Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1101: Let's get it up!

"Well, all are retiring, what is the system?" The nebula's ancestors had a lot of helplessness, but the heart was still excited. He waved his hand and made the disciples of these colleges have to retreat and dare not let go.

Lin Feng was held by them for a while, but I feel that the disciples of these colleges are very lively. They live a lot more than the disciples above the eternal kingdom. At least they are very angry and innocent. They don't have so much intestines.

Perhaps in times of adversity, people tend to be particularly united. Only after the peak period will there be various contradictions, struggles with factions, and people who are not pleasing to each other. The struggle between them will be complicated. .

Obviously, the Nebula Academy at the moment is in adversity. These disciples are often particularly united. This is a good thing. Lin Feng has rarely seen such a united college.

After everyone retired, the nebula ancestors came to the stage, looking at Lin Feng solemnly, and squinting at the white man who was defeated by Lin Feng. The assessor of the college conference asked faintly: "Has the Nebula Academy passed the assessment? ”

The problems of the nebula ancestors are filled with the oppression of the imposing manner. He has to give some pressure to the assessor in the realm of the ancestors. Otherwise, there will be a situation in the Nebula Academy. This is what his nebula ancestors did not want to see. He is not a good bully. In the war, there is still a high prestige. If this assessor dares to publicize his enemies, his nebula ancestors don't mind to teach the disobedient appraisers for the conference.

However, this white man is still obedient. After being defeated by Lin Feng in two strokes, he passed the threat of the nebula ancestors. He naturally knows how to get out. If he continues to marry the college, he is really looking for death.

"Through, natural pass, seniors, this is the token of the college assembly." The white man stood up hard with his chest and then pulled out a token made of crystal from his sleeve. The token was engraved with a third-class college.

“The third-class college?” Lin Feng saw this scene a bit strange, but also some doubts. Is it necessary to attend the college conference?

Seeing Lin Feng's surprise and incomprehensibility, the nebula ancestors took the initiative to introduce Lin Feng: "Little brothers, this is the rule of the college conference. When a college defeats three appraisers, you can get the qualification of the third-class college. Level challenge, you can't challenge first-class and second-class colleges."

"If you can beat the four appraisers, you can qualify for the second-class college. The second-class college is allowed to challenge the third-class college and the first-class college in the competition."

"And in the end, if you can beat the five appraisers, you can qualify for the first-class college. The first-class colleges allow you to challenge any level of college, but you have to become a seed college, and you will be challenged by each college. Once the challenge is successful, To give up the position of the seed college, thus losing the qualification to continue the battle."

This time, the nebula ancestors answered Lin Feng’s doubts very patiently. This is unbelievable in the eyes of many disciples. The usual nebula ancestors are silent. This time, for the explanation of Lin Feng’s doubts, it is so detailed that the old man Lin Feng's attention.

After listening to the introduction of the old man, Lin Feng probably understood some truths. He also knew that the Nebula Academy was going to participate in the college conference, and wanted to get a good ranking in exchange for some cultivation resources for the disciples of these gods or emperors. We.

If you don't appear, it's very likely that the college won't be able to participate in the promotion this time, and because of his appearance and defeating the assessor, helping the college to advance, this is why these disciples are so excited.

Lin Feng feels very interesting. If this is the case, I really want to take the Nebula Academy to participate in the conference to play and see what strengths these first-class and second-class colleges are, and whether they will meet some acquaintances. , an acquaintance who came to the war.

"Can you continue to challenge now?" Lin Feng thought of this and couldn't help but look up, looked at the white man, faintly asked the latter, and the white man listened to Lin Feng's problem after a burst of stunned, very shocked to see Lin Feng .

"Do you want to continue to challenge?" The white man asked Lin Feng, who was complicated by Lin Feng. He had a huge fear in Lin Feng’s two strokes. In the face of Lin Feng, he was even more difficult to maintain a cold attitude, but he was somewhat scared. The tone of speech will tremble.

"Can't you challenge?" Lin Feng suspiciously looked at the white man, some disappointed, I wanted to make the Nebula College a seed school with the attitude of a first-class college. If not, then this hope is embarrassing.

