Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 515: The Prince of Hell is so angry

"No, I know I'm going to die." Li Wenchao shook his head desperately: "Brother Hao, don't hide it from me, don't hide it from me!" There was pessimism and despair in his voice, holding the sheets tightly with both hands, breathing It also gradually became thicker. No matter who it is, when they learn that they are going to die, they will always feel particularly scared, right? Seeing Li Wenchao like this, I was in a dilemma. I wanted to call doctors and nurses to help him, but I vaguely guessed that it would be useless. He would just think that these people were here to lie to him.

"Brother Hao." Li Wenchao suddenly said: "I want to see my sister again before I die. Can you help me?"

"I'll say it again, you can't die. You are safe now. Of course I can see your sister. Tell me where she is and I will go find her now." It would be nice for the beautiful sister to come over and ask her to persuade Li Wenchao. OK.

"No need to look for it, just take me there." Li Wenchao prayed: "I feel that I don't have much time left, and I don't want to waste any more time."

After weighing the matter, I decided to agree and bring Li Wenchao back for infusion tomorrow morning. After I figured it out, I called the Sun Mountain Car God and asked him to wait for me at the entrance of the hospital. The car god was very unhappy that I woke him up in the middle of the night, and he demanded double the fare before he would come over. I picked up Li Wenchao and walked through the ward. When I left the hospital, I found a taxi waiting at the gate. I placed Li Wenchao across the back seat, and then sat in the passenger seat. "Uncle, it's fast enough." I said flatteringly. This flattery was very timely. The uncle likes people to praise him for his speed. He said proudly: "Of course!" and then asked me where I was going.

I asked Li Wenchao: "Where to go?"

Li Wenchao said: "In the north of the city, Laoyapo, Tongzi Tower."

This is really an ordinary place name, and it sounds a bit shabby. It is probably located in a slum in Beiyuan City. In the past, when the driver heard the name of a place, he would immediately step on the accelerator and run out. But this time he didn't move, and his previously arrogant and confident eyes suddenly became flickering: "What are you doing in Laoyapo?"

The uncle usually likes to talk nonsense, so I didn't take it seriously and said directly: "His sister lives there, let's go find her."

The uncle driver still didn't drive, but continued to ask: "What's his sister's name?" I felt strange in my heart that the Sun Mountain Car God talked a lot today, and the questions he asked were irrelevant. But to show courtesy, I still asked Li Wenchao: "What is your sister's name?" Li Wenchao continued to answer: "My sister's name is Li Wenjuan." It is also a very common name.

Hearing this name, the driver seemed to be relieved, then he stepped on the accelerator and rushed out. I thought to myself that there lived an old lover in Laoyapo in the north of the city, which was why the uncle driver asked her so secretly before he dared to go. The uncle was still happily chatting with me along the way, but when we drove into the boundary of Laoyupo in the north of the city, he suddenly became quiet. As I expected, this place is indeed a slum. There are old buildings everywhere, there are not many good street lights, and everything is pitch black. In the darkness, the quiet night was a bit eerie, and the uncle didn't say a word, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. The car stopped in front of an old building, and the driver's uncle said concisely: "We're here."

I nodded, paid the uncle the fare, and got out of the car. He took Li Wenchao out of the car and prepared to enter the building.

"Hey." The driver uncle called me.

"Huh?" I turned around.

"Friendly reminder." The driver looked left and right, and when he saw no one was around, he dared to say: "Don't mess with the people around here."

I couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Why am I so annoying to others?" Of course I know that you have to keep a low profile when you go to a strange place.

"Yeah." The driver uncle nodded. Suddenly, he flicked his tail and accelerated away from this place. The accelerator was slamming like he was driving a racing car. Li Wenchao said: "Brother Hao, this person is so weird." I nodded and carried Li Wenchao into the Tongzi Tower. Following Li Wenchao's instructions, I came to one of the rooms.

After knocking on the door for a long time, a faint voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

I became excited when I heard this voice. It was indeed a beautiful sister I hadn't seen for a long time. I will never forget her voice in my life.

Li Wenchao said: "Sister, it's me!"

The door opened quickly, and a young girl in pajamas stood at the door and said in surprise: "Wenchao, what's wrong with you?" Then he raised his head and looked at me, and sure enough he recognized me: "Hey, you... …you are not……"

I smiled slightly: "Beautiful sister, long time no see!"

The beautiful sister suddenly became happy: "Haha, it's really you!" She was still as enthusiastic, cheerful and generous as before.

"You two... know each other?" Li Wenchao was also a little stupid.

The beautiful sister said: "I told you before, the guy who bravely fought three robbers on the bus was him!"

Li Wenchao looked at me in disbelief: "Brother Hao, it's you! You are so majestic! I heard my sister say it, and I blamed her for not asking her name, otherwise I would have thanked you in person! I didn't expect that we are so destined. It turns out that we have been together for a long time. acknoledged!"

