Overturned Tower

Chapter 461 Symphony of Destiny (Two in One)

Just like drinking lemon ice water between tasting delicious food can reset your sense of taste.

After the melodious hymn singing, Ultramarine's music called "Symphony of Destiny" roared, which almost shocked the entire audience.

Dang Dang Dang!

Four rapid notes, like knocking on the door, suddenly and powerfully grabbed the hearts of all the audience. A surging sense of fear surged across the screen like a boiling heat wave, as if there was a scorching, scorching, huge black devil returning from hell, descending on the world with a scorching flame storm.

The synthetic children with white hair and white eyes all had heavy and serious faces, holding the instruments in their hands tightly and concentrating on playing solemn music.

It was as if there was an invisible force generated among them - if they didn't just hold on to the instruments in their hands, they would be swept away by the storm.

But as the music progresses, the approaching, heavy, and majestic fear gets closer and closer. The black and scorching human figure has already strangled his throat, and the resister has already tightened his muscles and burst out with the greatest strength. Open your eyes and look at each other!

In this overwhelming fear, it seems that resistance can only enter a psychedelic dream.

As the second movement sounds, the rhythm becomes slower and the intensity becomes weaker. But the faces of the synthesized people showed a kind of sadness.

It's like the top management of Tongshen Island has decided to "abolish" all synthetic humans.

The meaning of existence has been denied. The huge pitch-black figure is like an illusory shadow that does not exist, approaching with a devastating storm - it is a complete and fundamental despair that cannot be resisted by an individual.

Even if he is already an extraordinary being, a sage, and a hero, he still has no ability to resist when faced with behemoths like the "Seven Giants".

The day of death is set. The only things that can be cherished are the few days left.

If you give up resistance here, maybe it won't be so painful.

This is not a shameful move. Because that is the enemy that cannot be fought, it is "destiny" itself. It is the fundamental reason that is doomed to destruction when it comes and is born——

——In the final analysis, they are just "test subjects".

Whether it is the small-scale experiment itself, or the origins of these synthetics - synthetics possess the vast knowledge of generations of human beings, and have an intelligence comparable to the top sages of mankind. They who died in the bottomless pit of philosophy can certainly understand that they will never be the pioneers and representatives of the next era.

If synthetic technology is determined to be the future direction, then there will definitely be members related to "elves" or "dragons" among them. This ensures that the ruling class of the current era can also become a high-level existence in the future.

But there wasn't even one. Not to mention elves and dragons, not even the children of famous scholars, top wealthy businessmen or "heroes".

The "making materials" for synths are basically children who have been deceived, robbed, and stolen. Regardless of whether there are parents who support this kind of research and are willing to sacrifice their children... The experiment itself requires that these synthetics cannot leave the laboratory without permission, nor can they leave the sight of the researcher, so it is impossible for anyone to participate voluntarily. in.

They are just outcasts.

This is the "destiny" that has been determined from the very beginning, before they were born.

Destiny itself is a looming shadow, a gigantic demon, an enemy that cannot be resisted or defeated.

If they give up at this moment... no one can blame them harshly, right?

Synthetic people thought the same way at the time.

They live quietly in the laboratory, waiting for the arrival of their fate, and enjoying the tenderness that every day may be the last. They take care of their own researchers and accompany these researchers who have also been deprived of the meaning of existence...accompany these researchers who are like father and mother to them, and they are also teachers and friends.

Some people are crazy, some are miserable, some are drunk, and some are lost. Some people live as if they are dead...and some people have chosen to die before they are "destroyed".

Synths, however, do not shed tears. They accompany them gently, like sensible children, young parents, and also like their friends and partners.

It was a gentle, indifferent, sad whisper.

The audience's spirit has been completely immersed in it... They feel that they are staying here. This kind of "peace and joy" that can only deceive themselves is also a portrayal of the happy island.

And with the end of the second act.

In the third movement, new and young power is pumped out.

He is as fierce as the morning sun and as hot as fire. It's like a hero waking up from the dream before his death - like Russell who understands the nature of himself and the monkey-faced eagle, and knows the end of the world.

He broke away from the gentle and powerless dream and opened his eyes. White, blazing sacred flames danced in the pupils.

The flames were like tears, flowing out of the pupils, engraved on the face, and falling on the hands. Immediately afterwards, the hero whose throat was choked by "destiny" gradually ignited this flame all over his body.

But under the pressure of this flame, "destiny" began to appear powerless. The hero's resistance becomes powerful, and he slowly breaks free from the giant hand of fate.

Immediately afterwards, "destiny" also became cruel. He used more powerful and powerful power to grasp the hero's tiny body with the power of his hands.

——Outside the screen, Russell was also wearing fully shielded headphones, listening to the children's performance immersed in the scene.

"Come be a hero, Russell."

A voice sounded like an auditory hallucination.

The sentence that changed his life and even pushed the whole world in another direction was also the oboe that awakened the hero.

It was not a mechanical performance, but the emotion poured into it over several lifetimes - the synthesizers were not cold machines, their emotions were stronger than those of humans.

The "hero" of this scene is exactly their impression of "ultramarine".

"Destiny" is also showing its entity.

Not just elves. Not just companies. It’s not just dragons either.

Rather, it is a brilliant, near-earth, approaching dusk sun composed of countless human heads...

— and not even the monkey-faced eagle itself.

It was the symbol behind it, the source of all tragedy...the fate itself that "their world was already on the verge of destruction."

Are those high-ranking elves and companies not in this impending storm of fate?

Even if they are pushed out of this life-saving boat, it will only delay their death.

