Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 188: meat

No words for a night.

Although the night is long, it will always leave.

When the darkness fades slowly, the sky is shrouded in light, and when a ray of golden light illuminates the earth from the distant horizon, a new day has come.

For those living in the ruins, this is a brand new day after the disaster.

For the "First Army", today is a new day and a new beginning.

In the cockpit of the "Emperor", Jevric, sitting in the captain's seat, waved his hand.

Speaking with great momentum: "Anchor! Go!"

"Understand! Anchor!"

"The engine starts!"

"Micro-power forward!"

With an order, the anchor on the bow was retrieved from the water by the motor.

The engine roared, "Kang Dang...Kang Dang!" rang.

With power output, the stern underwater white waves rolled, and the huge and heavy "Emperor" moved slowly.

In the wide east coast waters, the "Emperor" turned slowly, turned the bow smoothly, and sailed eastward.

The "Emperor" was leaving, and its departure was silent, and no one noticed its disappearance.

When the "Emperor" went from being quiet to moving, it also woke up Li Meng who was sleeping.

When I woke up, the people around me were gone.

Compared to Li Meng's laziness, Sakuya is very diligent.

"Boom! Boom!"

Knocked on his slightly stinging head to wake up from the confusion.

Sakuya's perfume has hypnotic effects, but it also has sequelae.

The sequelae is to make people sleep very deep, not even able to dream, and into deep sleep.

Sleep is not as long as possible. After sleeping for a long time, Li Meng will appear. After waking up, you will feel a tingling sensation in your head.

However, this pain is not obvious to Li Meng.

Because Li Meng has long been used to the tingling in his head.

One of the sequelae caused by the swelling mental power in the mind all the time is that the brain has never been relaxed, and it is always in tingling and pain.

It's just that Li Meng's endurance is so strong that outsiders can't see it.

"Has it gone?"

Although the shaking is not obvious, it can be said that it is not felt, but the feeling of the ship is different when it is stationary and moving.

Getting up, Li Meng left the room.

When he went outside, Li Meng saw the sight of the ship moving outside.

It seems that the "Emperor" has set sail for a while.

"Muling! Why did you come out?"

Along the stairs, Li Meng saw Mu Ling as soon as he reached the top of the stairs.

She couldn't see her eyes, and she walked down the stairs step by step with the guardrail, it was very difficult to move.

The sound in her ear seemed to start her a lot, like a frightened little rabbit, clutching the guardrail, and paused.


Of course she was sure, how could she forget her brother's voice.

Li Meng stepped forward, took her little hand, and said softly: "It's me!"

Li Muling's tense expression was obviously relaxed.

Seeing her nervous look, Li Meng smiled: "There are only me and Sakuya, that is the big sister who takes care of you! Usually no one will come here, even if someone comes, it is a trustworthy person! So Don’t worry too much!"


Li Muling said "Oh".

Immediately, the other hand also let go of the guardrail, and both hands leaned against Li Meng's arm.

Li Meng smiled slightly, and slowly led Li Muling down the stairs step by step.

"Brother! Where is this? Why is the ground moving?"

Following the steps and rhythm of his brother, Li Muling asked while walking.

"A ship, a very big ship! The ship is sailing, Muling! We have left that ruin!"

Li Muling didn't quite understand, she didn't have much idea about ships in her world.

However, she heard from her grandpa that a boat is a means of transportation on the water.

Thinking of grandpa, water splashes appeared in Li Muling's eye sockets, which soon overflowed and flowed down her cheeks.

Seeing this scene, Li Meng smiled helplessly, and could only silently touch Li Muling's little head to show comfort.

The pace was suspended, Li Meng stood on the next step facing Li Muling.

Raising the other free hand, gently wiped away the tears for Li Muling.

There is no extra words, just use actions to comfort her.

At this moment, an atmosphere that cannot be described in words is brewing between him and her.

But Li Meng took the lead to break this atmosphere.

"Let's go! Brother takes you to breakfast! You are growing up, but you need to eat more!"

"Can't eat more!"

Li Muling shook his head.


Li Meng was a little puzzled.

Li Muling grabbed Li Meng's hand and placed it on his chest.

Frowning and said: "There is more and more meat here, brother! I don't want to get fat!"

Feeling the softness of the touch, Li Meng was a little embarrassed, being held tightly by Li Muling, neither did he move it, nor did he move it away.

While embarrassing, Li Meng was also surprised by the two small peaks on Li Muling's chest.

Even though she is still young, the development of her chest already has a certain scale.

She has grown to such a scale when she is less than thirteen years old. I don't know how magnificent it will be when she grows up.

Shook his head and waved his mind, Li Mengqiang calmly said: "It's okay to get fat there, the bigger the better! Even fatter, brother won't hate it!"

The unintentional words became a black spot that Li Meng would not be able to erase in his life when facing Li Muling.

As soon as he said this sentence, Li Meng felt that something was wrong, and it was too late to stop.

"is it?"

Li Muling thoughtfully, finally put down the hands that rubbed her chest.

Li Meng let out a sigh of relief and said: "Okay! Let's go!"


Li Muling responded softly.

Snuggling her brother, walking towards the garden step by step.

After entering the garden, Sakiya came back as soon as he took Li Muling onto the seat.

Of course, two foods are indispensable.

"What's wrong? Your Highness!"

Ever since entering the garden, Sakuya found that His Royal Highness had been staring at her.

Sometimes thinking, sometimes doubting, this is the case during the meal, looking at her from time to time.

Sakiya couldn't help but asked aloud.

Li Meng gently shook his head and said, "Nothing! It just feels like you are different today! What is different? I can't think of it!"

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