Overturned Tower

Chapter 462 Mirror

Comb Teeth, Emperor, Barber, Ultramarine.

It only took the four of them three days to completely reverse and completely control the public opinion on Happy Island.

"Fuji Society" is finally no longer an underground organization, and the "mercenaries" who once lived in the sewers have become "operators" who can live a decent life. On the happy island where there are no laws and the average moral level is absurdly low, Fuji Society's "internal rules" have become a new standard that is higher than "morality"——

If you want to receive help from Fuji Society, you just need to comply with the law. You have to be a "good person".

And this standard of "good people" is not decided by the company, nor by public opinion... but by Fuji Society.

No one can blame them harshly - because Fuji Society has no obligation to provide help to everyone, it is all business.

Their "relief behavior" itself is just selling a highly cost-effective service at a very low price. No one has the luxury of having to sell their goods in unlimited quantities to anyone... As a service industry, they also have the right to refuse to provide services to customers.

And this is not discrimination.

Because they clearly write down in black and white the conditions under which they will reject the customer's request. That is to say, you don't have to accept the terms of Fuji Society, and there won't be any punishment - just don't complain if something happens in the future.

The "Fuji Society" only officially existed for one day, but it almost unbelievably improved the overall atmosphere of Xingfu Island.

This sounds like a fairy tale, but it is true.

The principle is also very simple.

Because the predecessor of "Fuji Society" is the "Family" of the Godfather, and it is also the top manager of the "Mercenary Complex".

A long time ago, Uncoded mercenaries had to find jobs through middlemen.

One-third of the commission is regarded as the reincarnation of the Great Merciful Saint, one-half of the commission is considered fair and objective, and two-thirds of the commission belongs to the industry's tradition. If you don't accept it, get out.

Those commissions that are less than one-third will make the mercenaries wonder whether the middleman wants to kill themselves and swallow their own money one day.

Moreover, "defection" from the middleman means that the deposit is wiped out. The mercenaries, who do not have chips and therefore cannot use currency directly, are kept like dogs by these middlemen.

It was not until later that, under the organization of the Godfather, all the mercenaries united for the first time and formed a mercenary platform and union. From this moment on, mercenaries can enjoy mission commissions of less than 20%, and there is no need to worry about being deliberately murdered by middlemen.

Now this platform has not been disbanded, but has entered a state of silence.

On the first day when the existence of "Fuji Society" was made public, not many mercenaries joined Fuji Society and became company operators. These are carefully selected malt alcohols, trustworthy, stable and reliable ones.

The other mercenaries had already accepted the secret orders from the "elders" in the family... and when the time came, they immediately announced the cessation of mercenary activities.

Of course, Russell will not let them live a hard life... Under the leadership of Malt Liquor and Strangler, they can get paid without doing any work. Their monthly income is 60 to 70% of what they would normally earn when performing tasks, and all they have to do is play.

The mercenaries are of course happy to give themselves a long, carefree vacation.

Not to mention, this is their only "boss" who forces them, or even presses their heads, to force them to take a guaranteed three-month paid vacation, and also promises to give priority to recruiting in the future. They entered the Fuji Society.

If you don't work for three months, can you still get money? Can you prioritize decent work later?

——Is there such a good thing?

Of course no mercenary would choose to refuse this. At this time, all mercenaries who still refuse to take leave will be strangled, secretly marked and monitored.

Russell's plan is of course not just to let these mercenaries take a rest and take care of themselves...

Instead, the entire Happy Island suddenly realized one thing——

That is... the employment market of "helping others" was monopolized by the Fuji Society without any warning.

In the past, mercenary actions such as gunfights, destruction, theft, protection, invasion, and assassination that would inevitably occur in various areas at night on Happy Island ceased in an instant.

So, who will be the most anxious at this time?

Of course, those big mercenary clients who are used to "doing business informally" will be the first to be anxious.

