Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 681: Road in the forest

When nearly a hundred engineers and soldiers poured into the forest, there were not many explosions in the forest.

The sound of the explosion was accompanied by the sound of trees falling to the ground, and the sound of "creak!"

When the first blast in the forest sounded, Love, who was standing on the beach, ordered again: "The officers at all levels listened to the order and immediately led the troops to arrange defense lines on both sides of the scheduled road to guard the engineering team to avoid contamination in the forest. Beast harassment!"

In the sound of the command, the troops acted again.

The soldiers on the beach moved almost at the same time, rushing towards the forest in silence.

The sickle mecha and hammer tank on the beach remained.

The terrain of Bentley is not gentle, and the gaps between the forests are relatively narrow. If there is no road, even the smaller Sickle Mechas will be difficult to move in the forest, not to mention the larger, crawler hammer tanks. .

The road built by Bentley is 6 kilometers away from the coastline, which means that the engineers and soldiers must clear a 6-kilometer-long passage in the forest. There are many trees in the forest. This is not a small project and requires a lot of time.

Moreover, clearing a road is also prepared for the follow-up troops. When the transport fleet arrives, the armored machinery on it needs a path that can be moved.

When the soldiers poured into the forest one after another, the landing craft on the beach had already left. Looking out to the sea, the returning landing craft could only see a small spot.

Nearly four thousand soldiers were transported to the southern coast of Turner Island under the round-trip transportation of the landing craft.

The landing of the troops was not hindered in any way. The enemy did not deploy anti-landing operations on the long coastline, because Bentley understood that the First Army had a strong fleet and it was unwise to fight in the offshore area.

Moreover, Bentley’s long coastline has countless excellent landing points. It is simply impossible to defend every landing point.

How will Bentley State react now? The First Army does not know, and it must be stepping up the deployment of defense forces to resist the invasion of the First Army.

With the return of the last batch of landing craft, their mission is not over for the landing craft. They still need to transport various materials to the supply point on the shore.

On the huge beach, huge war machines stand, scattered all over the beach, and at a glance, metal bodies are densely packed.

Before the roads in the forest are connected, the armored units have to wait.

"General! According to the information sent by the investigation team, the location of the city of Bali has been found. It is more than 50 kilometers southeast of the city. Although there is no enemy army outside the city, the enemy has strengthened the city. Defense!"

On the golden sandy beach, several sergeants of all levels followed the black figure in front of them, walking towards the forest.

She was dressed in black bloodline armor, and she looked a little dazzling, wearing a hood, making it impossible to see her face.

But everyone on the beach knew who she was. She was a general, the highest-ranking officer, and the commander of this war.

At Natasha's side, Love followed along while reporting to Natasha.

When the head was dark, everyone entered the dark forest.

In the shade of the trees, rocks were everywhere, tree vines entangled, and slippery things grew on the hard rocks.

Walking in the shade of the trees, the officers at all levels who followed Natasha were not the only guests in the forest. In the shadows everywhere, the figures of mobilized soldiers could be seen everywhere. This forest has been the first The legion took possession and drove all the creatures that might be threatening.

"How long does it take to clear the road?"

Natasha's cold voice rang in the dark shade.

"According to the current progress of the engineers, after noon, a barely able road will connect to the road 6 kilometers away. Before dark, the troops should be able to reach outside the city of Bali!"

This is the limit of the engineer’s speed. Clearing a passage in the forest is not an easy task. Although it is a selective route, there will always be some obstacles no matter how flat, and for those obstacles, no matter it is Big rocks or trees are not easy to clean up.

"Tonight, the battle against the city of Bali must be started! You have to pay attention to the reorganization of the troops, and the explosives needed for blasting, are you ready?"

"Don't worry! General, when the combat plan comes down, I will order the engineers to build a powerful time bomb. The bomb has been manufactured and it is placed on the beach. We will carry it when we march towards the city of Bali!

The city of Bali has strong walls. It is unwise to attack frontally. Therefore, the First Army must use some small tricks.

Darkness is a good cover. In the dark, human sight will be severely disturbed, but the First Army is different. With the help of instruments, the soldiers of the First Army can move in the dark. With this advantage, if Being able to open a hole in the city wall would greatly help the First Army's attack.

Once the protective layer of the city wall is gone, the battle against the city of Bali is much easier.

In the gloomy forest, a group of people marched on the messy trees and vines.

On the left side of everyone, although it was dark, there were bursts of explosions from the depths of the forest. It was engineers and soldiers who were blasting.

And in the forest near everyone, every time you walk forward, you can always see a team of mobilized soldiers, who are warning everything around them in the shade of the trees.

When they saw Natasha and the crowd, they would always hold the military salute and watch the sergeants leave.

Without knowing it, or how long it took to walk, when the darkness above his head disappeared, the group left the forest.

What everyone sees is a road, a road that is fairly smooth.

The width of the road is nearly ten meters, and it is made of concrete. It looks quite solid. Although the road is bumpy, the road condition is still good.

When the foot was on the hard road, the group came to the road where the end could not be seen.

Looking at the southeast end of the road, Love said: "Along this road we can reach the city of Bali, and behind us is the city of Marani. When the forest road is connected, follow this road We can reach anywhere in the country of Bentley. However, the roads built in the country of Bentley are relatively simple. The node of the road is each city. If we want to attack a city, we must first capture all the cities on the road to the target city.

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