Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 661: Attack

The death of a companion is an important factor in lowering morale for the living.

The faces of many soldiers on the city wall showed fear and anxiety. Although they were still fighting, the straw in their hearts could easily be crushed. All that was needed was a little external pressure. .

"Fight! Continue to fight and concentrate firepower to protect the city gate. As long as the city gate can be held, we will be able to win!"

On the wide city wall, officers wearing grey exquisite military coats are walking back and forth on the wall, their existence, their yelling, is the most important existence for maintaining morale.

As long as the officers don't mess around with themselves, the soldiers on the wall will not have the intention of retreating. No matter how fearful they are, they will desperately stick to their posts.

At this moment, when the battle is fierce.

Suddenly, many sturdy figures appeared on the stone path in the forest.

When they stepped out of the forest, they entered the open area outside the forest.

Their postures are at a glance.

Wearing black armor and holding a big sword, he walked unhurriedly on the stone path, making a metal sound as he walked around.

They were enveloped in black bloodline armor, resembling an ancient heavy armored knight.

When they appeared, they not only attracted the attention of their own soldiers, but also attracted the attention of the defenders on the enemy wall.

One, two, three, a total of six figures.

When he walked out of the forest, his posture was completely exposed to the outside world.

The six burly figures who were walking unhurriedly suddenly speeded up their pace.

The footsteps collapsed, and the six figures ran quickly. In the sound of "Zhengzheng" footsteps, the burly figure rushed towards the city gate along the stone road at the foot, with great speed, and the mighty figure looked like a tank in the sky. , Giving people an overwhelming feeling.

"Stop them!"

How could the defenders on the wall not notice the abnormal movement on the stone path? When they found the six peculiar figures running towards the city gate, the defenders on the wall quickly reacted.

"Attack! Quick, stop them!"

Although no one would think that only six people can destroy the strong gate, it is not a good idea to let the six figures close to the gate.

When the defenders on the city wall reacted, the black knight rushing along the stone path had already walked half of the distance, not far from the city gate, just two hundred meters away.

"Bang! Bang!"

The defenders on the city wall turned their guns and concentrated their firepower to attack the black knight near the city gate.

The dense bullets suddenly formed a barrage, pouring towards the black knight rushing on the stone path.

"Ding! Ding!"

The distance of several hundred meters stopped in a short time, countless bullets hit the black knight, and countless sparks sputtered out of the black knight's body.

That is the spark that the bullet touched the armor, was blocked by the armor with amazing defensive power, and was wiped out by the instant collision before the bullet flew.


The bullet is invalid?

Seeing that the bullet had no effect on the black knight, he stared at the defenders on the city wall.

Although those soldiers wearing dark green armor can also withstand the bullets fired by their rifles, they are not 100% defense. Once they are hit by intense firepower, they can also break the armor and kill the soldiers in the armor.

But the black soldiers on the stone path were different. They faced the dense bullets, they marched forward with the bullet rain as if they were nothing, but the dense bullets did not seem to have any effect on them. In the sparks, their bodies were black. Almost 100% of his armor resisted the bullet attack.

The firepower is not enough, and more powerful weapons must be used.


A "guard" on the city wall opened fire, and the muzzle of the black hole pointed directly at the black figure running wild on the stone path below.

The gun tube shook suddenly, the flames surging, and a fiery red bullet shot out, piercing the sky, and hitting a black figure running on a stone path in the whistling sound.


After an extremely harsh metal collision sound, the black figure that was hit suddenly burst into flames and exploded.

In the flames of the explosion, a black shadow flew out, flying out a full tens of meters, before it fell heavily to the ground.

Before the defenders on the city wall could breathe lightly, the black knight who was blown up and fell to the ground stood up as if nothing had happened, and continued to run towards the city gate.

On the chest, the black knight's armor seemed to be melted, a piece of flaming red, like melted metal, which looked dazzling and shocking.

not dead?

Seeing the hit black knight standing up from the ground, the defenders on the city wall were shocked. This is an 85mm cannon. It was okay to bear an 85mm cannon on the front?

What kind of monster is this?

At this moment, the defenders on the wall were a little flustered.

At this time, the five black knights running wild on the stone path were already very close to the city wall, only tens of meters.

In the previous wave of firepower, only one black knight was hit by the artillery fire, and the other five black knights approached the city gate smoothly.

At a distance of several tens of meters, due to the angle limitation, the enemy's artillery could no longer be touched. At this time, no one could stop the black knight from approaching the city gate.

When the distance to the city gate was close enough, the running black knight had a new move.

I saw the five black knights swinging the big swords in their hands and slamming them hard. The big swords were like sharp arrows, turning into five black shadows in the sky and shooting towards the city gate.

A distance of several tens of meters will come in an instant.

"Chih! Chih!"

In the sound of the metal piercing, five great swords were inserted into the heavy gate one after another.

Facing the heavy metal gate, almost half of the five great swords pierced the city gate. One can imagine how powerful the black knight is and how sharp and indestructible the great sword is.

After throwing out the big sword in their hands, the black knights did not stop their steps. When the big sword pierced the city gate, but for a few breaths, the black knights running wild followed closely behind them, in a row, like tanks Hit the city gate.

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