One Guard

Chapter 169: Entering the Darkness

When Dirk fell to the ground in the second quarter and was helped into the player tunnel by the team doctor. , visit the latest chapter: ШШШ.79xs.СоМ. No one could have predicted that the Mavericks would be able to lead the Thunder by a full ten points in one fell swoop.

Obviously, Coach Brooks didn't expect that either. The opponent is just a rookie, a rookie who delivers ammunition by Dirk's side. But it is the Chinese who is now getting the Thunder into the biggest trouble.

Whether it was Westbrook or James Harden, Brooks found that these two talented young men under his command couldn't compete with the number one Mavericks.

This is not because Yiyang is much better than these two people, but because of his mentality, Yiyang is more mature than his peers. Maturity means that there will be fewer shortcomings in you that can be exploited.

Westbrook is only thinking about revenge, and Harden's bad habits on the defensive end have been repeatedly used by Yiyang. But on the other hand, there is nothing that can be used in Yiyang except for his insufficient physical resistance.

And Yiyang understands very well that the name on his chest is always more important than the name on the back. The "" on the chest is the key to everything, and the "YI" behind it is just a part of the name in front.

Therefore, Yiyang is not only able to score by himself, but in terms of offensive diversity, Yiyang is even inferior to James Harden, the last talent show. But the most terrible thing is that Yiyang can connect the whole team together. The other four people on the field can all be the means for Yiyang to score.

The game is not over yet, and the Mavericks have already scored in double figures with 5 players. If nothing else, that number is likely to increase.

When Brooks stopped the game, Carlisle greeted the players on the field excitedly. He went straight to Yiyang, and patted the Chinese who was a few centimeters shorter than him.

"You did a good job, kid! Your performance today scared them all to their knees!" Carlisle said, pointing to the lifeless stands behind him.

"Now I want you to take a rest, we still need you at the last moment of the game!" Carlisle smiled at Yiyang, then waved Kidd to his side. At the point guard position, Carlisle has so many choices that it may drive Brooks completely crazy.

After the timeout ended, Yiyang "miraculously" disappeared from the field and was replaced by the more seasoned Kidd.

Just now Brooks arranged a lot of defensive tactics against Yiyang, but now, all the arrangements just made have failed. They're not even there at all, so what's the use of making more arrangements?

After re-entering the court, Westbrook saw that his defender had become Kidd, and he became energetic in an instant.

He planned to spread all the grievances he suffered on Yiyang on Kidd, an old fellow.

However, Westbrook, who is full of flaws, did not take advantage of Kidd this time. Kidd's seasoned defense and extremely solid downside made Westbrook, who had lost his mind, forcefully fail to shoot.

This No. 0 guard's first attack after returning made the Thunder 'chaos'. Brooks could only suppress his anger in his heart, he reminded himself over and over again. "This guy is young, this guy is young..."

The Mavericks quickly regained possession of the offensive ball. With Yiyang absent, Kidd's ability to attack independently is very limited. Now who will the Mavericks attack find?

There is no doubt that Carlisle chose Jason Terry, the most intimidating sixth man of the Mavericks before Yiyang joined.

Terry wandered slowly on the outside, while Marion was actively running. This huge contrast gave the recruits of the Thunder team reason to believe that Marion was the end point.

However, Marion's run was only a feint. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, the "Jet" suddenly started, throwing off Sefoloza and heading to the bottom corner on the right side of the court. Chandler had already delayed Terry's "Swiss Army Knife" by the time he slipped the baseline. So, Terry got a fleeting opportunity, and Kidd's passing is never slow.

When Terry arrived, Kidd's pass arrived almost at the same time. The former threw the ball as soon as he caught it, without giving Sefoloza any chance to defend. Terry lived up to expectations and made a hollow hit with the basketball. 13 points. After returning from the timeout, instead of narrowing the point difference, the Thunder continued to be expanded by the Mavericks.

Brooks had no choice but to yell at Westbrook from the sidelines. "Hit that damn ball into Kevin's hands!"

Westbrook wanted to try again by himself, but the head coach had already begun to give orders, and he was not easy to disobey.

People expected Durant to save the Thunder, but in fact, he slapped all Oklahoma City fans hard.

Durant shot impatiently, and "disrupted" the rhythm under the timely interference of Marion. Durant immediately ran to the inside the moment he took the shot, because he knew very well that his shot was a bit too big.

But how could the experienced Marion make such a low-level mistake. The No. 0 of the Mavericks crossed a gear and stuck the tall and long-armed Durant behind him.

Sure enough, the basketball missed. Chandler is so tall that no one can compete with him. This rebound was naturally taken by the Mavericks.

