Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 479: Queen and Minions

Master Fakong said: "The poor monk is still saying that when it is time to report injustice, there is no hatred in the world that can't be forgotten. Western demons have troubled me, Huaxia, and my generation should be united to the outside world. For the country and the people, this is great. Do you think I'm right? "

Wu Zheng said, "Master Fakong is right. If I can cooperate, I can repair my flying sword first, and then the two of us will take Dan Fang to share."

Master Fakong looked at Ning Tao: "What does Ning Shi think?"

Ning Tao couldn't help laughing. He had already got Dan Fang, the fifth skull. The condition put forward by Wu Yan was equal to that she had nothing to pay for, but got the most benefit. On his side, he not only had to repair her flying sword, but also presented Dan Fang on the five skulls. And once he repaired Wu Fei's flying sword, the woman could threaten him again. He was caught in the door, would he agree?

"Ning Shi, did you agree?" Seeing Ning Tao laughing, Master Fakong immediately had an interpretation.

The smile on Ning Tao's face became more obvious: "Yes, why not. But since Senior Wu has proposed two conditions, let me also mention one condition."

Wu Yan's face suddenly gloomed: "You still have the conditions?"

Ning Tao sneered: "Only you are allowed to mention the conditions, are you not allowed to mention the conditions? What else shall we talk about?"

"Master Wu, first listen to Master Ning about his conditions." Master Fakong said.

"Huh!" Wu Yan snorted coldly.

This is the first time that Ning Tao has formally contacted Wu Wu. The woman impressed him at all. She was arrogant, ruthless, overbearing, and violent. She is not a queen but has developed all the queens' problems.

"My conditions are simple." Ning Tao said, "I can fix your flying sword, and I can also give you the Danfang in my hand, but you have to take Danfang on the skull fragment in Nicholas Conte's hand. Come to me. "

Wu Yan was immediately angry: "You are killing with a knife!"

Ning Tao smiled: "The fragments in my hand are not in vain. It takes a lot of spiritual resources to repair your flying sword. You do n’t pay anything but want to take advantage. Who do you think you are? ? Don't say you martial arts, even Wu Zetian will not do it! "

Dragons have inverse scales, and phoenixes have inverse hairs. This sentence obviously smashed Wuxi's inverse hairs. Wu Yan's eyes flashed fiercely, and with a wave of his hand, the dagger in his hand turned into a cold mangzag towards Ning Tao's chest.

Ning Tao raised his hand and shot in the past.

The two shot at almost the same instant, regardless of sequence. Both seem to know each other's minds well, knowing when the other wants to make a shot, and when.


The flying sword and the refined bullets collided, and a mass of Mars fired, and the warhead and the dagger fell to the ground at the same time. The warhead deformed, and the dagger was not much better. Several ice cracks appeared on the sword, apparently obsolete.

Ning Tao can repair the magic weapon, but it is also an expert in destroying the magic weapon. A refined shell gun and a eclipse scalpel are all sharp weapons.

Immediately after the dagger fell to the ground, Wu Yan recruited it back, and in the process he moved one step horizontally, placing his body behind Master Fakong. There was also a magic sign in her hand. As soon as the magic sign appeared, a powerful mana field suddenly appeared around her body.

The magic symbol has not been used yet, and Ning Tao has felt terrible pressure here, it feels like being stared at and surrounded by countless grieving spirits, and will be subject to invisible attacks at any time!

"Enough!" Master Fakong yelled, "The poor monk coordinated the peace talks between the two of you. You actually started to act in front of the poor monk. Didn't you take the poor monk into your eyes at all?"

At the time when he was talking, Taixin Xinshi had already moved to Ning Tao's side, and the flying sword was raised slightly in her hand. She also said: "Wu Shi, Ning Shi and I have an emei sentiment, poor He also owes a huge humanity to Ning Shi. If you have to take action with Wu Shi, then you will only have to offend the poor man, and he will fight with you.

Wu Yan said coldly, "Mr. Min Xin, you better think about the consequences of doing this!"

The destroyer said too indifferently: "The poor Nepali already thinks very clearly, don't think about it anymore, but Wu Shi, you should think again. It is easy to break the mirror, but if you want to repair the broken mirror, then don't Easy. "

Wu Yan snorted coldly.

The destroyer went on to say: "Our monks believe in a cause and effect, there is no cause for it. Your flying sword is destroyed because you want to kill Ning Shi, this is your own cause. Ning Shi is willing to take his hand In the place of Nicolas Conti's Dan Fang, you are actually taking advantage of the quantity. You mentioned two conditions. Ning Shi only mentioned one condition. Poor Ni thought that Ning Shi's conditions were very reasonable. You can not agree, But you're a bit overwhelmed. Wu Shi, do you think the poor man makes sense? "

Shi Xinshi said everything that should be said, Wu Yan did not say yes or no, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At that moment, Lin Qingquan suddenly fell straight.

"Clear 妤!" Ning Tao, regardless of Wu 玥 and Single Wing, was next to Lin Qing ,, desperate to jump over.

Neither Wu Yan nor Monoplane blocked him.

