Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 514, I’m going to die

"Okay." I said with a smile: "Go back quickly, have a good sleep, and enjoy life the rest of the day."

"Yeah." Xiaoxue nodded repeatedly, like a happy bird. Without any explanation, he came over and kissed me on the face. "Thank you, Brother Hao." She tilted her head, looking so cute, like a little princess in a fairy tale. How pure and flawless she would be if she didn't have that experience. "Let's go, goodbye." She opened the door of the ward and was about to go out, but suddenly came back. "By the way, Brother Hao." Xiaoxue turned to me and said, "Fu Jiaming asked me to find a way to trick you."

"Huh?" I became nervous. Xiaoxue trusts me now, which is a good thing. She will tell me exactly what Fu Jiaming asks her to do. Xiaoxue continued: "He asked me to try to find out, who is that tall and strong man? Why does he protect you again and again? Does he have any weaknesses?"

After listening to Xiaoxue's question, I laughed. Qiu Feng wanted to win over me. Although he was interested in my ability and strength, I'm afraid the iron block also played a big role. Because he knows that as long as there is iron, he can't even think of killing me. Xiaoxue added: "It doesn't matter if Brother Hao doesn't want to say it. I'll just say that I didn't ask. Brother Hao is very defensive." I smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Just tell him: Iron is the new fragrance." The number one killer and bodyguard of the Ye family, the city's underworld family, is ruthless and ruthless, with countless lives on his hands. The reason why he protects me is because we are brothers who love each other." As he spoke, he unknowingly said Bragging is enough to make Qiu Feng feel scared anyway: "As for weaknesses. Iron has no weaknesses at all, and there is no one he can't kill."

"Wow..." Xiaoxue was stunned, obviously she had never seen such a person in her world. Her mouth opened wide: "It's true... Brother Hao can actually befriend such a person. It's really... it's really..."

"What is it really?" I laughed and said, "Isn't it worthy?"

"No, Brother Hao is also very good." Xiaoxue said with a smile, "Thank you, Brother Hao, I'll leave first."

This time, Xiaoxue really left. The ward was quiet again, but there was still a faint scent of light snow floating in the air. Speaking of which... it was really tempting. As a normal man, it is not easy to resist the temptation.

He sat down again and continued reading his notebook, thinking in his mind: "Mei Xiaoliang gave me 10,000 yuan, and Fu Jiaming gave me a woman. I wonder if Zhang Yunfei will come. If so, what will he give me? But Qiu Feng is very attentive, and it can be seen that he is really sincere in wooing me. All in all, for him, I am a big threat to Nie Yuanlong. "

But after waiting for half a night, Zhang Yunfei didn't come. It seemed that this "sincerity" had come to an end.

Qiu Feng looked at the two people in front of him and asked, "Have they all been delivered?"

Mei Xiaodian nodded: "Wang Hao accepted it very happily and looked very happy."

Qiu Feng smiled and said: "Of course, who doesn't like money in this world?" He then asked Fu Jiaming: "Where are you?"

Fu Jiaming's chubby face, his eyes narrowed into slits: "I didn't look at Wang Hao's expression, I just stuffed Xiaoxue into his arms and left. I usually see Wang Hao as very aloof, so I didn't dare to stay any longer. . But you can trust Xiaoxue, there is no man in this world that she can't handle."

Qiu Feng nodded again: "Yes. Money and women are always the best way to get a man. No matter how powerful he is, he will be defeated by these two things." After saying that, the three of them laughed together.

"By the way, where is Zhang Yunfei?" Qiu Feng asked again.

"Go back to sleep first." Fu Jiaming said: "Wang Hao seemed very unhappy because he didn't kill him. And then you..."

"Ha." Qiu Feng said: "This guy is too stubborn. We have taken action three times, and failed every time, and twice it was because of the obstruction of the iron block. I feel that guy is very difficult to mess with. , not ordinary methods can defeat him, and the key is that he has a gun in his hand. The background of this man is really incredible. Before his identity is determined, it is better not to have too many conflicts with Wang Hao. And for us now It is said that it is much easier to win over Wang Hao than to kill Wang Hao..."

As he spoke, he shook his head: "Wang Hao, it's difficult to kill..."

Fu Jiaming said: "Brother Feng, don't worry, I told Xiaoxue to find a way to get Tie Nian's identity out of Wang Hao's mouth. Xiaoxue is beautiful and good at talking, and has a good way of seducing men. Wang Hao will soon Will become her subordinate."

"Well, okay..." Qiu Feng smiled slightly, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

Killing Wang Hao has never been his first choice. Nie Yuanlong and Yu Chengfei are his number one enemies.

