Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1100: Sorry, I forgot to want 3...


"Who is this? Who is so bold, dare to undermine the assessment? Get out!"

A roar of anger and anger appeared extraordinarily terrifying in a quiet atmosphere. A middle-aged man in a white robe stepped out of the martial arts field and looked at the bottom of the entire martial arts field. His face was extremely poisonous.

"Don't dare to intervene in the day of the assessment of the college's conference?" The man was cold and angry, and the muscles under his eyes continued to twitch.

Lin Feng looked up at the man, and the blue disciple next to Lin Feng had been scared. At this time, the stone was reflected by Lin Feng, which is the stone, and the white man lost!

"Brother, is that you?" The disciple stared at Lin Feng with a small voice in his mouth.

Only the man in the field has a very sharp ear. As the Emperor of Heaven, he can hear it regardless of the wind and the grass. When the blue disciple screams, he has put his gaze on Lin Feng’s body.

Because Lin Feng is the only one among all, wearing a black robe, not wearing a college blue.

"Get out, it’s a man who rolls out." The middle-aged man clenched his fist and glared at Lin Feng.

The man’s anger caused the attention of the disciples of the Nebula Academy above the entire training field. The nephew’s ancestors looked at Lin Feng with the same strange look. After seeing Lin Feng, the old man’s face changed somewhat.

When did the college have one more disciple of the Emperor?

"What happened?" The old man hooked his finger and looked at the disciple next to him. The disciple was close to the old man, and then after a few words in the old man’s ear, the face of the nebula’s ancestors suddenly changed, and the face was unbelievable. Look at the disciples in front of you.


“It’s true!”

"Call... I can’t think of it, I can’t think of it, the Tianjiao on the list will come to our college.” The nebula whispered, but it was still unbelievable, but my heart was happy.

Looking up, the nebula ancestors continued to look at Lin Feng, and there was a bit of craving and hope in his eyes.

Lin Feng was angered by middle-aged men, and even the best temper could not bear, let alone Lin Feng's temper.

Grinning, Lin Feng twisted his neck and prepared to board the training martial arts field, but was held by the blue disciple on the side. The disciple looked at Lin Feng with a worried look. He whispered, "Don't be impulsive." !"

"Oh, rest assured, I am fine." Lin Feng smiled even more brilliantly, took the hand of the disciple, and then took the disciple's arm and stepped into the center of the training field, standing opposite the middle-aged man.

He and the man are less than five meters.

"Well? Your breath?" After the middle-aged man looked at the breath of Lin Feng's body, his face suddenly changed. He actually couldn't see through Lin Feng's strength. This is a strange thing.

"My breath? You can't see through?" Lin Feng is also a bit strange, the other side of the gods of the seven realm of the realm, how can you not see through the five blind obstacles of their gods?

At the same time, when she was puzzled, Lin Feng was relieved. The other party did not seem to be the real way to become the strongest of the seven Emperors. There should be a lot of water in it.

"Sneaky, some people do not dare to reveal the true strength, afraid that I laugh at you?" The man sneer again and again, the mouth is even more ridiculous, as one of the assessors of this college conference, the status is very high, The average person he really does not see.

Among the entire Nebula Academy, apart from the nebula ancestors, he did not dare to let go. Other disciples, he did not have the eye, including Lin Feng in front of him.

He should be arrogant!

After listening to the man's ridicule, Lin Feng also saw the arrogance of the man's face. He couldn't help but smile and smile. He had an idea in his heart. The arrogance above the war and the eternal kingdom. Tianjiao is all the way.

Self-important, self-mad, narcissistic, conceited, and Yan Cangtian have a ratio.

"Is it sneaky, it has nothing to do with you, you call me up, what do you mean, say it." Lin Feng said faintly, I don't want to waste time on this issue, and there is nothing to worry about.

The man frowned, this is the first time he saw someone who dared to sing against him. Who would dare to refute him on weekdays? Especially one of the appraisers of the college conference, no one dared to refute him.

A nameless anger, soaring out, the man clenched his fists and made a loud noise, very scary.

Smell, all college disciples have changed dramatically, but they all hope that Lin Feng will win.

"Kid, you have to blame your hands and feet is not honest, today I will give you a good lesson, let you know, when should I reach out, when should I shrink hands!"

"Otherwise, if you encounter a more powerful big man in the future, you will die even worse. This time you should thank me, hehe!"

The man ignored the problem of Lin Feng, but ridiculously laughed and held the double fists. His killing swept the entire training field. All the disciples were scared back a few steps. Only Lin Feng stood still and did not move. Killing, Lin Feng will not be afraid.

Buddha power is in the heart, Lin Feng has found that he does not know what it feels like to be afraid!

