Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 682: March in the Forest

Standing straight on the road, Natasha looked at the end of the road.

The lush canopy almost covered the road, but it did not completely cover it, leaving a trace in the forest.

Looking up, I can see a cloudy sky, but the sky is very small.

She spoke slightly, and Natasha's voice resounded from her hood: "Bali City is only the first target. After it is captured, the following battles only need to be step by step, step by step to eat Bentley, as long as we are in Bentley. If the country has a firm foothold, there will be no change in the outcome of this war!"

"In the previous landing battle, the enemy had artillery support from the land, and the power was not small. This shows that Bentley has good artillery. This will put a lot of pressure on our future battles! Don't be careless!"

In wars, artillery is the greatest weapon, no matter how powerful the equipment is, it will never survive artillery fire.

Bentley’s military capabilities cannot be underestimated, and Love has never ignored this.

Withdrawing his gaze from a distance, the gaze in the helmet turned to Natasha beside him, Love said: "General! In the battle against the Fortress of Turner Island, the Black Knight performed very well, and his individual combat ability was very strong. Can they be used wisely in subsequent battles? The powerful individual strength will be of great use in future battles!"

A cold voice came from the hood, and Natasha said: "In this war, the black knight is under the command of the army, and the commander of the battlefield has the right to command them. If you need them, you can drive them as much as you like!"

Love was relieved in this way.

In the previous battles, the "power" displayed by the black knight is simply unimaginable. This power is also of great benefit to war. If the black knight can freely command the black knight, it will be for Love , For the next battle, he is even more informative.

After staying on the forest road for a while, the group left again.

For Bentley's inland landing, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

With the efforts of the engineers and soldiers, just after noon, a 6-kilometer road was connected in the forest.

Although the roads are simple enough to be usable, for sickle mechas and hammer tanks with good off-road capabilities, as long as there is enough space in the forest, they can pass.

When the road in the forest was formed, Natasha gave the order for the troops to start.

With an order, the armored machinery on the beach suddenly roared.

In the roar of "rumbling", the first thing that moved was the Sickle Mech. The Sickle Mech has perfect off-road capabilities. It can be said that there is no terrain that cannot be crossed.

Dozens of sickle mechas, densely shaking bodies, drove into the forest trail one after another.

The road is messy, covered with raised gravel, covered with layers of branches and leaves, and occasionally concave places are filled with branches.

The logistical capabilities are limited, and the engineers can only take local materials and complete simple roads.

The sickle mech has mechanical feet like spider legs, and it runs on a simple road like a flat ground. The long dragon formed by dozens of sickle mechs is moving fast.

When all the sickle mechas entered the forest, the hammer tank followed.

Compared with the lightness of the sickle mecha, the hammer tank is undoubtedly much more difficult. The rotating crawler is crushing the undulating ground, and occasionally encounters high slopes, roaring at the "husky" engine, slowly advancing like a tortoise.

Perhaps it was the blessing of Goddess of Luck. None of the more than twenty hammer tanks broke down on the way. Even so, when all the troops drove onto the forest road, it was dusk.

It took a few hours for a short distance of 6 kilometers, showing the slowness of the course.

"Go! Goal: Bally City!"

When the troops completely set foot on the forest kilometers, on a hammer tank, Love gave the order to start.

With an order, the troops moved.

Amid the roar of the engine, the Sickle and Hammer Tank moved quickly on the highway.

The sound of machinery running, and the sound of crawlers crushing the ground, suddenly rang continuously.

The mobilized soldiers ran steadily on both sides of the long dragon formed by the armored units.

With the help of the auxiliary power of the powered combat uniform, there is no problem with the rapid march of tens of kilometers.

However, it is still impossible to keep up with the fast marching armored units.

In order to avoid the dispersal of the troops, the armored units slowed down and moved forward in sync with the rapid marching infantry.

On the winding forest road, the fast marching team looked like a long dark green dragon, moving along the "highway" river, approaching the target place: Bally City.

In a long line, dark green is not the only color. In one part of the line, there is still black.

Compared with the mobilized soldiers next to them, they were wearing black armor, and they seemed very relaxed when running.

Although the black armors on their bodies are not powered combat uniforms, and they have no auxiliary power to coordinate and assist the body, they have nearly unlimited energy. The distance of tens of kilometers is simply a piece of cake for them, and the distance can be ignored.

In the woods on both sides, a dark shadow occasionally dangled among the treetops. It was not the enemy, but the nun who accompanied the army this time.

The nuns seem weak, but the delicate body under the black robe is stronger than the black knight.

In the tense march, the long line marched all the way.

I don't know how long it took, the sky above my head suddenly became dim, and the light quickly faded.

Night fell.

The marching team is still more than ten kilometers away from the destination.

Although darkness fell, the troops did not stop their advance.

The forest was dark, with the help of the dim night, on the road under the shade of the trees, only the roaring engine sound, but no trace.

From the highway under the forest, occasionally a continuous black shadow dangles.

The armored unit did not turn on the lights, because the lights would illuminate far, far away, and the enemy would know it in advance once they approached the city of Bali.

Using night vision goggles, the marching team moved forward unimpeded in the dark night.

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