Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 697: Supply site

Because the bottom of the tank landing ship is specially designed, the front half is flat, which allows the tank landing ship to dock directly, plus the bow has an openable hatch, which allows the tank landing ship to unload directly to the shore. Armored units, and supplies.

In the rippling sea, two huge tank landing ships cut across the water and slowly moved closer to the coast.

Getting closer and closer, finally leaning gently at the junction of water and land.

Amidst the sound of machinery running, the door of the bow slowly opened, connecting with the beach.

The tank landing ship with a displacement of up to 6,000 tons is undoubtedly huge in terms of the hull alone, and the huge hull has a huge space.

When the hatch in the bow of the ship opened, a "rumbling" roar suddenly sounded from the cabin.

The roar was so loud that the sand on the beach seemed to vibrate.

As the dark green armored machinery appeared, the huge 2A1 self-propelled artillery drove out of the cabin one after another and boarded the beach.

The landing of the armored unit lasted for a full two hours before it completely emptied the cabin of the tank landing ship.

The two tank landing ships loaded a total of more than 70 armored units, which can be said to fill up every space on the ship.

When the tank landing ship closed the bow hatch and slowly retreated under the power of the tail, and headed for the transport fleet one mile away, the huge beach was full of densely packed armored units with dark green metal bodies. One piece, reflecting the blood boiling light.

The most conspicuous are the twenty 2A1 self-propelled artillery. The long and thick barrels make it impossible to ignore. The muzzle of the black hole is extremely hideous, especially the huge body, which is bigger than the hammer tank. Almost half is undoubtedly a giant.

The unloaded armored unit did not stay on the beach for too long. After some checking and confirmation, the "roar" of the engine roared again, and the track turned, twisting yellow sand.

The armored units parked on the beach began to drive into the forest trails that were simply opened up.

The hammer tank and the sickle mecha were the first to enter the forest. The largest self-propelled artillery and the ammunition delivery vehicle were left behind.

Both self-propelled artillery and ammunition delivery vehicles are huge and heavy, and they are easily trapped on forest trails where the road conditions are not rare. If you walk in the forefront, once you can’t move on the forest trail, it will cut off the entire trail. the way.

Worrying is not unnecessary. Under the heavy pressure of self-propelled artillery, the road in the forest has become muddy, and the underpinning has slipped. Fortunately, engineers are on the sidelines to repair and assist. Although it is difficult to drive, the long line is still moving bit by bit.

It takes a lot of time.

A short distance of less than six kilometers, when the first self-propelled artillery drove from the beach to the forest island and reached the road six kilometers away, it took a full four hours, and by then, the sky was already dark. Come down.

On the beach at the landing site, the two departed tank landing ships returned, unloading a large number of soldiers and armored units on the beach.

As night fell, the First Army stopped its landing operations.

It was not until early the next morning that the landing and the delivery of supplies to the beach began.

When the transport fleet moved all the materials in the cabin to the shore, it took a full two days.

At noon on the third day of the arrival of the transport fleet, the last batch of supplies was unloaded on the beach.

At this time, the army that was the first to unload had already arrived in the city of Bali.

The various materials placed on the beach are continuously transported to the city of Bali by military transport vehicles.

In the city of Bali, the First Army requisitioned several workshops and established a supply site to store supplies.

Bally City, in the city hall.

"General! The army has been assembled and can advance to Amway City at any time. After two days of investigation by the investigation team, the enemy has deployed a large number of fortifications in Amway City, in the clearing in front of the city wall, in the forest, and the city wall. There are four lines of defense. After the last defeat, the enemy has learned a lesson and dug a lot of trenches in the position to resist the armored flood of our army. This battle is probably a tough battle!"

In the office, Love, standing upright, is reporting to Natasha.

tough battle?

Of course it was a tough battle, and Natasha would not have any doubts about this.

The military government of Bentley is not a fool. The fall of Pali City is a lesson for them.

Smart people will only act immediately and gather forces in the next city that the First Army is about to attack to resist the first Army’s incursion.

Natasha had already prepared for the intense battle in Amway City.

"How are the logistics arrangements?"

Putting the battle aside, Natasha asked Love about the logistics.

This war against Amway City must not be a short-term raid, but a battle of positions. As the offensive side of the First Army, logistics supplies must keep up. In this battle, logistics is the top priority. Something heavy.

Nodding lightly, Love said: "The supply site has been built, and a large amount of materials are accumulated in it. Once the frontline battle starts, the materials will be continuously transported to the front line. Please rest assured!"

Despite Love's guarantee, Natasha still urged: "Don't be careless, the security of the supply site must be foolproof, and guard against some people in the city from sabotage."

Natasha's worries are not superfluous. The construction of a supply site in a crowded city is a threat in itself.

After all, the First Army is an invader and an enemy. If there is a chance to destroy the supply site of the First Army, many people with lofty ideals in the city of Bally will probably not miss this opportunity.

In Bentley, the First Army is the public enemy, the enemy of the military government of Bentley, and the enemy of the civilians of Bentley.

No one is kind to the enemy.

This is true for the First Army, and the same is true for the enemy.

Love once again promised: "The supply site is strictly guarded, with thousands of soldiers guarding it. With the supply site as the center, there are secret sentries within a radius of one mile. If there is an abnormality, it will be immediately wiped out!"

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