Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 632: Lucky guard


The soldier was stunned for a while, then reacted, and hurriedly responded.

Then he left in a hurry.

When the soldiers left, Vader looked at Via and said solemnly: "The first line of defense was lost so quickly, and this second line of defense may not last long. In the final analysis, the fortress under your feet is The best line of defense, brother, in order to preserve your strength, do you think..."

What Vader meant, how could Via not understand, it was nothing more than trying to preserve strength.

If the explosion like just now happens again, the second line of defense will never survive.

However, the situation of the second line of defense is different from that of the first line of defense, and Via will never easily discard it.

Looking at the enemy fleet that has stopped shelling on the sea in the distance, Via said with solemn expression: "The second line of defense is hidden in the forest. For such a large target, the enemy cannot know where the second line of defense is located in the forest. Unless the forest is the target, a covering bombardment is carried out, but this is impossible because the forest is too big!"

After a little pause, Via continued: "The forest is a good cover. I plan to put five thousand troops on the second line of defense and have a good fight with the enemy landing troops!"

Five thousand troops?

Vader was slightly stunned, this is a big deal, is it too risky?

Once it fails, the defensive power of the fortress will be greatly weakened, will it be worth the loss?

"Brother! Is this too risky?"

Vader did not agree with his brother's decision.

Via shook his head slightly, put down the binoculars, and said to Vader beside him: "The enemy is coming from a long distance, and it must not be very abundant in terms of strength, nor can we carry out a protracted battle. We are the defender. Occupying a geographical advantage, even if it is lost, it can consume the enemy's power. This also reduces the pressure on the fortress."

My brother had this plan, Wei De knew it

Nodding his head, Vader said: "I understand! Brother! Do you need some support from me?"

Via refused.

Said: "No need, and the investment of troops should not be too large, otherwise it will affect the guards of the fortress."

Since his brother said so, Vader certainly couldn't force it.

And just as my brother said, the guard force on Turner Island exceeds 20,000. If the loss on the second line of defense is too large, the last line of defense will cause loopholes in the defense of the fortress.

This needs to be avoided as much as possible.

Time is passing, taking advantage of the gap between the waves of the fleet bombing, the defenders on the first line of defense on Turner Island are retreating.

In the first wave of bombing, the defenders on the first line of defense suffered heavy losses. In the end, fewer than half of the two thousand defenders were able to get out of the rocky forest.

Many soldiers in the rocky forest may still be alive, buried under the rubble.

But they will only be greeted by death.

In the war, there was no time to rescue them.

Although this is cruel, the war itself is cruel, full of death.

"Quickly, hurry up, let's get out of here!"

After the stone forest, at the junction with the forest, countless figures assisted each other to walk out of the stone forest, and walked into the forest along the stone road under their feet.

Their faces were all covered with gray dust and blood. The gray combat uniforms on their bodies were not only in tatters, but blood-red wounds could be seen from under the broken gaps.

The wound had solidified and appeared black.

Standing on a raised stone, a surviving centurion was directing the evacuation team.

Among the surviving soldiers, he was the only one who had the highest military position. His superiors, the two commanders of the army, had already died, and there was no trace.

They may be still alive, lying under a certain piece of rubble, but the survivors are powerless. They must follow the order and evacuate from the position as quickly as possible.

"Woo, hey!"

Suddenly, a wailing sound like crying and laughter sounded from the rocky forest.

In the sight of the soldiers who were attracted by the howling and stopped slightly, a soldier whose legs had been blown out came out of the rocky forest, hugged by two soldiers.

Looking carefully, not only the legs were broken, but also the right hand.

In the cracked gray combat uniform, one could vaguely see the bowl of open wounds.

The blood clotting in the wound was black, and bones could be seen in the black.

Especially the right hand that was blown off, the muscles seemed to be vaporized, leaving only a section of pale white bones, which looked particularly penetrating and made people shudder.

Looking at the wailing soldier, the master who looked at him turned pale, and continued walking without looking back.

Looking at the three people passing by, the centurion standing on the stone didn't say anything, but quietly watched the three go away.

To be able to walk out of the rocky forest with the mortal "him", the relationship between the three must be unusual.

"Speed ​​up, fast, return to the fortress, you can heal your injuries!"

Under the urging of the centurion, many people left the shadows in the rocky forest, and their steps accelerated slightly.

Although they are in war, no one wants to die, even if their bodies have become corpses, they still want to live.

"Pump! Pinch!"

At this time, from the rocky forest, a sound of mechanical operation suddenly rang.

When the centurion on the stone was attracted by the sound and looked into the rocky forest, his expression was stunned.

It turned out to be a guard.

The gray-painted guard looks good overall, but the gray paint has been scraped off a lot, exposing the metal inside, and the long barrel is slightly twisted, sparking from time to time at the joints of the mechanical legs. The guard, who was nearly 7 meters high, had some crutches when he walked, just like a disabled person with one foot. It seems that the mechanical leg is malfunctioning.

Seeing the guard approaching step by step, the Centurion looked a little surprised.

It was a miracle that this guard could survive the bombing. After all, huge guards had more targets than humans, and of course the chance of surviving was lower.

There are 3 guards on the line of defense in the rocky forest, and only this one survives. What if this is not good luck?

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