I chuckled: "We'll talk about this later. Let's put Li Wenchao on the bed first."

Beautiful sister, oh no, it’s time to call her Li Wenjuan now.

Li Wenjuan quickly made preparations and accompanied me to put Li Wenchao on the bed. She saw the bandage on Li Wenchao's chest, but she didn't realize what a terrible wound it was. Besides, she was used to seeing Li Wenchao injured, so she didn't think it was a big problem. She just asked: "Who are you talking to again?" It was a fight and you ended up like this?"

Li Wenhao said with a sad face: "Sister, I'm going to die. Please help me call Uncle Qi over and ask him to help me find out what's going on!"

Li Wenjuan said, dumbfounded, "You're such a bastard. I think you're fine except that you can't move!"

Li Wenchao still said with a sad face: "Sister, it's true, I can't even see my eyes now."

"Ah? Isn't it?" Li Wenjuan quickly shook her eyes in front of Li Wenchao's eyes. Sure enough, she found that her brother couldn't see anything. She asked me in a panic: "What's going on?" I explained to her, but I couldn't explain it clearly. She couldn't remember those medical terms very well, but she was told that this was a normal phenomenon. The doctor said she would recover in two to three days or in one week.

Li Wenjuan breathed out, patted Li Wenchao on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, you can just rest here these days, and my sister will prepare delicious food for you!" Li Wenchao still refused and insisted on asking Uncle Qi to come over and take a look. Li Wenjuan said: "It's so late and it's not appropriate to ask Uncle Qi to come over." Li Wenchao said: "I know Uncle Qi best and I often play chess with him. If you call him, he will definitely come over."

Li Wenjuan was in a dilemma, and I asked her: "Who is Uncle Qi?"

Li Wenjuan said: "There is an old man who lives across the street. He is very good at treating injuries and has his own medicine for injuries. Every time Wen Chao comes here after being injured, he asks Uncle Qi to take a look and apply some medicine, and he will be alive and well in no time. ”

Hearing this, I pulled Li Wenjuan aside and whispered: "Beautiful sister, Li Wenchao is very suspicious now. He always feels that he is going to die. This is very harmful to his health. Call Uncle Qi over and ask him to give birth. Take a look."

Li Wenjuan nodded and walked out to find Uncle Qi. I came back and sat by the bed and said, "Your sister has gone to see Uncle Qi. Please wait a moment." Li Wenchao breathed a sigh of relief, as if he only trusted Uncle Qi's medical skills in the world. If Iron Block knew about it, he would be so angry that he could bear it, right? Li Wenjuan was already calling the door from the other side, but Uncle Qi probably had a hard of hearing and didn't respond for a long time. Li Wenchao asked me again: "Brother Hao, when you saw my sister, why didn't you see how surprised you were?"

I said, "Why am I surprised? I already knew that your sister is the beautiful sister I know."

Li Wenchao asked again: "How did you know?"

I told him briefly and said that I recognized him on the first day of class at the vocational college. His name is Li Wenchao, he also loves to fight, and he also has a beautiful sister. How can there be such a coincidence in this world? Li Wenchao said helplessly: "Brother Hao, why didn't you tell me earlier. If you know that you are my sister's savior, I will definitely follow you early in the morning and never be someone else's little brother again."

"Haha." I patted his shoulder: "You should take good care of your injuries. Don't ask your sister to worry about you all day long!"

Li Wenchao said: "It's okay. Uncle Qi is known as the 'Lord of Hell', so it will definitely be okay with him here."

I smiled and said, "So you came back to find Uncle Qi, not to see your sister for the last time, right?"

Li Wenchao said: "Of course, I can't just die inexplicably. I have to go back to avenge Brother Xiang Rong."

When I heard this, my face dropped and I didn't know what to say. At this moment, a door squeaked outside, and an old voice rang out: "Wenjuan? Why are you looking for me so late?" Li Wenjuan said, "Uncle Qi, my brother is injured again. It's more serious this time, so I invite you to come and take a look." Uncle Qi said, "Wen Chao, this kid is really troublesome." Even so, footsteps still sounded, and he was obviously walking over.

Uncle Qi was woken up in the middle of the night. Instead of being angry, he was very concerned about Li Wenchao's injury. This kind of self-control alone is not something ordinary people can have. When Li Wenchao heard the footsteps, he was even more relieved and did not yell that he was going to die. Footsteps sounded outside the bedroom. I looked back and saw an old man with gray hair walking in. He looked sick and coughing as he walked. It felt like a gust of wind would blow him down.

Can such an old man be called "the Prince of Hell who is so angry to death"?

The man playing the piano said: After writing the previous chapter, I know someone wants to talk about water. Li Wenchao is blind, and it feels like a very useless and useless plot. But it is actually to lead to the Laoyapo Tongzi Tower behind. Li Wenchao's sister, Uncle Qi and other characters. But I couldn’t explain it at the time, so I had to leave it at that~ Well, let’s continue reading.

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