The snow was heavy, and the rolling peaks and forests were covered with a thick layer of snow. There are stars and moons in the sky, but you can't see them. Wherever you can see, there is a dark cloud. This **** seems to fall down at any time.

Shenlongjia, an unknown cave.

Ning Tao completed the emergency treatment of Lin Qingyu, protected her heart with spiritual power, and enhanced the vitality of the fine primary prescription Dan. She has been out of danger, but her enchantment is getting heavier. She is turning into a new demon with an incredible degree, which is much faster than the degree that Lin Tsinghua and Jiang Hao turned into a new demon!

He gave Lin Qinghua the fake Danfang, and the single-wing blended the Danfang and the fake Danfang in Wuyi's hands to make the ancestral Xundan, which was doped with a large amount of non-Danfang spiritual materials, and it would be derived. Many uncertain variables emerge.

The current situation is that although he "rescues" Lin Qingyu and will not die suddenly, he does not know how her demon disease will develop, let alone what kind of new demon she will become in the future.

He brought Lin Qingyu from Feisheng Cliff back to Tianwai Clinic, but did not immediately activate the clinic's treatment mechanism. Because he did n’t understand the rules of treating the disease in the clinic, and Lin Qinghua and Jiang Hao both went to the hospital for a period of time after the illness. Not yet born, but just curing her current condition is terrible. That's why he brought her here, treated her, and waited for her to watch her.

Footsteps came from behind, and Ning Tao glanced back, but soft Tianyin came in with a bundle of dead branches.

Soft Tianyin said: "Master, it's cold in the cave. I picked up some firewood. She's sick. It's too cold for her."

Ning Tao nodded. He wanted to say thank you to her, but he didn't say anything to his lips, he was really not in the mood. Until now, he was still in a mess.

Is this indecision?

No, it's just that he takes the word affection very seriously. It was in his best interest to let Lin Qingyu leave him alone, and let her survive on her own, but he couldn't. If he can really be ruthless, he will look down on himself.

How many people can see a love letter in life?

A bunch of bonfires burned in the cave, and the blazing fire made the light of the tactical flashlight superfluous. Ning Tao reached out and turned off the refined tactical flashlight, then looked at Lin Qingyu. She hadn't woke up yet, the light was shining on her face, and she was still so pretty and not changed. But once she woke up, she was no longer the Lin Qingying she used to be.

Soft Tianyin said: "Master, I'm going out first, just call me if you want me to do anything. Also, don't worry too much, your friends will be fine."

Ning Tao smiled at her, but there was a hint of bitterness in her smile.

Soft Tianyin left the cave, and Zhang Qianshu, Wang Laoba and Manzuli also acted as guards outside the cave. On the flying cliff, Ning Tao gave up their sword as their shield, and put their safety at the most important position everywhere. Their loyalty with Ning Tao also deepened and deepened.

Compare heart to heart, you are good to others, others are good to you, you see others as important, and others see you as important.

In the jumping fire, Lin Qingdi's eyelids trembled suddenly, then slowly opened. She saw the overhanging rocks above her head, the reflection of the fire on the rocks, and Ning Tao's face.

Ning Tao said in a warm voice, "Qing Ming, you are awake, do you feel better?"

"You ..." Lin Qingyi opened his mouth, but said only one word.

Ning Tao said: "Although I can't stop you from taking that elixir, but I can save you. You don't need to doubt or worry about it. You are safe now."


"Here is the dragon frame. It's safe here. No one will disturb us." Ning Tao said.

Lin Qingyun's consciousness gradually became sober, and her memory gradually awakened. A tear appeared in her eyes, and her voice no longer felt like a nightmare, full of sadness: "Why did you kill my brother ... People who treat you like a master ... why are you so cruel? "

In this sentence, Ning Tao was given a judgement that she had not yet entered the state of monster disease, and her consciousness was still sober. This made him a bit grateful that the treatment mechanism of the clinic had not been activated immediately. If the clinic treatment mechanism of the clinic was started as soon as Fei Shengya returned to the clinic outside the clinic, he would probably have variables beyond his control.

"You, you speak ... why did you kill my brother?" Two tears rolled down from the corner of Lin Qingying's eyes.

Lin Qinghua was killed by Jiang Hao, but Ning Tao would not propose Jiang Hao's name on such occasions, and he would not.