"You want to kill me?" Lin Feng looked at the man with a sigh of relief, holding his hands around his chest, not too concerned about the other party's killing.

The performance of Lin Feng is even more irritating to the man. The man almost bite his teeth, and the roar of his face is like thunder.

"Kid, hurry, eat me a punch!"

In addition to the sound of screaming, the fist that has been horrible has already rushed to the front of Lin Feng. The distance of five meters has already come to the front of Lin Feng. The huge force of billions of pounds has scared everyone, even the nebula ancestors have Tightly clenched his fist.

Although he knew that Lin Feng was the genius of the lower bound, he still worried that if he lost, then the Nebula Academy would have no chance.

Lin Feng stood in the same place, watching the man's fist banged, and even went straight to his door, it was terrible, but this kind of power, even unable to catch up with the strength of the fist of the sky.

It's hard to imagine, this is also the seven Emperor?

"Brother, are you okay to eat?" Lin Feng smiled and smiled. He suddenly raised his left hand and slammed a loud noise. Many people didn't dare to look at the **** scene with their eyes closed, but there was no blood.

Lin Feng's left hand gripped the man's heavy fist tightly. The man wanted to use half the effort to do it. The man who bit his teeth was more anxious and sweaty, but his heart was more and more shocked.

In this scene, countless people saw it, and the applause and cheers sounded.

"Okay, pick up him, seniors, I support you."

"Far fare, obviously our brother, brother, I support you, come on."

"Brother, defeat him, defeat him, hahaha."

"Senior brother, he beat him and watched them dare not look down on our Nebula Academy."


The noisy cheers spread throughout the practice field. Lin Feng listened to these cheers, and he raised a sigh of relief in his heart. As a strong man, he gestured more.

"Brother, change your tricks, or how do you let me be willing to beat you?"

It was ridicule, and the voice of humiliation was introduced into the man's ear, causing the man to collapse, and the temper trembling, and the blood was red.

"Ah, I don't believe it, I won't kill you, give me a punch!"

"Floating Yuan Taekwondo!"

Suddenly, the sound of the explosion spread throughout the training field, followed by a man's punch accompanied by blue light and shadow, like a shadow walking, but the power is endless, this time Lin Feng's face is considered to have some changes.

"It's a bit interesting, but I want to tell you, brother, I have three tricks and defeat you."

Three strokes, defeat you!

The harsh words were introduced into the man's ears, and the man wanted to go crazy. He bit his teeth and he used all his strength. He went straight to Lin Feng and his eyes were no longer the appreciator's demeanor at the moment. Only the killings are left.

He wants to kill Lin Feng, otherwise he will lose his face.

"Overbearing punch!"

Lin Feng screamed, and it should be serious to play for so long, end the battle as soon as possible, don't waste precious time.

A fist is like a fierce tiger rushing up. Lin Feng’s fist is more than a hundred million pounds, and the speed is almost at its best. The man just saw a blur of light and shadow in front of him, and the pain has spread throughout his body.


A blood spurted out, and the man was shocked to see that his lower abdomen was hit by a heavy fist, and his face became pale.

However, this is not finished. After Lin Feng took back a punch, he turned around and hit a heavy kick!

A loud bang, the man was kicked out by a huge dive, and the whole man took out the stage and fell into the crowd of disciples. These disciples sneaked away and looked at the man with a sneer.

Lin Feng stood on the stage but showed a sly look. She quickly waved her hand and looked at the man and smiled. "Oh, brother, I am really sorry. I forgot to have three strokes to defeat you. I used one less trick." Sorry, oh."


The man stared, the blood filled the eyeballs, and he fell to the ground, pointing to Lin Feng, but he couldn't say a word again. The anger and anger were all stuck on the chest, and then it was a **** spurt.

In a tragic scene, Lin Feng has frowned and didn't want to see it.

However, Lin Feng still feels particularly cool.

The only shortcoming is that this seven-strong powerhouse of the Emperor seems to be too wasteful!

镴 gun head!

Not interesting!

At this moment, the audience burst into roaring applause and cheers, because with Lin Feng defeating the men with a strong posture, their Nebula Academy officially qualified for promotion!

"Ha ha ha, brother, cow bi!"

"Brothers, give me a hurry and hug my brother!"

Suddenly, Lin Feng’s real fear appeared. Thousands of college disciples rushed into the high platform. Lin Feng shouted and prepared to fly into the sky, but this moment was held by many disciples.

Then, Lin Feng was thrown away by everyone, and thousands of disciples surrounded Lin Feng.

In this scene, the nebula ancestors have not seen it for many years. I only remember that a hundred years ago, it was also a sudden appearance, bringing the Nebula Academy to the top three in the college competition.

Only once, it was something that he could not forget.

In addition, promotion is difficult!

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