Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 629: Looking at the stars

It was pitch black outside, but brightly lit on the top deck.

The light is not strong, but rather soft.

When it was dark, Natasha had already left. Although the huge fleet does not need her to keep an eye on her all the time, as a soldier, even if she becomes a "dead", she has not forgotten the nature of a soldier and has been on duty faithfully. .

There was no figure in the pavilion, but there were many figures standing beside the ship's gunwale outside the garden.

But under the light of each other, Li Meng stood quietly on the side of the ship, looking at the dark sea in the distance.

In addition to the fleet floating in the dark, all he could see was the island.

In the darkness, a little bit of light gathered on a certain area on the island. Although it was far away, the existence of the island could be seen.

That was Turner Island, the first place the First Army attacked.

"When the "power" of mankind gradually grows and has the ability to breathe under the threat of beasts, when external threats cannot threaten the survival of this large family of humans, conflicts between humans will appear sooner or later. This is human nature. This is a creature full of contradictions and driven by desires, and our First Legion has only accelerated this process!"

The indifferent voice echoed under the soft light, as if talking, and as if feeling emotional.

Wendy, who was beside Li Meng, looked sideways at the owner beside him.

To the master, she understood a little bit, and some did not understand it.

"So the evolutionary history of species is driven by desire. The only difference is that one type is the instinct of the body, while the other type is the tool of wisdom. Even our undead will have internal fighting due to the desire for profit. How about "human beings"!"

Wendy's voice was very soft and soft.

Having become a "dead", Wendy is very clear about her own existence. Even if she doesn't have too many emotions like human beings, but no matter what kind of existence, as long as there is self-cognition wisdom, there will be desires. The undead are also not listed.

Li Meng was surprised that Wendy was able to say this.

Looking sideways at Wendy beside him, Li Meng smiled lightly and said: "You are right. There are no desireless creatures in this world. On a planet that breeds life, it is a gladiator. Only the victor can leave this cage and go to the wider world outside."


Wendy was somewhat speechless to the metaphor of the master.


Looking at the master, Wendy said softly: "It seems that the master thinks this sky is too small!"

Li Meng didn't deny it. He just looked at the dark night outside and said indifferently: "This is just the instinct to detect, and it is also a desire for knowledge. Don't you think the starry sky beyond heaven and earth is beautiful?"


Wendy looked at the sky. In the black sky, the stars were shining, and the dim stars showed its existence.

It's really beautiful, and it makes people yearn for.

Looking at the sky, Li Meng looked indifferent and said: "The endless lives of our "dead" will one day get out of this sky, but how long will it take? A hundred years? Or a thousand years? Want to leave this cage, It is inseparable from the help of "science and technology", and the development of science and technology requires the support of huge resources. The fastest way to obtain resources is "war"!"

One sentence simply explained the reason for the war. It was not for population or territory, but for resources. Territory and population were merely incidental items under "resources."

The original crystal and rough stone are pure energy. Through research, humans can obtain the mystery of "energy" and allow humans to control energy. Although this requires a process, once humans control the "energy", they leave this cage. There will be no problems.

Is it not Li Meng’s hope to trade with the world of “Ayre”.

The human beings in the "Ayre" world have far more advanced "technology" than this world. They have already touched the edge of controlling "energy", and the only thing they need is a thrust, a driving force for the rapid improvement of technology.

The rough stone and the original crystal are undoubtedly a shortcut to bring them closer to the mystery of "energy".

Li Meng's ambitions are great. Although he didn't usually explain it to those around him, under his guidance, the First Army was full of aggressiveness. Isn't this another fact that proves Li Meng's "ambition"?

Li Meng has never concealed his inner thoughts, but the people around him will not take the initiative to ask. Over time, Li Meng passively hides his thoughts.

Although the inner thoughts were hidden, the first legion moved forward firmly and powerfully.

It has been almost half a year since leaving Dirty Valley. The speed of the First Army's development is beyond ordinary people's imagination. This fully shows Li Meng's "rush" heart.

Looking at the master silently, Wendy was very calm at the moment.

No matter what the master wants to do, what he intends to do, or what seemingly distant goal, as followers, they can only unswervingly follow the master's footsteps and cut away the thorns ahead.

This is not only her, but also the belief of the entire First Army.

The night is deep, and the darkness covers everything, and the bright lights can't fight the darkness between the sky and the earth. Under the best lullaby, everything is silent, and in the silence, time is passing bit by bit.

No matter how long the darkness is, the light will always return.

When the darkness fades and the light envelopes the earth, a new day has arrived.

In the early morning, when everything recovered, the silent city of Marani suddenly became active.

In this city with a population of nearly one million, it is an independent small society. You can find all kinds of emotions in life in this city. Everyone has their own life experience. When countless people’s life experiences are brought together When they come together, that is civilization, human civilization.

Today is destined to be an extraordinary day.

In Marani city, everything is business as usual. Although there are threats from foreign enemies, the order in Marani city remains stable.

The operation of the city is business as usual, the threat of foreign enemies has not caused Marani City into chaos, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

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