Ning Tao embraced Lin Qingying in his arms. At this point of time, he found that Lin Qingying's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, at least twice as fast as usual. Her breathing is also disordered, sometimes rapid, sometimes weak, giving a feeling of dying at any time!

At this time Wu Yan said: "Ning Tao, you said you would give me Dan Fang, so let me first see if the Dan Fang you gave last time is true or false. If Lin Qingying died, it is you too The fake Dan Fang was killed! "

Last time, to save Ge Mingning Ning Tao, Lin Qinghua was given fake alchemy, but the fake alchemy was made by a single wing, and the single wing was a martial arts person. Why did Dan Fang and Lin Qingxun both reach Wu Ji's hands? This is a mystery that is difficult to guess, but Ning Tao didn't have the thought to ponder this matter any more. He picked up Lin Qingxuan and left.

It seems that it is not only that he did not take the peace talks seriously, but Wu Yan did not take the talks seriously from the beginning. He just wanted to use Lin Qingyu to test the authenticity of Dan Fang he gave. Perhaps there was another purpose of revenge for making him trouble, no matter if Lin Qingzhang was dead or became a new demon, Wuzheng's purpose would be achieved.

"Ning Shi, where are you going?" Master Fakong asked.

Ning Tao was irritable: "To have peace talks, talk to her slowly. I still have to save people. I don't have time to listen to you beep."

Master Fakong was speechless by Ning Tao's words.

Ning Tao glanced back at Wu Yi, and said coldly, "Lin Qingye is better, if she dies, I will make you pay the price of blood!"

Wu Yan sneered: "Secondary juniors, you must ask for more blessings first, and your distress is just beginning."

Ning Tao walked off the stage holding Lin Qingyu, passing soft Tianyin and waiting for the four fish monsters and said, "Let's go."

The four fish monsters followed Ning Tao.

Tang Zixian hesitated and chased after him: "You want to save her?"

Ning Tao said: "I can't watch her die, I won't save her, can you save it?"

Tang Zixian said: "I know you are in a bad mood now, but you calm down, Lin Qinghua is dead, she is Lin Qinghua's sister, and she obviously obeys the orders of Wu Ji or Nicholas Kandi, you never thought of saving her What will she do to you after that? "

Ning Tao actually thought about this problem long ago, but until now he has not found the answer.

Tang Zixian said: "Leave her to me, I will let her go a little easier."

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "I'm a doctor, I can't help but die, not to mention that she now has such a direct relationship with me. It is one thing for me to save her. As for what she will do in the future, that is I'm ashamed of her affairs. "


Ning Tao interrupted her: "Don't say it, just like that, don't come with us, let's just stop there."

Tang Zixian stopped and watched Ning Tao holding Lin Qingyu and walking down the mountain with four fish monsters.

On the soaring cliff, a large number of practitioners and demons also disappeared, and fewer and fewer people. Individuals also have some resentments, because everyone can see that this so-called Xindan conference is actually a conspiracy against Ning Tao. They were just deceived and given Wuyi and Monowing free of charge. Back to the crowd actors.

Soaring above the cliff, there were only a few people left in an instant.

"Master Fakong, poor Nepal has also said goodbye." Master Xinxin throws out his flying sword, jumps forward, drives the flying sword into a streamer, and disappears into the night sky in a blink of an eye.

"Amitabha Buddha." Master Fakong then announced a Buddhist horn in the direction of the destroyer too far away.

Tang Zixian returned to Master Fakong: "Master, we should go now."

Master Fakong sighed: "Well, this world is no longer a familiar place for poor monks. The human heart is not old, the human heart is not old. Let ’s go back to the temple to eat fasting and worship the Buddha.

With a sigh, he seemed much older.

Wu Yan said, "The master walks slowly, and sits with me when I have time, and tells me about Dharma."

Master Fakong waved his hand without saying a word, but just walked down the mountain.

Tang Zixian followed, Wu Wu didn't say hello to her, and she was too lazy to say hello to Wu Ming.

A scornful hum came from Wu Yan's nostril: "Face requires strength to support it. Without that strength, how much face do you want?"

A smirk smile appeared on the face of Dan Yi, and the tone of his voice was stretched a lot: "Master, if it wasn't for him and the old nun, then Dan Fang would have been there, and there was no need to waste so much. The old monk was uninterested, and took the lead of the righteous man to himself, and he did not look at himself with peeing. Does he have that ability? "

"Vulgar." Wu Yan said.

Raising her hand with one wing, she gently twitched her cheek: "The slave knew that it was wrong and soiled the master's ear."

Wu Zheng looked at the disappearing back of Tang Zixian and Master Fakong ~ ~ and said: "If the old monk is not obsessed with the righteous leader, if he concentrates on training, his cultivation It's time to get to my realm, unfortunately, unfortunately. Some people say that the four majors are empty, but they are filled with a false name. "

"Master is right."

"Don't make a bullshit, after you go back, keep an eye on the kid, Dan Fang in his hand will get it anyway." Wu Yan said.

"Yes, the slave always stared at him, but he didn't know, hee hee."

"Let's go too."

"Swing away." One-wing snorted.

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