Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 695: The arrival of the resistance

With 1.7 billion energy points, it is not too much to say, and it is not too much to say less.

However, with this energy point, it is time to reserve some munitions.

In a war, the consumption of arms is staggering, and a certain amount must be reserved to ensure the combat effectiveness of the army.

"The army needs to increase in size. In this war, the size of the army should be no less than 50,000 troops. Let's use 50,000 as the base!"

With a wave on the slap-sized screen, Natasha has confirmed the data.

The total strength of the Bentley nation was nearly 300,000. The First Army used 50,000 troops to defeat the 300,000 enemy troops that had high walls and focused on defense. This was the lowest limit.

With less than 50,000, facing the captured cities, the First Army will be in a dilemma of insufficient strength.

After all, every time a city is captured, the First Corps must leave its soldiers to garrison to guard against civilian unrest in the city.

"The maritime transport unit is enough, and no matter how much material it is, it doesn’t matter. Cyclical transportation means it doesn’t take much time. However, the number of logistics vehicles on land must be increased, otherwise it will affect the transportation of materials on land. !"

Natasha, who thought so, made another mark on the portable data terminal and added some logistics vehicles.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the office, interrupting Natasha's movements.

Natasha had to pause her movements.

"come in!"

In response to Natasha, the door was opened, and a mobilizer in a dark green power suit walked in.

It's Love!

Striding to the desk, Love raised a military salute to Natasha behind the desk and said, "General! There is someone outside who claims to be a "Rebel". Do you want to see him?"


In the hood, Natasha looked slightly stunned.

Bentley also has a resistance army?

This is really strange.

In the information obtained by the First Army, the Bentley National Rebels can be said to be a neglected existence.

Because in the rebel revolution more than ten years ago, Bentley was quite quiet without any disturbance.

This even makes people think that there is no resistance in Bentley. It seems that Bentley is not an exception, and there is a resistance in the country.


Still missing?

Now Bentley’s rebels come to the First Army, and its purpose is obvious. It is nothing more than to gain benefits in this war.

But can the First Army surrender its benefits?

That is impossible.

However, I still have to meet the other side, and Natasha also wants to know what the other party wants to say.

"Bring him in!"

This is Natasha's answer to Love.

Love turned and left.

It didn't take long for Love to enter the office again, but this time, there was someone behind him.

He was dressed in a brown leather coat and looked very energetic. He was about thirty years old.

When Natasha looked at the person behind Love, the person behind Love also looked at Natasha.

A woman? A woman in a strange dress!

The whole body was wrapped in armor, and that face was also hidden in the hood. The interweaving of black and blood gave people an invisible pressure.

It looks slightly dark!

The entire office seemed to exude a frightening atmosphere of darkness, which was very uncomfortable.

Not far from the desk, Love stopped, moved a few steps aside, and stood aside.

Slightly bent, the rebel member saluted Natasha behind the table and said: "My name is Lylos, a high-level member of the rebel army. I took the liberty to come this time to convey our rebel army and your army. Cooperation intention!"

"Cooperation intention?"

A cold, doubtful voice came to Lilos' ears.

Lylos looked straight and said excitedly: "Yes! Cooperation, since our rebellion has existed, we have been fighting against the tyranny of the military government of Bentley, but we are weak and have been developing in secret. Now the First Army Here comes, this is a great time to liberate the people of my Bentley nation!"


Natasha gave a light "Huh" and looked at Lelos quite interestingly.

"In the eyes of your rebels, isn't our First Army an invader? Cooperating with an invader, aren't you afraid of being rejected by the people of Bentley?"

The words paused slightly, and the cold words continued to echo in the office.

"I know better about your resistance army. You pay attention to reputation and yearn for freedom and fairness. If this reputation is bad, it will be difficult for your resistance army to survive!"

Lilos shook his head quickly and said: "Not so. The people of Bentley have been suffering from the tyranny of the military government. As long as we propagate a little bit, if your legion cooperates, the first legion will become the hero of Bentley! "


I am afraid that this will disappoint Lilos, what did the rebels fight? Pay attention to Natasha.

If you really become a hero in the hearts of the people of Bentley, the First Army will be at a loss for anything, which is not what Natasha hopes.

In the face of that real gaze, Natasha said calmly: "Our First Army is not a hero. Our goal is simple, that is, to capture the entire territory of Bentley and rule this land!"

Lilos silently, so cleanly admitted to be the invader, this has been able to prove the ambition of the First Army.

Occupy the entire territory of Bentley?

It really is wolf ambition!

After pondering for a moment, Lylos said unwillingly: "Bentley has more than four million people, even if the First Army defeats the military government, how can the Legion be able to rule Bentley for a long time in the face of rebellious public opinion ?"

Natasha didn't answer Lelos's seemingly profound question, but asked indifferently: "When a gun is aimed at your forehead, you have two choices, either obey or die. How would you choose? "

Although the voice was cold, but the cold meaning in it made Lilos shudder.

It seems that this is another military government, which will only use force to suppress public opinion.

In his heart, Lilos was a little disappointed. It seemed that there was no possibility of cooperation between the Resistance and the First Army.

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