sefolosha is not superman, he can't complete the reaction in an instant to steal this pass. Although it touched for a while, the basketball still flew into Yiyang's hands steadily. Yiyang catches the ball one step inside the three-point line from the bottom corner and shoots. He has already made the shot, and Harden, who was blocked by Chandler, pounces on him like a remedy after a disaster.

Like Durant, Yiyang's shot was also hollow. Unlike Durant, this was not Yiyang's victory alone, but the operation of the Mavericks' entire system.

Seeing that Yiyang easily made a shot over Harden's head, Brooks curled his lips unwillingly. With Harden, the Thunder's offense is no longer chaotic, but there is a loophole in the defense. If Westbrook plays, it will be difficult for Yiyang on the defensive end, but he doesn't know what will happen to the offense.

The young coach shook his head, young teams are never perfect.

After Yiyang scored, the most active person was not Harden, but Durant, who scored 22 points today. He leaned against Marion in the mid-range position to ask for the ball. After receiving a pass from Harden, Durant turned over and shot a jumper.

Marion facing Durant is almost like defending a dislocation. Durant took the shot calmly without too much interference, and this turnaround jumper also fell directly into the net.

"Will the fourth quarter be a scoring battle between Yi and Kevin?" Kevin Harlan clenched his fists excitedly when Durant took out the response ball again. What else can be more enjoyable than two stars competing with each other?

"According to Yi Yang's playing style, I'm afraid he will let you down, Kevin." Van Gundy didn't think the game would turn into a one-on-one match between stars. Yi Yang's real strength lies in his eyes that can see through the whole court. And 'precise' execution of the brain!

Sure enough, this time, Yiyang didn't "bully" Harden, who was distracted, but passed the ball suddenly during the breakthrough process, shifting the threat to the Thunder's corner.

Marion received the ball, but Durant quickly blocked it. In front of those long arms waving like nets, Marion had no chance at all.

So Marion hit the ball quickly, and the basketball shifted again. Cardinal stared at the basket after receiving the basketball, but with a light flick of his wrist, the basketball returned to Yiyang's hands.

After going around in circles, the basketball is still controlled by Yiyang. Thunder fans cheered, which means that the Mavericks' tactics have not been implemented, and the point guard has to be reorganized.

However, this is not the case. After this round of rotation, the Thunder's defense has actually been torn apart. Yiyang suddenly made a breakthrough with the ball, and Harden, who was not prepared, once again became the background board for Yiyang's wonderful breakthrough.

Krstic immediately lay across the basket, but this white center with a soft style of play has no deterrent power at all.

Yiyang directly took off with the ball, and Harden and Kostic jumped up. In the air, Yiyang didn't make a layup, but smashed the ball hard to the ground.

The basketball passed through the gap between Krstic and Harden, hit the ground and bounced back into Chandler's hands. The unmarked "Champion" took a big step and dunked directly, and the Thunder's defense was completely manipulated by Yiyang between the applause.

Although he didn't score directly, Yiyang used his own way to return Durant's response.

Yiyang can turn all his teammates into his scoring means, but Durant can't.

This time, Durant's shot finally went out of the box. But Jeff Green, who was more mobile, stuck Cardinal and caught the offensive rebound.

But Green didn't grab the ball honestly, but made an aerial tip-up. Embarrassingly, under Cardinal's small action, Green's tip-up has not yet been made.

This time, Chandler will not give Green another chance. The Thunder failed to continue the score, but Yiyang suddenly made a back pass in the process of advancing rapidly.

The basketball goes straight to the right corner, where Terry has set up the "cannon" and is ready to fire at any time.

This Mavericks veteran, who is called "Boss Jeter" by Chinese fans, did not waste Yiyang's wonderful pass. He shot coherently and put the ball firmly into the frame.

The Mavericks hit a three-pointer, which is the last thing Brooks wants to see. If the Mavericks are separated by three, it will be difficult for the Thunder to make a difference. After all, they have a passer who can deliver ammunition at any time.

Seeing that the team fell behind more and more, Durant also wanted to chase a three-pointer. But the basketball bounced on the rim several times, but it still bounced out. Durant performed very well in every aspect today, except that his shooting percentage from beyond the three-point line was not satisfactory. With this goal, Durant has already made six shots from beyond the three-point line today, but only hit two goals.

Yiyang was not polite this time, after receiving the basketball, he hit the most deadly part of the Thunder like a bullet.

Harden followed closely behind, and when Yiyang was about to make a layup with three steps, Harden stretched out his hand to cut the ball. Ke Yiyang easily avoided the bearded man's malicious left hand with the basketball in his arms, and easily scored a layup.

"It's so efficient! As long as Jean Yi controls the ball, the Mavericks always seem to be able to score! Ten points, and the point difference has been widened to ten points. Coach Brooks called a timeout. Even without Dirk, the Dallas Mavericks are still full of danger!"

Van Gundy looked at Yiyang with admiration in his eyes. If he had such a point guard in the Rockets back then... There is no if in this world, otherwise, it would be too wonderful.

Durant was completely overwhelmed by Yiyang and the Mavericks' consecutive goals. Want to see Yiyang's full strength? Today, let you open your eyes!

At this moment, Nowitzki, who had finished the examination and was lying on the hospital bed, stared at the TV and smiled. He and Cuban really saw the right person...

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