And with the injection of high-spirited power - it's like the hero finally picked up his own weapon.

The key point lies in the sacrifice of "Thall".

The opportunity he fought for for the hero gave the hero the opportunity to completely break away from the shackles of fate and take up his own weapon.

At the end of the third movement, the fourth movement sounded without warning.

Just like the scene of the hero fighting the storm zoomed out...

Only then did the audience realize that there was a torrent of reinforcements coming behind the hero.

Like a sky-like brilliance surging up, the surging forces like a flash flood are connected together, a pure white storm rises from the ground, and pure brilliance blooms on the earth——

The sky is full of strange lights, like the Holy Spirit showing off his power.

Only a thousand suns can compete with it.

That is the most sacred struggle. It is a high-spirited and overwhelming victory.

Although there is no chorus in this symphony, it is as if you can hear people’s laughter and triumphant songs playing in the crowd at this moment. The brief return of fate and the hysterical struggle were instantly overwhelmed and completely submerged by the overwhelming momentum - which came from the human will to survive, the power of unity, and the radiance of hope. It is the desire for destiny to be "more than this", and the determination to ignite the soul, burst out strength, and defeat destiny.

The story of this movement is different from the previous ones.

It does not happen in the past, but in the future.

It's not that Russell made any promises to these children. But after they witnessed everything, the will to "believe in Russell" was naturally born.

Although he is not a human being, he sees the future of mankind before anyone else.

From this point of view, these synthetic humans who were destined not to be pioneers finally became the pioneers of mankind in another field.

"What a glorious victory..."

Russell murmured lowly, and his tense body slowly relaxed.

The symphony had ended for a while, but the glorious and bright triumphal song seemed to linger in his ears.


I really didn’t choose the wrong song.

The Symphony of Destiny... is the Symphony No. 5 in C minor created by Beethoven. It was once rated as a magnificent masterpiece "as long as there is music in this world, it will be passed down from generation to generation."

Basically, it can be regarded as the highest-level "trump card" in any Bunsho-ryu novel about cultural exchanges with other worlds. It can be said that it is the king of bombs that will not be inconsistent even if it is taken out in the "last scene".

...but it is a pity and irony that it has really been lost in this era.

This world is undoubtedly the "future" of a certain earth.

Theoretically, it is indeed possible to find the score of "Symphony of Destiny" through archeology.

However, it was not given to Russell by Sal.

It was written by Russell himself.

The reason why Russell named it "Sal" was because Sal had already sacrificed his life and was unable to refute his lies; and second, it was to commemorate Sal as a final gift to this true "hero".

No one will remember that it was "Sal" who saved these millions of people.

But rather than saying that Thrall held the idea of ​​"sacrifice himself" and "give up his life", he bloomed with brilliance...

Rather...it was a feeling of relief, of finally being able to close my eyes.

I waited for a long time... maybe I was afraid at first, but later I was looking forward to it. And in the end it became dull.

When the destined "final moment" finally arrives, it is a rare relief.

After more than a thousand years of waiting and more than a thousand years of guarding, the elves have reached their limit.

That is to say, in recent years, the name-bearing elves gradually began to appear who gave up their "destiny"... Kamalse who wanted to directly fulfill his destiny and refused to "wait for the time when his destiny is needed in the future"; Tovatus, who almost broke the pot and became an enemy of everyone without fear; Amirus, whose destiny was "persistence" but began to change; Netibasi, who pursued the destiny of "stars" that he could never see in his life; After seeing the birth of the "Saint", Sal was already ready to take over...

Even though they have gained a long life, more than a thousand years have passed... almost all of those first-generation named elves have begun to age.

Named elves such as "Tokifat" and "Tovatus" have been passed down to the second generation.

And their spirits have reached their limit.

According to Russell's current thoughts, the plan determined by the ancients at the beginning...may have been wrong from the beginning.

They chose eighty-four people as the pioneers and guardians of mankind, as the hope for the rebirth of civilization; they also preserved the best humans as specimens of civilization - but they never thought about the nature of these elves, At their spiritual core, they are only mortals after all.

They are mortals with life and death, joy and sorrow.

They can't even bear the thousand years of living on this planet... How can they bear the endless and endless darkness and loneliness when the spacecraft is sailing?

From this perspective, the elves and dragons did not leave the planet immediately. I am afraid they were not just indecisive, trying to find answers to the problems before having to abandon the planet.

But, they actually know it in their own hearts...

This "final plan" formulated for them by the ancients may not be of much use.

They themselves are the executors of the plan - they cannot fool their own reason.

And this is why Russell lets these "synths" play the symphony of destiny.

The named elves are all bound by the shackles of "fate" and become slaves of the "future".

Everything they do seems to be for the "future". But every choice they make proves that they are still greedy for the possibility of "now".

Perhaps as people live longer, they become more forward-thinking;

Or maybe after the soul is solidified, it loses the spirit that bursts out when it ignites the soul and gives up everything.

This song was played for the people... to give them the courage to stand up against the company and the elves.

It is also played for the elves, for those elves who have survived from the previous era.

It is also to give them the courage to resist the dragon, fight against fate, and break the sky.

——Abandon your last extravagant hope.

——Abandon this self-deceiving dream.

as well as……

"——Break these shackles."

Russell murmured quietly.

It is, too, a piece of music played to Russell himself.

The pure white flames burning in his pupils seemed to become more intense in an instant.

The thing that restrains him deep in his heart and keeps him just a mortal... is also the "Leviathan Wall" that protects them from sinking into the depths of the group's subconscious——

At this moment, it was finally fully opened.

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