Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 631: Tragic

The enemy fleet launched an attack?

In the violent explosion, there was chaos in the fort, explosions everywhere, and debris flying across.

"Leave the city wall, quickly, enter the inner wall to avoid the gunfire!"

The enemy's artillery fire was too violent, and the city wall underneath was shaking violently, making people wonder whether it would collapse in the next moment and fall into the sea below.

From a distance, the fortress on Turner Island has been shrouded by artillery fire, and there are constantly flickering fire lights, huge flame mushroom clouds rise, in the explosion, countless buildings collapsed and turned into ruins.

In addition to the fortress, the chaotic forest behind the beach was also being baptized by gunfire at almost the same time.

Compared with a solid burst, the bombardment of the rock forest has shown the power of the naval gun.

Whenever the flame is surging, a huge fireball rises, and the air waves sweeping around will always carry countless rocks.

Countless rocks were shattered by artillery bombs, and the forest of rocks was disappearing in the fierce fire.

Amidst the flickering of flames, the sound of "rumbling" explosions, and the continuous shelling on the sea in the distance, Turner Island is being baptized by artillery fire.

A huge explosion resounded across the sky and the earth swept away mightily.

The battle has begun...

The news quickly spread back to the city of Marani, and through the communication system, spread to all parts of Bentley.

Whether it is Opo Aron City or Voda City, they already know a fact.

The battle finally started, and the First Army launched an attack.

Although it was an expected thing, when it really happened, it still felt a little unbelievable.

Bentley has been at peace for so many years, and finally war will inevitably come.

At this moment, Bentley was swept by a storm, a storm from war.

The "rumbling" explosion sounded for an unknown period of time. At that moment, the explosion suddenly disappeared.

One wave ended, and the fleet stopped bombing Turner Island.

With the last shot down, the flames no longer flickered, and the huge fleet floated quietly on the sea.

But on Turner Island in the distance, it was a mess. Whether it was a fortress or the first line of defense in the rocky forest, they were all taken special care of. Under the bombardment of large-caliber naval guns, everything was wiped out.

The attack came too suddenly, especially the defenders in the first line of defense, there was no time to avoid the artillery attack, when they reacted, the shells had fallen from the top of their heads.

Under the fierce bombing, the original rocky forest has been greatly changed, as if part of it has been wiped out. Numerous rocky mountains have been blown up, and fragments of rubble are all over, making the rocky forest seem to be flattened a lot. .

For the defenders of the Stone Forest, the sudden bombing was a disaster for them.

The soldiers were either blown to pieces or buried under the gravel.

All the commanding heights with heavy firepower in the rocky forest disappeared and were cut off by artillery fire.

The two thousand defenders on the first line of defense were bombarded in less than half an hour, and nearly half of them were killed or injured. Almost all of the survivors were wounded, very heavy.

The power of the enemy naval gun is too great. If a shell is dropped, even if it is 100 meters away, you can feel the amazing heat wave, and the explosion that can almost tear the eardrum.

The rubble hit by the air wave can even kill soldiers at a distance of 100 meters.

Simple trenches built on rubble are of no use at all. Instead, there is a risk of being buried by rubble. Under the fierce bombing, the worries of the terrain of the rubble forest can not be reflected at all. Instead, it has become a veritable burial ground.

In a messy stone forest, there are countless craters everywhere, large and small, and the smoke from the explosion stays for a short time, making the stone forest seem to be shrouded in fog.

In the mist, countless wailing sounds reverberated, and countless wounded figures searched for their wailing companions in the mist.

There was no commander, no one who gave orders on the spot, and the surviving soldiers looked for their companions in the fog with the sound of cry for help.

For a while, the battlefield was extremely chaotic.

In the fortress, in a sturdy observation platform, the brothers Vader and Via came to the front after the bombing.

Fortunately, they were in their respective rooms when the gunfire struck.

And their room was on the other side of the fort, facing southeast, so it was easy to avoid artillery bombing.

Through the observation port and watching the messy scene before him, Vader was silent for a long time.

After being baptized by artillery fire, the fortress was not as strong as it seemed, and it had become shattered.

In particular, a city wall facing the enemy fleet’s frontal fire. On one side of the wall, large and small craters were densely covered. The tall city wall appeared to be cracked. Especially on the city wall, many large and small appeared. The gap in the sky is a tragic scene.

"The first line of defense is over! Vader! Hurry up and order the soldiers on the first line of defense to withdraw, hurry!"

When Vader focused on the broken fortress, Via paid attention to the first line of defense in the distance.

It's tragic, very tragic. Although the telescope can't see clearly, only a piece of smoke can be seen, but from the telescope, Via can see that the rocky forest has disappeared and was flattened by the enemy. Up.

Although knowing that the enemy's artillery fire was very powerful, the power of the explosion was still beyond Via's expectations.

That piece of stone forest is not something that can be erased by any artillery, and perhaps a hundred millimeters of artillery cannot cause any damage to that piece of stone forest.

But under the bombardment of the First Army Fleet, it was easily erased.

Could the caliber of this naval gun exceed two hundred millimeters? Maybe higher?

Via did not know that although the distant fleet was clearly visible, the accuracy of the telescope in their hands was not enough to be able to observe the caliber of the artillery on the battleship.

Vader's face was heavy, and he nodded silently.

Vader also noticed the situation of the first line of defense. It was very bad, it looked very tragic, and I don't know how many people could survive.

Grabbing a soldier next to him, Vader said, "Hurry up to the communication room and notify the defenders of the first line of defense to withdraw!"

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