They will naturally have an illusion - since neither side can hire a professional mercenary team now, can they just hire a few mercenaries at a premium to penetrate the opponent directly?

There are always brave men with huge sums of money, who will take desperate risks and ignore the warnings of the godfather... Not to mention, after the fact that "the godfather was once Xiao Liuli" was exposed, although the godfather's recognition in Shangcheng District was greatly increased, it also made the godfather less popular. Some thornheads who were not very willing to give in were even more dissatisfied.

If we go out at this time, wouldn't it mean that we have more money and less life?

These mercenaries basically didn't go to school.

Those who have received education basically understand what the godfather wants to do... Only those pure-blooded uncensored people who were born in the lower city are secretly happy that they have gotten a big advantage.

But they didn't expect that they would be targeted for strangulation.

Today's strangulation is already the "minister of human resources department and head of the personnel department" of Fuji Society. But he is obviously different from a normal human resources manager... Mainly reflected in the fact that he is not responsible for expelling employees from the company, but is responsible for expelling specific targets from the world.

Those smart mercenaries hit the iron plate without any warning.

After Barber and Ultramarine announced the establishment of the "Fujishe" company, they specially recruited some employees with microchips to serve as "night security."

That night, after these security guards, who were highly prosthetic and wore body armor, were shot on camera, Fuji Society immediately gained unlimited rights of self-defense - without the need for these security team members to take action, a batch of equipment Well-equipped elite mercenaries wearing security uniforms immediately poured out of the target point, easily killing or arresting the astonished thornheads.

The next morning, none of the Happy Island companies suffered losses.

The same goes for the third day.

When people realized what the existence of the Fuji Society meant... a lot of their unconditional, rootless, and illogical hostility towards the "uncoded people" group was also eliminated.

After all, in the final analysis, Happy Island's hostility and hatred towards uncoded people was originally cultivated manually by the company. Just like the parents of Paradise Birds... A few decades ago, they were just ordinary residents who chose to live in the lower city. The reason why this kind of hatred exists is that the company wants people to think that their misfortunes are due to the existence of these uncoded people.

But now, as this kind of cognition is powerfully erased by ultramarine - although it cannot be said that people woke up immediately, the people who were originally confused between black and white immediately began to move to both sides. Their true stance began to become clear.

The symphony of destiny played by synthesizers is like the sound of bells that wake people up from their dreams.

The security situation at night has improved rapidly, and uncoded persons no longer go out to cause trouble. Synthetic people form different combinations and release a large number of high-quality works of art at an extremely fast update speed... This time it is no longer Russell's copy, but a truly outstanding work created by themselves.

The noisy and confusing Happy Island seemed to become clean and quiet in an instant.

Just like a chaotic and bustling neighborhood in the evening, it became quiet in the early morning.

Some things that used to make people obsessed with them suddenly and inexplicably lost their appeal...those things that they were once immersed in suddenly seemed to become childish and boring.

It was as if everyone suddenly grew up together overnight. They seem to be able to understand other people's minds more easily, and conflicts caused by misunderstandings are easily eliminated.

...It seems to be an illusion, but it seems not to be.

Their souls found a strange tranquility and contentment, and their restless souls were gradually soothed by an invisible, repeatedly reverberating wave.

Their eyes become clear and bright. It's like a cold compress.

They can no longer remember their dreams, and their sleep quality suddenly and inexplicably improves from the day "Symphony of Destiny" was released.

For those who wear glasses, their vision begins to improve without warning.

The picture people see in the mirror becomes clearer, and everyone will subconsciously want to wipe the mirror surface stained by fog and dust.

And most importantly...

At night, the moon seems to be several times brighter than usual. Or maybe the brightness of the moon has not changed, but what has changed is people's attention to the "moon".

At first, this situation was only in Tianen District... Then the scope of the changes quickly began to spread, and it only took one day to spread to the entire Happy Island.

It is as if people are favored by the "mirror".

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