Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 245 There are only two countries

Wang Ye patiently explained:

“Investment cannot be limited to one country, especially the Internet, which is a world-class industry.

There are also some Internet companies in our country, but due to the limitation of not enough people speaking Russian, the future of the Russian-language Internet cannot be too developed.

According to my judgment, the most promising areas for the Internet industry can only be English-speaking countries, followed by Chinese-speaking countries!

Because there are the largest number of people speaking these two languages! "

After hesitating for a moment, he asked: "America and China?"

Wang Ye nodded, "Yes, it's these two countries."

"Why are you optimistic about these two countries? Oh, let's just say America. Everyone is optimistic about it. The problem is China, and China doesn't seem to be doing well now." Gebrev asked.

There is no way, let alone the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, even if it had not disintegrated, the United States would still be the world's most powerful country without a doubt!

It can be said to be leading the world in all aspects!

The Internet was also invented in the United States and slowly became popular.

Therefore, it is normal for Wang Ye to be optimistic about Lao America. After all, almost all Internet companies are concentrated in Lao America, especially Silicon Valley!

But why is he so optimistic about China?

Could it be because this guy is Chinese...

This can’t be blamed on Gorbrev for underestimating China. After all, China had just started reforming and opening up at that time, and its economy had not yet begun to take off in real terms!

At that time, "made in China" was synonymous with "counterfeit"...

Many people, including foreigners, have the impression that things produced in China mean "cheap and inferior" and will not be good anyway.

When foreigners talk about China, it is synonymous with poverty and backwardness!

Although Russia's economy is also not doing very well, relying on the substantial wealth left by the former Soviet Union and the money from selling energy, the per capita income is much higher than that of the country, so it also looks down on China...

For such a "poor and backward" country, Wang Ye actually said that he was optimistic about the development of its Internet industry.

That is to say, elites like Gebrev, they know a little bit about China.

If it were an ordinary Russian, they would probably want to ask, are there computers in China now...

Oh, or should I say, China has electricity...


Wang Ye was also helpless when he heard Gebrev ask this.

But he can understand that except for him, who "came back" twenty years later, at this time in 2001, no one in the world could have imagined that China would be so powerful more than ten years later!

It was so powerful that it began to threaten Lao Mei's dominance, causing Lao Mei to panic...

But he couldn't say these things, and even if he did, no one would believe them.

Wang Ye could only explain: "China's economy has begun to take off, especially where there is a large number of young labor force. What is even more frightening is that these labor force have received education and have basic cultural knowledge. Now China has begun to be called It has become the world's factory, and if it develops in the future, it will definitely embark on the path of becoming an industrial power."

This explanation sounds reasonable.

However, Gebrev asked a little unconvinced: "What about India? There is a large population there, and the common language is English. This will have the advantage of integrating into the West."

Hearing him talking about Asan, Wang Ye smiled disdainfully and said, "Should they solve the problem of food and clothing first, and then talk about development? That is still far away from them."

He said to Wang Ye seriously:

"Your idea is very good. If the future is really like what you said, then we really need to take the lead.

There is no problem in investing in Internet companies in the United States and China, but I hope you will also take care of our domestic Internet companies.

As far as I know, it is impossible for this kind of company to make a profit in the early stage, and it must rely on venture capital funds to invest in it.

The country's economy is now in dire straits, and those truly wealthy oligarchs are unwilling to throw their money into the bottomless pit of the Internet industry.

Therefore, I hope you can leave some fire for our country’s Internet industry. "

The meaning of these words is very clear, that is, let Wang Ye not spend all his money abroad, but at least leave some at home.

Perhaps Russian Internet companies do not have an advantage in the English-language Internet world, but at least they should not lose the "turf" of the Russian-language Internet...

Wang Ye nodded readily, "I understand. Now I have 2 billion US dollars in capital that can be used for venture capital. With this money, I will leave at least 3.5 billion US dollars in the country to support several companies." A company with potential.”

In fact, there are quite a lot of Internet talents here in Lao Maozi, and there are also many experts in mathematics and physics, including many top programmers.

Many people may not know that in the most authoritative international college student programming competition, Holy Light Machinery University in Petersburg, Russia, has been suppressing Stanford, California Institute of Technology and other world-renowned universities for many years, and has won many team championships!

There is also the Institute of Physics and Technology in Moscow, known as the "Russian MIT".

When it comes to education, Russia is actually not inferior to developed countries in Europe and the United States.

The former Soviet Union left too many great things in education. During the Cold War, the former Soviet Union elevated education to the level of national security strategy and invested a lot of energy in creating a very efficient talent training system.

Culturally, outstanding scientists, physicists and mathematicians are as admired by the people as rock stars in Europe and the United States. The government invests a lot of money in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) in schools. In the 1950s, China also paid homage to the Soviet Union I learned this education system.

The Mathematical Olympiad competition that tortured countless Chinese students was created by the former Soviet Union in 1934...

Russia is also far ahead of the world in the proportion of citizens with higher education, and has always ranked first!

Unfortunately, due to the "sequelae" left by the disintegration of the former Soviet Union and the economic malaise during the period of social unrest, Russia missed the golden age of Internet development.

As a result, most of the talents have left the country, and few Internet giants have grown locally.

After all, at that time, there was not enough money here in Russia, nor was there a suitable environment!

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