At one o'clock in the morning, it has been twelve hours since Li Wenchao completed the operation.

According to Tie Nian, Li Wenchao should wake up now. However, Li Wenchao remained motionless, his eyes still tightly closed. Of course, I wasn’t in a hurry to ask him to wake up right away. Iron Block wasn’t a god either. He said twelve hours, which was just an approximate number. It would be ten minutes earlier, ten minutes later, an hour earlier, or later. An hour is normal.

Just as I was thinking this, I suddenly heard a faint "Hmm..." coming from me.

I looked at Li Wenchao in shock. I don’t know how to do it. If you say twelve hours, it means twelve hours? Is the iron block more accurate than Daluo Jinxian? After this "hmm", Li Wenchao slowly opened his eyes. I immediately ran to the bed and shouted: "Brother, brother?"

Li Wenchao opened his eyes halfway, as if he couldn't open them because he had run out of strength. He just half-opened his eyes and looked very weak. He opened his mouth and said with difficulty: "Brother Hao?"

"Yes, yes, it's me, it's me." I noticed that Li Wenchao's lips were very dry, so I quickly poured him a glass of warm water, trying to help him sit up and drink. "Do you have the strength?" I asked, "Can you hold the cup?"

"Cup?" Li Wenchao's half-open eyes were a little confused: "Where is the cup? Brother Hao, why don't you turn on the light?"

I was shocked. I raised my hand tremblingly and waved it in front of Li Wenchao's eyes. I found that he didn't react at all. I asked tremblingly: "You, can't you see my hand?"

"I can't see." Li Wenchao was also a little flustered: "Am I blind? Brother Hao, how could I be blind?"

I was also panicked. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. The mustache only hit his chest, not his eyes, and his eyes were intact, so how could he not see it? I was at a loss and hurriedly pressed the electric bell on the bedside. After a while, the nurse rushed in.

"Hey, are you awake?" The nurse walked in, sleepy-eyed. Mustache was stroking his hands and preparing to stand up.

"Hey, don't move, you need to have a good rest now!" The nurse came over and helped him lie down: "Just wake up, rest first, and start the infusion tomorrow morning." After saying that, she was ready to leave.

"No, nurse -" I said quickly: "He seems to be invisible. What's going on?"

"Oh? Can't see?" The nurse turned around and waved her hand in front of Li Wenchao's eyes. Li Wenchao still didn't react at all. He was really no different from a blind man. "This situation is normal." Then the nurse said a bunch of medical terms, such as excessive blood loss, nerve compression, etc., which made me confused. It seemed to mean that although this kind of situation does not happen often, it does happen. It's normal. I breathed a sigh of relief and asked the nurse when I would be able to recover. The nurse said that it would take two to three days if it was faster, and a week if it would be slower. It all depends on your individual constitution. I asked some more precautions and then sent the nurse away with great gratitude.

"Haha." After I closed the door, I turned to Li Wenchao on the hospital bed and said, "The nurse said you are fine, so don't worry. With your kid's physique, he will definitely recover in two or three days." He has already escaped from death. After walking for a while, this little setback is really nothing. Unexpectedly, Li Wenchao didn't speak, but his whole body was trembling, and his eyes were staring at the ceiling.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" I rushed to the bed nervously and realized that something was very wrong with Li Wenchao, something very wrong!

Is there something wrong with your body again? I went to squeeze the bell again, but Li Wenchao grabbed my hand: "Brother Hao, Brother Hao, I'm going to die! I'm going to die!" His tone was full of fear, as if he was possessed or hysterical.

"What are you talking about?" I held his hand. Although I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him, I still said, "You have completed the operation. The doctors and nurses said there is nothing wrong with you."

"No, no!" Li Wenchao said: "I had a long dream, and I dreamed that someone said that I was dead! I didn't remember this dream at first, but when the nurse just spoke, I immediately recalled everything. There are a bunch of people saying that I am about to die, saying that I am destined to die, and among them is this nurse! Brother Hao, don’t hide it from me, am I about to die? "

I cursed in my heart. I guess this nurse had participated in Li Wenchao's previous surgery. A group of people must have discussed on the operating table that Li Wenchao was dead. However, the seemingly comatose Li Wenchao heard everything. It didn't matter at first. Even if Li Wenchao vaguely remembered it, he would only think it was a dream. But as soon as the nurse spoke, she matched up with the character in his dream, letting him know that this was not a dream at all, but something that really existed!

In addition, his current body was extremely weak and his eyesight happened to be blind, which made him doubt that he was really going to die.

"Brother, you can't die." I didn't know what to say to him. But I know that if he has such a pessimistic attitude, it will definitely be detrimental to his body's recovery.

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