The game played like this for several minutes, and the Thunder team once closed the point difference to 6 points at the most. But there is always a distance to equalize.

In the last three minutes of the fourth quarter, Carlisle adjusted the lineup. He replaced Kidd and Cardinal with Yiyang and Petro respectively. Obviously, this academic coach wants to strengthen his defense. In the last three minutes, the Mavericks wanted to keep the victory!

After Petro played the fourth position, the Mavericks' defensive strength immediately improved to a higher level. This is undoubtedly worse for the Thunder, which is already in a mess on the offensive end.

And after Yiyang returned to the stage, his fiery state did not cool down. His ability to score independently on the offensive end has made up for Petro's lack of offensive end.

Yiyang's performance on the field was still outstanding, and as time passed, Brooks, who was yelling on the sidelines, gradually calmed down. In the last minute of the game, the young coach simply sat back on the bench, because he knew that it was impossible for him to move back in this game.

In the last 26 seconds, Yiyang's aggressive movement annoyed Westbrook. When Yiyang ran to the 45° mid-range position on the right, Terry passed the ball with both hands, which was Yiyang's favorite shooting position.

However, after receiving the basketball, Yiyang did not attack by himself, but touched the ball with one hand and passed the ball again.

The Mavericks' ball moves so fast that the commentator's mouth can't keep up. Being guided by Yiyang, the basketball quickly hit the weak side. Marion caught and shot from the middle distance, and the basketball hit the net in response, and the point difference became 10 again. Marion scored his 18th point of the game, while Yiyang scored his 13th assist today.

This is also the second consecutive game in which Yiyang has 13 assists. With the increase of playing time, Yiyang's organizational ability has made everyone excited.

Looking up at the stands again, many of the Thunder fans who were cheering for the team at the top of their lungs just now have already started to leave. This game completely lost its suspense.

In the end, the ten point difference was maintained until the end of the game. 103 to 93, under such a major blow as Dirk's injury, the Mavericks still defeated the energetic Oklahoma City Thunder with a 10-point advantage.

After the game, reporters with their cameras up walked past Westbrook one by one. Nobody sympathizes with a loser, even before the game and the crowd will scramble to interview you. But when you fail, your value disappears.

Now, the Mavericks don't have Dirk, and the only target of these reporters is Yiyang!

"It's a crazy scene, I have to go too buddy. I think the fans also really want to have a chat with that Tanhua Xiu." Watching Yiyang surrounded by groups of reporters, he sat for a while. Van Gundy moved his body around all night. Today, he also wants to join in the fun.

Looking at Yiyang's game statistics today, Van Gundy's partner Kevin Harlan smiled. 21 points, 13 assists, 4 rebounds and 2 steals. Under the leadership of Yi Yang, the Mavericks scored in double figures with a total of six players. Such a player who has changed the situation of the game is indeed worthy of Van Gundy's interview.

As for Westbrook, he was 5 of 15, shooting 33%, and scored only 15 points. It seems that his revenge plan has to be postponed again.

Although he performed very well today, Yiyang quickly dealt with the reporters, "hidden" into the player's tunnel anxiously, and ran towards the locker room.

The victory of this game has become history, and now, Yiyang is still more worried about Nowitzki's injury. Whether it's from a work or personal perspective, Yiyang doesn't want Nowitzki to have any serious problems.

But when Yiyang pushed open the door of the locker room, he found that Carlisle was no longer inside. This guy was more anxious than Yiyang, he had already gone to the hospital alone, and even the post-match press conference was 'handed over' to assistant coach Stotts.

Seeing that Yiyang was sweating profusely, Terry stepped up and put his arms around Yiyang's shoulders, and led him to his seat.

"Don't worry man, we've all been hurt. Dirk's not a normal guy, he'll be fine. This guy has probably sprained his ankle 200 times, don't worry."

Terry's joke made Yiyang relax a bit. The Mavericks started the season perfectly, but don't ruin it all because of injuries.

Three hours later, Carlisle finally took the players on a special plane and rushed back to Dallas overnight. Tomorrow, they will also play a back-to-back game with the Raptors at home.

On the plane, Nowitzki also told everyone about his injury. Now the team doctor will not let him play, and he will definitely continue to miss tomorrow's game. But how long the injury will last will not be determined until tomorrow when I return to Dallas for an MRI.

The ankle is just a sprain, but the pain in the knee, the team doctor has not yet concluded.

In any case, the Mavericks escaped from the dangerous Oklahoma City today. Hopefully this time around, God won't be joking with the Dallas Mavericks players.

Now the Mavericks seem to be the plane they are flying in, in the darkness of no light everywhere, not knowing which direction they are going to fly...

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