Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 190: sleep

In the light of the light, the river was shimmering, and on the deck, countless figures were shaking, patrolling the deck back and forth.

Although the "First Army" is not afraid, it cannot relax its vigilance because of this.

"What do you mean? Is this what the commander meant?"

Tan Ya frowned and looked at Sakuya angrily.

She was very angry and said loudly: "I am a soldier, a real soldier, not a bed-warming woman, even a commander, I won't agree!"

Tan Ya's fierce reaction made Sakuya a bit surprised. Sakiya didn't expect that her words caused Tan Ya to react so much.

Sakiya quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong! Your Highness doesn't know about this, I came to you on my own initiative!"

"Since you don't agree, then forget it, and treat it like I haven't been here this time!"

When she said this, Sakuya looked a little dazed, and she fell into thinking.

What should I do next?

Who should she go to next?

His Royal Highness's sister?

Sakiya knew it was impossible, that little girl might agree, but His Highness would not.

what can we do about it?

Sakiya, who was worried, turned around and was about to leave this room exclusively reserved for Tanya.

At this time, Tan Ya's voice rang behind him.

"You don't tell me the details! How can I help you?"

Tanya's words stopped Sakiya's footsteps and turned to face Tanya.

Recovering from thinking, Sakuya's face became a little ruddy.

Some things are too difficult to talk about.

But to get Tanya's help, Sakiya must tell Tanya everything.

Can only confess.

Sakuya said softly: "His Royal Highness has a unique power. Although that power is powerful, the price to be paid is also heavy!"


Not long after coming to this world, Tan Ya didn't know what kind of power the commander had.

The cost is even more unknown.

Reaching out her hand, Sakiya pointed to her head and said: "That power is related to the human brain, so that power keeps His Highness in a state of mental activity at all times, resulting in a state of "cannot sleep at night"!"

"In order for your Highness to rest, not long after I came here, "it" asked me to apply a kind of perfume with sleeping ingredients to accompany His Highness at night so that His Highness can sleep peacefully!

Looking at Sakuya blankly, Tan Ya's eyes became a little surprised.

"then you……"

Sakuya shook her head quickly, but she didn't know what Tanya meant.

"His Royal Highness is not that kind of person. Although sleeping on a bed, His Royal Highness just hugs me and never takes one step further!"

Sakuya’s face became shy, her expression a little regretful, and a little unconvinced, and at the same time bold: "I don’t hate staying next to Your Royal Highness, but... Your Royal Highness is worrying about something. He didn’t say, but I know, I can feel it too!"

What is it?

Sakiya could feel it, but she couldn't ask, she knew from His Highness's mouth.

Tan Ya smiled slightly and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. If the commander is really the kind of person he thinks, even if she pays the price of "violating the order", she will leave, leave here, and leave his side.

"Then why are you looking for me tonight? You have been taking care of the commander, do you want to give me this task!"

Sakiya shook his head and said, "I don't need to trouble you normally! It's just..."

Speaking of this, Sakiya suddenly became twitchy.

With a blushing face, he said intermittently: ", I...that...coming!"

Tan Ya was taken aback, and then suddenly, as a woman, how could she not understand Saya's difficulties.

Looking at the shy Sakuya, Tan Ya shook her head helplessly: "As one of the top ten commanders of the Rising Sun Empire's superpower forces, this is not like you, Sakuya!"

Hearing these words, Sakuya's shy expression came in an instant, the expression on his face became cold, and even the gaze looking at Tan Ya changed.

She said indifferently: "I am Sakuya here, Sakuya in your Royal Highness's mind. Your Royal Highness likes me like this. It is necessary for me to give up my previous identity!"

With a change of gaze, Tan Ya looked at Sakuya sarcastically: "No matter how you change, you can't change the fact that your hands are covered with blood! When the commander is holding your hand, I am curious if your heart is daring. trembling!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, depressing, and full of gunpowder.

Tan Ya has not forgotten the **** storm caused when the Rising Sun Empire's superpower troops participated in that war.

Those who have seen such scenes will know that those beautiful and cute girls are the real executioners, the devil who kills people without blinking.

Compared to them, the harm caused by any weapon of war to mankind is insignificant.

That kind of hatred, how could Tan Ya forget.

Sakuya's face was pale, because of Tanya's words, she thought of a lot, thinking of the past and the future.

For a while, Sakuya felt tired, and sweat leaked out of her cheeks and forehead.

Looking plainly at Tan Ya, Sakiya chose to ignore the sarcasm and hateful look, she just asked again: "Are you going?"

The hatred gaze disappeared, and the sardonic gaze withdrew. Tan Ya knew where she was. No matter how strong the flame of hatred in her heart was, she couldn't do anything.


Thinking of that pale and weak figure, Tan Ya felt helpless.

As his subordinates, he should do his best for his body.

"I go!"

Sakiya breathed a sigh of relief in just two words.

Anything is good, as long as your Highness can sleep peacefully.

He took out a bottle of pink liquid and put it on the table aside.

Sakuya said: "Change your clothes, dress up, and give your Highness a good influence!"

After speaking, Sakiya turned around and left without paying attention to Tan Ya who was in a daze.

When Sakuya's figure disappeared behind the door, Tanya came back to her senses.

I looked at the bottle of pink perfume on the table and thought about what Sakiya said before leaving.

Change clothes?

Tan Ya looked down at herself.

Any questions?

Tan Ya didn't think a military outfit was inappropriate.


Tan Ya remembered what a female instructor in the army had said to her.

"As a woman, you should take advantage of women. When beautiful clothes can defeat the enemy, you don't need to consume even a bullet!"

People rely on clothes, horses and saddles. No matter how beautiful women are, they need a nice dress to set off.

Only in this way can it attract the attention of aliens.

Tan Ya thought of this.

Although Tanya didn't think she needed to defeat the commander, she didn't want to be compared to that woman Sakiya.

She wants to let the commander know that her beauty is no worse than any woman.

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