Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 662: City break


There was a deafening sound, the earth was trembling, and the five black knights hit the city gate almost at the same time.

Amid the loud noise, the huge gate cracked, and a large part of the gate was stripped from the main body, hit and flew out, fell into the fortress tens of meters away, and fell to the ground with a "bang".

Under the impact of the Black Knight, a gap of four meters wide and six meters high appeared on the huge gate.

Behind the city gate, many Bentley soldiers looked at the city gate with a big hole in horror, and behind the gate, the black knight who was picking up the big sword from the ground.

"The gate is broken! The gate is broken! Attack! Stop them!"

In the panic roar, on the square behind the city gate, soldiers from Bentley raised their guns to shoot at the black knight.

Facing the rain of bullets, the black knights chose to charge.

The dark shadow flashed, and the black knights jumped across a distance of tens of meters amidst all the sparks, and plunged into the crowd.

Like a cannonball, the impact of the landing caused the crowd to turn around.

But what followed was a **** scene.

The black knights waved their big swords and began to reap life.

The blood-colored sword's edge flashed, and in the spray of blood mist, every figure was torn apart and turned into two pieces.

Some were cut off lazily, some were decapitated, and some were cut off their limbs and fell to the ground amidst screams and wailing.

Not long after, the soldiers on the square were killed and injured by six black knights.

The killing in close combat is cruel, and also the bloodiest. Under the broken limbs, blood has flowed in the square.

"Don't come here! Devil, devil!"

Facing the **** killing, a soldier couldn't bear the wanton killing of the black blood-red figure, and the psychological straw completely collapsed.

But the collapse at this time will only make his life disappear faster.

In the eyes of the black hole, the black knight relentlessly swung his great sword to cut off the collapsed soldier.


In the spray of blood mist, the collapsed soldier was cut in half, and the pain lasted only a few seconds. When he fell, his face was full of fear and hideousness.

The **** scene below the city was seen by the defenders on the city wall. Everyone was pale, but they had no way, because the enemies outside the city were pouring into the opened gap.

"Go forward! Attack!"

Seeing a gap in the city gate was opened, the troops outside the city responded immediately.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engine, all the hammer tanks rushed towards the city gate and drove up the stone path again.

There is a continuous front line, so the troops are moving in the direction of the city gate.

Only by entering the fortress, victory will belong to them.

Can't hold it!

Can't hold it anymore.

The Libra of victory and defeat has already tilted at this moment, and the defender has already failed.

In panic and anxiety, the morale of the defenders on the city wall has dropped to the extreme. Coupled with the **** scene on the square in the city, many soldiers have already retreated in their hearts.

Seeing the fearful subordinates around him, an officer on the wall fell into silence.

Outside the city, the enemy is rushing towards the gap, and soon they will enter the fortress, they cannot stop it.

The disadvantages are already obvious.

Can't hold it anymore.

Speaking slightly, stalemate for a long time, finally, he still said something he didn't want to say.

When I said it, there was a huge roar.

"Evacuate! Evacuate all! Evacuate to the inner castle!"

When the evacuation order from the superior officer came out, the city wall suddenly boiled.

So the soldiers abandoned their posts and evacuated along the city wall towards the inner fort defense line with pale faces. Even the war machine "guards" did the same. They ignored the dead corpses of their comrades on the walls, and heavy metal feet trampled over the corpses. A mass of plasma burst out.

The soldiers on the wall were running wildly, and the swarming figures moved along the wall like a tide.

Outside the city, the enemy's evacuation, the attack from the city wall almost disappeared, and the hammer tank drove up the stone path again and drove aggressively towards the broken city gate, followed by mobilized soldiers on both sides.

Amid the roar of the engine and the sound of trotting footsteps, the vanguard troops outside the city drove into the fortress through the hole in the city gate.

At this time, the enemy guards under the city had already fled, and those who did not flee became the ghosts of the black knight.

When the troops drove into the fortress, what they saw before them was a hideous and **** scene.

Behind the city gate is a huge square, but the square at this moment is a hellish scene. The corpses are full of broken corpses. No corpse is intact. The blood has not yet solidified and is still flowing. The **** river of blood almost flowed to the gate of the city.

And the six black figures, who were also the black knights the soldiers of the First Legion called, stood quietly among the corpses, looking around blankly, seeming to be confused by the disappearance of the enemy.

Seeing the **** scene before him, even as a companion, the mobilizer couldn't help but shudder.

Fortunately, it was their companions, otherwise, their fate would be no better than the broken bodies in the square.

Although the scene on the square was horrible, the troops that poured into the fortress did not stop, but proceeded along the roads on both sides of the square.

The battle is not over, there is one last battle.

Behind the square, there is a low barracks. The buildings of the barracks are unified. They are also three-story cube houses. The cube houses are arranged neatly and look very neat.

Behind the camp, at the northwest end of the fort, there is an inner fort.

The Neiburg is like a small castle, with independent walls, complex and towering buildings, and looks very solid.

It just looks like it as a whole. In the previous bombings, the current Naiburg was also in dilapidated condition. Many buildings collapsed, and one messy gap appeared one after another.

From the moment the city gate was breached, the victory or defeat was confirmed, and the enemy was just dying to struggle in the next battle.

"Fortunately! Leave the next battle to us!"

As the troops entered the fortress together, watching the scene on the square that he couldn't bear to look directly at, Love still suppressed the discomfort in his heart and said to the black knight standing upright on the square.

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