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "Qingyu, I believe you already know what kind of world this is, and what kind of people you have met during this time. Your brother is not an ordinary person. I cured him at the beginning. , He became a demon. I am not an ordinary person, I am also a cultivator, but I am a cultivator of heaven. I cure all diseases and act for heaven. I stand on the opposite side of all the bad and evil people in this world. I I do n’t know what happened to your brother. You do n’t seem to tell me the truth, but it ’s not important anymore. What I want to say is that your brother helped him, kidnapped Ge Ming, hurt Su Ya, and even threatened the sunshine orphans. I will kill the orphans in the courtyard. If this thing happens again, I will still kill him. "

"But, but ... he's my brother ..." Lin Qingyu's tears flowed even more urgently. "He's not a bad person. I know that he has been kind since childhood. He is the one who hurts me the most at home. ... He couldn't bear to step on an ant, how could he be a bad guy? You lied! "

Ning Tao's lips moved, but nothing was said. It was her who lost the loved one, but he could feel the pain in her at this moment, because he also lost the loved one, knowing what it was like.

"You kill me too, why would you save me, wouldn't it be better to let me die? I'm so miserable now ..." Lin Qingyi got up from the haystack, clutching her head with both hands.

Ning Tao wanted to comfort her, but didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, there was a hint of green in Lin Qingyun's eyes.

Ning Tao's heart moved. Is this a state of demon disease?

Sure enough, Lin Qingyun's state changed as soon as she turned around. She suddenly quieted down, and her tears stopped flowing. She just looked at Ning Tao and her eyes were empty.

Ning Tao tentatively said: "Qing Ye, what's wrong with you?"

"Hee hee hee ..." Lin Qingyi's mouth suddenly burst into a yin scream, and then the voice turned into the voice of a strange woman, "I want to come here whenever I want, and leave if I want to Just because you guys want to stop me? "

As the words fell, her face quickly changed and became the face of another woman. Her eyebrows were full of vitality, and she had a chic spirit.

The Red Broom Girl, a strange woman in the last years of the Sui Dynasty, was a heroine in history. She and Li Jing and the assassins were called the Three Heroes of the Wind and Dust. Roles!

Ning Tao awakened the state of vision in his eyes. In his eyes, Lin Qing's body's enchantment was increasing and getting stronger. He suddenly developed a hunch that once Lin Qinghuan became a new demon, her ability was better than Lin Qinghua and Jiang!

This may be an uncertain variable with the introduction of fake Danfang. If the Dan is still alive, he can still use the bamboo slip to recognize the Dan, but that Dan has already been eaten in the stomach by Lin Qingying, and he has not The law is clear.

But when he was surprised, Lin Qingdi suddenly pounced on him, her strength was so great that he was thrown to the ground unexpectedly.

Lin Qingzhang rode on Ning Tao's body, showing his fierce look: "I killed you, a dog thief that scourges the country and the people!"

The sound fell, and she punched Ning Tao's temple.


Ning Tao hit a punch on his temple, his head just shook, and at that moment he grabbed her hands and caught her.

Lin Qingxuan suddenly clamped Ning Tao's waist with her legs, opened her mouth and bited Ning Tao's neck.

Ning Tao bumped into his forehead.


Two heads ran into each other, Ning Tao's back head smashed to the ground, Lin Qingyi's head leaned back, a murmur sounded in his throat, and his legs around Ning Tao's waist also loosened. Softly fell to the ground.

Ning Tao climbed from the ground. He hugged Lin Qingyu and laid it on the ground covered with dead leaves and grass. Then he called in the four fish monsters.

"Her monster disease has already been committed. I will take her back to the clinic for treatment. You are waiting for me here, and I will pick you up afterwards." Ning Tao said.

"Okay." Zhang Qianshu said, "It just happened that we haven't been in such mountains and forests, just walking around and opening our eyes."

Ning Tao said, "Don't go far."

"Just rest assured," Manzuli said with a smile.

Wang Laoba also said: "My lord ... I don't know ... what happened between you and this woman ... but if she should hurt you ... I will kill her with a punch ... at that time ... you Don't blame me. "

Ning Tao patted the old man's shoulder, and his heart moved.

Soft Tianyin's voice was soft: "Master, do you need me to fight you?"

Ning Tao said: "No, you can't help me with what I have to do, just stay here and wait for me."

Soft sky tone nodded.

Ning Tao didn't say much, so he opened a door of convenience in the cave, and then stepped into the door of convenience by holding Lin Qingyu.

Good and evil Dingli Qingyan 袅袅 ~ ~ Ding Shang's face showed anger, but it was not very obvious. There are seven points of sin in the demon. If Lin Qingyi has another sin, there may be dozens of sins in his body. It is also a normal situation for the face of the good and evil to be angry.

Ning Tao placed Lin Qingyu on the open space in the middle of the clinic, then took out the ledger bamboo slips from the small medicine box, ready to diagnose Lin Qingyu. But before waiting for him to put the ledger bamboo slip on a part of Lin Qingyu's body for diagnosis, the green smoke in the good and evil tripod was suddenly recovered, and the ledger bamboo slip in his hand also vibrated slightly.

Ning Tao suddenly remembered, isn't today the day when the Tianwai Clinic collects rent?

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