Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 189: Knowledge

"Maybe I thought too much!"

She was still so beautiful and still dressed, but today, the feeling Sakuya gave to Li Meng was a bit different from usual, but Li Meng couldn't tell why it was different.

So Li Meng was very confused.

Li Meng's words made Sakuya's expression suddenly twitchy, her face turned flushed, and she couldn't speak, she lowered her head and dared not stare at Li Meng.

Seeing Sakiya's appearance, Li Meng shook his head, because Sakiya's appearance made him even more confused.

Breakfast ended in Sakuya's shyness and confusion with Li Meng.

In the meandering river, the huge "Emperor" sailed slowly and smoothly on the river.

Looking back, the ruins of the swamp in the forest are no longer visible.

Looking forward, there are undulating hills and seas of woods, the hills are continuous, the sea of ​​woods is boundless, and is divided into two by a wide river.

On the "Emperor" on the river, the huge hull passed all the way, and the white waves rolled and the traces remained for a long time.

The ruins of the swamp are not far from the estuary, but not too close. It is advancing at the slow speed of the "Emperor", and it takes a certain amount of time to reach the sea.

This time will not be too long or too short.

The journey is boring.

Although looking out from the "Emperor", you can see a very shocking view, but if you look at it too much, it will be annoying, without the novelty of the first time.

In order to find something to do, Li Meng began to give some necessary "teaching" to Li Muling.

Knowledge is very important to a person, because it is related to a person's physical and mental cultivation.

Li Muling couldn't see it. He had no concept of the so-called "character", and Li Meng would not teach her to recognize the "character".

Instead, I told her stories about a certain dynasty, a certain era, and some great deeds in certain countries, as well as the destruction and alternation of dynasties, and the course of human history.

The story is endless, but Li Meng is very patient. He started from the time of the human tribe. There is always no shortage of characters like the protagonist in the novel in every era. Their deeds are widely circulated. The story in Li Meng’s mouth It will not be interrupted in a certain era.

In the pavilion, Li Meng spoke clearly and slowly, while Li Muling sat quietly, listening to his brother's words, and interjecting words from time to time to express the doubts in his heart.

And Sakuya was watching and listening quietly, she was listening to every story told by His Highness.

With the passage of one minute and one second, Li Meng's story has also reached the end of an era.

"In the tribal period, human language and "words" were not perfect. Their deeds were only passed down from generation to generation. The authenticity needs to be verified! However, it does not matter whether they are true or not. The important thing is that their deeds have been given. What kind of enlightenment we have!"

"Okay! Let's stop here today!"

After talking for so long, Li Meng also felt a little tired.

Li Muling was still a little bit unfinished. The story told by her brother was so nice and made her understand a lot.

"Brother! What do you say next time?"

Li Muling asked softly.

Li Meng smiled and said: "Speaking of a person, after the tribal age, the slave age!"


Li Muling looked forward slightly.

Unknowingly, a few hours passed, and the huge "Emperor" was still moving slowly in the river.

Although the river is wide, it is not in a straight line, and is somewhat winding and twisted. In order to ensure that the "Emperor" is always in the deepest place in the middle of the river, it can only go at the turtle speed.

In this way, the huge and heavy body of the "Emperor" will not be able to rush out of the river and run aground due to inertia.

"His Royal Highness! News from Jevrich! Your Highness can already see the boulder you mentioned!"

Sakuya walked into the pavilion and said next to Li Meng.

Li Meng looked slightly stunned, then fell into thought.

The boulder is a sign, and the tributary beside the boulder can lead directly to the dirty valley.

"Dirty Valley" is the place where Li Meng lived since childhood. Although the memory of living in "Dirty Valley" is not so pleasant, "Dirty Valley" is also Li Meng's hometown.

Go back?

It seems unnecessary.

Nowadays, there is no one who Li Meng cares about in the "Dirty Valley". If the House of Void Words is still there, Li Meng might go back and have a good chat with the fat man.

But now, the House of Xuyu has been withdrawn from the "dirty valley", and the only meaning of going back no longer exists.


Li Meng could not find a reason to go back.

Dirty Valley is just a small place, not as good as the ruins of the swamp. Under the control of those pedantic people, Li Meng never thought of getting benefits from them.

Moreover, the senior staff in Dirty Valley do not support hunting polluting beasts in the forest, so there is not much oil and water to fish in Dirty Valley.

Li Meng knew this very well.

He had already made a decision in his mind, and Li Meng waved his hand to Sakuya casually and said, "Go tell Jevrich! Keep going, and go according to our previous goal!"

Sakuya nodded lightly, then turned and left.

There is a wired telephone in the suite, which can contact Jevrich anywhere in the "Emperor" to convey His Highness's orders.

The "Emperor" continued to move forward, passing by the huge boulder, passing by the tributary, and advancing towards the estuary.

Time is passing, and one day is about to pass.

When two continuous mountains can be seen from both sides of the river in the distance, the "Emperor" is not far from the sea.

So close at hand, you can enter the vast sea at any time.

But the "Emperor" stopped.

The anchor was put into the water.

The sky is about to get dark, and darkness is about to come.

Compared with the perilous sea, the inland rivers are undoubtedly much safer.

Time passed, and light and darkness alternated. When the light faded and darkness enveloped the earth, Lin Hai also became lively. Various sounds were intertwined, and the sound was near and far away, making it difficult to figure out the root cause.

On the slightly rippling river, the "Emperor" stood in the dark, and the lights on the ship made the "Emperor" shrouded in light, and also illuminated the surrounding darkness.

In the dark night, the existence of the "Emperor" is particularly prominent.

Although, being too conspicuous in the dark will bring hidden threats.

But the "First Army" is fearless and will not be afraid of any challenges from the forest.

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