Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 628: Policy of the Resistance

In thinking, Locks looked at Lelos and said: "Lelos! What do you think?"

As soon as this word came out, the eyes of the study were focused on Lelos.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Lilos looked indifferent and said slowly: "Wait for the changes, and retreat!"

What does this mean?

"Don't be polite, just make it clear!"

After taking a look at Lilos, Pelos said irritably.

Lilos shook his head helplessly, and had to say: "The so-called waiting for changes is to observe the direction of the war. If victory is favored by the military government, we don't need to do anything or can do anything. If victory favors the First Army, then we must To advance or retreat, take the initiative to contact the First Army. Only in this way can we gain rights after the war and better benefit the people of Bentley."

Pelos finally understood the meaning of Lylos' words.

Looking at Lelos with a slight surprise, Pelos said: "Lelos! Your method is treason. If we did this, how will we face the people of Bentley in the future? And how can you confirm that the First Army will hand over the rights? Give us?"

Pelos smiled lightly and said: "This is what is called politics. If the First Army wants to rule Bentley, it must delegate power to the locals. Only in this way can the people of Bentley be appeased and the occurrence of civil unrest can be reduced. Otherwise, the people will resist. In my heart, it will make the First Army tired to deal with it!"

Speaking of this, Pelos's meaning is completely clear.

This is not a very good method.

If it is improperly operated, the people's hatred will be easily attracted to the rebels. At that time, let alone gaining rights, whether the rebels can continue to exist will be a question.

Lockes did not reject Pelos's opinion.

As Pelos said, if the victorious Libra falls to the First Legion, where will their rebels go?

The fall of the voice caused the study to fall into a weird silence. The only four people who existed looked unpredictable, each thinking about their stakes.

For a long time, in silence, Lockes collected his thoughts.

Looking at the three people in front of him, Lockes said: "Although I don't want to be that treason, Pelos is right. Sometimes we don't have the right to choose. For the future of Bentley, personal gains and losses are small, even if it is People scolded, we must also seek the future for the people of Bentley!"

Is this the choice of the instructor?

The three of them looked straight and looked at Locks respectfully.

Not everyone has the guts to make this decision. In any case, this is worthy of admiration.

Looking at Locks, Pelos said solemnly: "Instructor! I listen to you, even if it is scolded by thousands of people, it is my share!"

"Yes! Pelos is right, we are one, no one can list it!"

Lelos also made a statement.

The words were all spoken by Pelos and Leros, and Orino could only nod his head in response.

Lockes is still very pleased with the support of the three.

"Okay! In this war, the policy of the rebels is so set, waiting for changes, and advancing as retreating!"

Finally, Lockes made a decision.

As soon as these words came out, for the three of them, there was a bottom in their hearts.

With the bottom, everything is easy to do.

With the plan, the tense atmosphere in the study suddenly relaxed, and the expressions on everyone's faces were no longer as tight as before.

Looking at the three of them, Locks said: "I will keep an eye on the direction of the war, Lelos! The situation has been chaotic recently, so please suspend the development of members of the Resistance Army and avoid those who are interested in getting into the Resistance Army!"

Nodded, Lelos said: "Understood! After I go back, I will announce this news downward!"

Receiving a response, Locks looked at Orino again and said, "Ollino, just in case, after returning, he began to let the rebels in the Captain Messeg’s defense area gather in Marani City. When you need "power" when you get it, no one can move it!"

Orino nodded, and said, "Understood! I will do it now!"

At last, Locks looked at Pelos and said: "Pelos! Start collecting the munitions hidden everywhere, put them together, and we may be able to use them soon!"


Peellos looked upright and answered solemnly.

The matter of munitions is not a trivial matter. A little carelessness may lead to exposure. Once exposed, the rebels in Marani City will be affected. The importance of this matter, of course, Pelos understands.

Nodding to the three of them, Lockes said, "This time, I will stop here! Go back, be careful on the road, and be careful of your own safety!"

The three nodded and got up from the wooden chair.

Looking at Locks behind the desk, Orino said: "Then we will leave first!"

Lockes nodded and said, "Keep in touch anytime!"

Without a word, the three turned and left, disappearing behind the door one by one.

When the three people left, the study returned to its former quietness.

Behind the desk, Lockes fell into contemplation again.

The situation in Bentley has been very delicate recently. The emergence of the First Army was too sudden, and too surprising and confusing.

Looking at the white landline on the desk, Locks looked hesitant.

After a long stalemate, Locks finally picked up the phone and dialed a number.

In the study room, a beep sounded.

In the dark, all parties are moving around the invasion of the First Army.

Both the military and the civilians are working hard for this country at this moment.

In the open sea of ​​Marani Bay, the huge "Emperor" is quietly moored on the sea. Surrounded by various lights, the "Emperor" is like a light in the dark, looking dazzling. Illuminated a large area of ​​the sea.

There will not be any too powerful sea beasts in the waters near the coast. Even if there are, the target of the sea beasts will not be the "Emperor", but the human city on land.

Therefore, the "Emperor" is fearless, and is not as silent as the night in the deep sea.

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