Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 696: The transport fleet arrives

Bend down slightly again, Lelos said: "Since your army insists on doing this, you can only meet on the battlefield. For the future of Bentley, our rebel army will not hesitate to fight, and the two armies will not be cut. I hope your army Don't stop me from leaving the city of Bali!"

Since the First Army occupied the city of Pali, the city of Pali was only allowed to enter but not to leave. However, during this period of war, no one would come to the city of Pali.

Lelos was also the first person to come to Barrie.

When Lilos asked to enter the city of Barrie, the mobilizers defending the city were not embarrassed, they just conducted basic interrogation, and Lilos did not hide his identity, and said his intentions to the interrogated mobilizers.

After that, Lelos came here.

Natasha did not refuse. Lelos did not benefit the First Legion anymore, and there was no need to stay.

"You can leave now!"

This is Natasha's response to Lelos.

At this point, there was no room for negotiation. Lilos could only turn around in disappointment and left the office.

Seeing this, after a salute to Natasha behind the table, Love followed.

Without Love's instructions, Lilos wanted to leave Bally City, undoubtedly a foolish dream.

Since General Natasha promised not to stop Lilos from leaving, Love is of course obliged to send Lilos away from Bally.

For Natasha, the arrival of the rebels was just a small episode. Soon, Natasha left the rebels behind.

The enemy of the First Army is the military government of Bentley. Why should the small rebel army care?

If Bentley’s rebel army is strong enough, it will not be quiet under the rule of the military government of Bentley, without any sense of existence.

When Love left, Natasha took out the portable data terminal and continued to do her own thing.

The list of materials must be well organized, which can take a lot of time.

At the end of a battle, Bentley fell into a brief calm.

But this calm will not last long. Whether it is the response of the Bentley military government or the waiting of the First Army, as long as the First Army keeps on attacking, new battles will start sooner or later.

On Nanlin Island, the fleet in the port has set off, the ship is full of supplies, and a new army.

When the transport fleet arrives in Bentley, it will be time for the First Army to attack again.

Bentley was not aware of the actions of the First Army, but the country was invaded and Bentley was also responding in time.

The troops supported by the commanders of the two places are on their way to Marani.

Before arriving in the city of Marani, many armies had been instructed by the commander of the army from the city of Marani, Maisaig, to turn their directions and rush towards the city of Amway.

Under Messeg’s instructions, Bentley’s military forces are converging towards Amway. Soon, Amway will become an indestructible line of defense in Messeg’s heart.

There is no indestructible shield or spear that cannot be broken. Can the city of Amway, which Bentley hopes for it, really withstand the attack of the First Army?

No one knows this.

Under the reaction of all parties, a storm is gestating and growing, only waiting for the moment of release.

At the east gate of Bally City, on the highway outside the forest, a bloated, heavily armored vehicle is waiting.

Although the mobilized soldiers on the city wall saw the vehicles on the road below the city, they ignored the relevant orders.

With a sound of "creak! Creak!" metal rubbing, the door that had been closed was opened, and the figure of Lilos walked out of the city.

The abnormal movement of the city gate seemed to have attracted the attention of some people in the vehicle. The heavy door was opened, and several figures walked out, waiting in front of the car for Lilos who had walked out of the city gate.

"Master Lylos! What's the situation? Does the First Army intend to cooperate with our rebels?"

Facing the hopeful gaze of his subordinates, Lilos, who paused in front of the car, shook his head and said with a heavy expression: "This First Legion has a tiger-wolf heart. Their purpose is very clear. They are to rule the land under their feet. We will delegate power and will not compromise. This time, for the future of Bentley, even if we are single and weak, I am afraid we will have to go to the battlefield!"

Everyone was silent, with extremely disappointed expressions.

"Let's go! This news must be informed to the instructor as soon as possible. Next, we need the instruction of the instructor for the next step of the resistance army!"

The crowd nodded and followed Lelos into the vehicle.

Soon after, as a "roar" sounded, under the billowing white smoke, the armored vehicles parked on the road started to move, turned around on the rather narrow road, and disappeared deep in the forest.

For war, the First Army was full of enthusiasm, and it also had ambitions for the Territory First Army.

In the stalemate, time passed day by day.

Two days later, just after noon, in the sea off Turner Island, a shadow of a ship appeared on the distant sea. After three days of day and night sailing, the transport fleet finally arrived.

Compared with combat ships, the ships of the transport fleet are much larger. Every ship that sails on the sea looks like a big mountain, especially the two combat support supply ships. People's hearts rise and shock.

With the addition of the transport fleet, the fleet of the First Army at sea has become even larger.

In the sea off Turner Island, with the arrival of the transport fleet, the sea also became lively.

The communications were connected. Jevrich, stationed in the fleet, did not allow the transport fleet to rest, but directly ordered the relevant ships to immediately unload supplies to the landing point on the southern shore of Turner Island.

With an order from Jevric, the transport fleet sailed directly to the landing point on the southern coastline of Turner Island.

In the sea near the coastline, just one mile from the landing point, two supply ships stopped advancing and anchored on the sea.

The supply ship is a heavy ship with a deep waterline and cannot directly dock to unload supplies. It must use a tank landing ship for transit.

There were also three amphibious landing ships that stopped with the supply ships. Like the supply ships, the amphibious landing ships did not have the ability to directly dock and unload.

Only tank landing ships have the ability to land directly on shore.

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