"You can challenge, but are you sure you want to continue to challenge?" The white man shook his head and vetoed Lin Feng's self-guess. As long as the assessment is not over today, then the challenge can continue. If Lin Feng can win the last two assessors, You can make the student a seed school.

The face of the nebula gods is a little shocked, and my heart can't help but feel the heart. Does Lin Feng really want to help the Nebula Academy become a first-class seed school? If this is the case, then Lin Feng tied the man who was left to the Nebula Academy a hundred years ago.

The man also took the Nebula Academy to the status of a first-class college and became the last seed college. After the conference began, he was challenged by various colleges, and that person helped the college to pass the test. Finally, the college advanced. Three strong.

In the end, because of the strength of the college itself, it stopped at the semi-finals, but it also won the fourth place. Compared with Luoxuan College, Royal College, and the Military Academy, it was only a little worse, and won the fourth place.

Except for that session, the Nebula Academy almost stopped at the appraisal competition. Even if it didn't go in the promotion, it was kicked down. This year, it was different because of Lin Feng.

The nebula ancestors clenched their fists. If Lin Feng can really bring the Nebula Academy into the semi-finals or make the students become first-class seed colleges, it is already very remarkable. All the disciples of the college will remember Lin Feng’s good, Lin Feng’s Enze.

"Of course, we have to challenge. The assessment is not over yet. As for the token of the third-grade college, it is really shabby. I think it should be replaced with a first-class token." Lin Feng smiled and looked at the man in white. During this period, he ignored the excited expression on the face of the nebula gods, and he was still indifferent to the extreme.

"Are you sure you can beat the two remaining assessors?" The white man's face was somewhat dissatisfied and ridiculous. He had never seen such a arrogant person. If he really let him continue to fight these two games, perhaps the second-class college. The number of places can be won, but if you want to say first class, forget it.

Even though Lin Feng beat him, he also had no confidence in Lin Feng. He even had a lot of humiliation and ridicule in his heart. To some extent, he really hoped that Lin Feng would be defeated.

However, looking back at the two remaining assessors, the realm of the five emperors, there is no realm of his realm, such two assessors for Lin Feng, it is simply going up to find abuse.

But the assessment must continue. Lin Feng wants to challenge, then he can't stop.

"Let's finally ask you, are you sure?" The white man sighed and asked Lin Feng again. He really hoped that Lin Feng would withdraw from the assessment. Otherwise, Nebula College is probably the most likely to become a seed college in history, and there is no one.

"Don't talk nonsense, is it two people behind you?" Lin Feng frowned and didn't like the man's nonsense, pointing directly at the two white youths behind him, all of which were the five realms of the Emperor.

"You all go together, lest I challenge one after another, too much trouble." Lin Feng said with a faint grin, and there were countless arrogances in the words. This made the white man's face more and more gloomy, and his heart was angry, and he couldn't wait for Lin Feng to die without a burial place.

"you sure?"

"Don't you be arrogant?"

Lin Feng’s voice fell to Two young assessors stepped straight out, standing in front of Lin Feng’s body, his face was unusually embarrassed, and Lin Feng’s ridicule and humiliation made them want to kill Lin Feng.

"Of course not arrogant, hit you, I only need... a trick!"

Suddenly, the sound of the explosion spread throughout the field, and Lin Feng’s figure has disappeared like a ghost. To deal with the seven powerful powers of the Emperor, Lin Feng did not have much effort, let alone the gods with the same realm. Five weights.

These two assessors, even Lin Feng will not have the strength of the bomb, Lin Feng is too lazy to talk nonsense with them, directly one person punch, all bombarded enough!



Two loud deafening sounds, followed by the entire training field, followed by shaking, it seems that an earthquake occurred, and all the disciples carefully watched and then shocked and widened their eyes, can not believe the scene.

The two appraisers of the five emperors were all bombarded into the earth by Lin Feng at the moment, and there was a strong burnt smell in the pits several meters deep.

One move, the second defeated the two great emperors, the seed quota of the first-class college, so Lin Feng was easily obtained.

The Nebula Academy will be the most easy one in the history of the colleges and universities in the war. It is only because the assessors who sent them here are not very good.

It is estimated that the organizers have not thought about it, and will kill a Lin Feng halfway, completely disrupting the conference.

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