Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 244 It’s so magical

After hearing what the two of them said, the emperor's expression softened.

A smile appeared on his face, he glanced at Wang Ye with admiration and said, "It seems that you are quite patriotic, which is rare among young people."

Due to the impact of the disintegration of the former Soviet Union and the impact of Western culture, young Russians in this era are quite yearning for the West.

Compared with Chinese young people, the xenophilic group is definitely worse!

Wang Ye chuckled and said: "This is what it should be. Without the strength of the country, there will be no development of our personal careers. These are all complementary to each other, so even for my own sake, I also hope that Russia can become stronger."

I have to say that such "flattering" is the most useful to the emperor...

For a moment, the emperor felt that Wang Ye was too angry with him. He understood him!

The atmosphere at the dinner table also relaxed, and the emperor and Gebrev no longer spoke to Wang Ye in an "interrogating" tone.

"Do you have any plans for business development in the future? Just start your wholesale market and casino?" Gebrev asked.

Wang Ye thought for a while and said seriously: "Although these two businesses can make money, they can't make big money! In fact, there are two industries I want to do most. One is the energy industry, such as oil and natural gas. . The other is the Internet high-tech industry!"

Regarding the energy industry that Wang Ye mentioned, Dadi and the two of them were not surprised, because everyone knows these days that those who are in the energy business are just making money while lying down!

But when it comes to the Internet, the two of them don't understand it.

Don’t forget, in 2000, the global Internet bubble burst!

I don’t know how many Internet companies have gone bankrupt, and many countries have begun to re-examine the emerging industry of the Internet, believing that this industry is too illusory and almost impossible to make a profit!

Looking back on this view more than ten or twenty years later, I will naturally find it ridiculous.

But this is the limitation of the times.

At that time, most people did think so, and there were many so-called business and political elites among them.

Otherwise, it would not be said that there are almost no decent Internet companies in the whole of Europe and most of Asia...

There are only two countries in the world that have truly understood the importance of the Internet industry, persisted from beginning to end, and achieved fruitful results!

It goes without saying who these two countries are...

Being in this position, Dadi has naturally weighed the Internet industry, but like most people, he did not realize the importance of this industry.

So I don’t quite understand what Wang Ye said about wanting to enter this industry.

"Everyone knows that the energy industry can make money. Besides, your uncle is an oil giant, and there is a high probability that you will succeed him in the future. But do you have any different ideas about the Internet industry?" Gebrev asked curiously. road.

Wang Ye smiled slightly and replied simply: "Because the Internet industry will change the future world structure! Just like the birth of the steam engine, it changed the world. The 21st century must be the era of the Internet!"

The emperor and Gebrev widened their eyes at the same time, frightened by Wang Ye's words!

Gebrev shook his head repeatedly, with disbelief on his face, and retorted: "You are going too far. Last year, the Internet industry around the world was almost wiped out, and now no one dares to invest in the Internet industry anymore. Now. Can such an industry change the world?"

These words also represent the emperor's thoughts.

Wang Ye actually wanted to teach the two of them a lesson. Unfortunately, he only knew the general development trend of the Internet industry. He was not a practitioner in the Internet industry in his "previous life", so he really couldn't explain too many theories... …

He could only use the plan he had prepared in advance and said with a mysterious smile: "Think about it, in the future world, people will only need a mobile phone..."

As he said this, he tried to take out his Nokia 3310 from his pocket, but came up empty.

Because before entering the building, the mobile phone had been confiscated by the security personnel...

He smiled awkwardly and continued:

"The mobile phones of the future will naturally be different from today's. In terms of performance, they will be more powerful than today's computers.

Then everyone can watch TV, listen to music, read news, chat with friends in real time, and even video chat on their mobile phones.

You can also purchase products from various countries around the world on your mobile phone. You only need to click to buy and pay. After a day or a few days, the products from all corners of the earth will be delivered to your home.

Or, you can freely publish news around you, and people all over the world will know what is happening there in an instant...

Do you dare to imagine such a world? "

The emperor and Gebrev both opened their mouths, both of them looking in disbelief.

Because Wang Ye described it as too... magical!

It’s too outrageous!

If that were the case, everyone's way of life would be overturned!

Looking at the expressions of the two people, Wang Ye continued: "All of these are naturally based on the development of the Internet. If these things I mentioned can really be achieved in the future, then do you think that the 21st century will be The age of the Internet?”

The Emperor and Gebrev nodded subconsciously.

If it is really as described by Wang Ye, it can definitely be called the Internet era!

But the key question is, can all that really happen...

Gebrev asked the questions in his mind, "What you said are all guesses. No one dares to say whether it can be done or not."

Wang Ye shook his head, "No, in fact, many of the things I mentioned have already appeared, but they are still in their infancy. Therefore, in the next few years, I plan to invest all the money I earn! And the investment The target is naturally the global Internet companies."

He is right. In 2001, if what Wang Ye just said had been a description of an elite in the Internet industry, it would most likely have gained greater recognition.

People like Gang Leader Qiao, Bezos, and even Lao Ma and Xiaoma probably believe what Wang Ye said!

Because what they are doing is working hard for that kind of future...

The emperor and Gebrev did not have that deep understanding of the Internet industry, so they doubted Wang Ye's words.

The emperor said doubtfully: "When investing in the Internet, do you want to invest in the United States? Actually, let me tell you, there is a lot of waste in the country, so there should be more opportunities, right?"

Sitting in his position, he naturally does not want Wang Ye to use money to invest in other countries.

Isn't this obvious?

Oh, you took the money from selling Russian oil and ended up using the money to support companies in other countries?

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