Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 719: Gunia

"Send a first level alert to the entire ship and inform the power room that the ship is advancing at a steady speed of 18 knots!"

"The fire control room is ready to fire at any time, listen to my orders!"

"Communication station, immediately send a radio signal to the other ship, asking it about its origin!"

In the command room of the cruiser, a master sergeant serving as the captain is issuing various orders in an orderly manner.

The waves are rolling, and under the strong power, the huge cruiser rides the wind and waves on the sea, appearing aggressively.

Along the way, there was a long-lasting white mark on the tail.

Seeing the warships of the First Legion approaching, the wooden ships sailing on the sea slowed down, and they looked like they were waiting for the warships of the First Legion to approach.

When the two parties are close enough, radio communication is connected.

"This is the First Army Corps. Please indicate your intentions. If you pass by here, please detour!"

In the cockpit of the wooden sea-going ship, the huge communication device "buzzed" and there was serious interference. Although the information from the First Army was very vague, it was fortunate that it could be heard roughly.

Gu Niya on the side nodded to the captain of the guard and motioned to reply.

Seeing this, the captain of the guard picked up the communicator and said: "This is the Kingdom of Austria, Princess Gunia has requested to visit your legion, and please respond!"

"Wait a minute! I need to ask the commander!"


Although the voice coming from the communicator was hoarse, Gunya in the cockpit still heard these words clearly.

"Sure enough, it's not him. The commander on this ship should be a certain high-ranking member of the First Army!"

In her heart, Gu Niya thought to herself.

At this time, the "Emperor" was on the top deck.

With Wiev's request, Wendy found the owner by the pool.

She glanced coldly at her lying on the side of the pool, and when she looked at Li Meng, her eyes softened again. Looking at the owner sitting on the floor by the pool, Wendy whispered: "Master! Princess Gunia of the Kingdom of Austria Want to visit you, do you see them?"

Wendy's words caused Li Meng's hand to pause slightly, ignoring Kleilia's open mouth, Li Meng put the fish fillet in his hand into the plate.

To Wendy's words, Li Meng's expression seemed very unexpected.

Princess Gunia of the Kingdom of Austria, if Li Meng remembers correctly, they should be on the way back to the Kingdom of Austria at this moment. How could they meet here by chance?

Li Meng did not have a deep impression of Gunia, but Li Meng still remembered Teresa.

The little girl's soul is very pure, this is very attractive to Li Meng, for her, Li Meng will not forget.

With a faint smile, Li Meng picked up the fish fillets on the plate and fed Cleilia, and while feeding him, he said: "The other party is a princess of a country. Since it is a visit, of course you can't be too rude, take them up! Don't forget to ask the kitchen to cook some delicious food, I will entertain them here!"

With the intention of the master, Wendy turned and left.

Soon after, under the order from the superior, the huge cruiser began to guide the wooden ship towards the "Emperor".

"It's so big! Sister Gunia! This ship is really big!"

Standing on the side of the ship, looking at the "Emperor" close at hand, Dinessa's expression was very interesting, and she cried constantly.

Under the guidance of the cruiser, the sea ship has entered the shadow of the huge hull of the "Emperor".

Due to the large difference in body shape between the two ships, the height of the ship’s side from the sea surface, the Emperor is almost twice that of the seagoing ship, which causes the seagoing ship to dock on the stern platform.

Although the tail tank platform is the closest place to the surface of the "Emperor", it is still higher than the ship.

Fortunately, there is a hoisting platform to prevent difficulties in boarding.

"Well! It's really big!"

Gunia does not deny this.

The big ship in front of her was the largest ship she had ever seen in her life. It was so huge that it was almost like a floating castle on the sea. Just watching it was shocking.

Under the control of the mobilizers, the hoisting platform is being lowered.

Seeing this, Gunia standing on the deck said to the captain of the guard beside her: "You can stay on board! Me, Dinessa and Teresa can go there!"

The captain of the guard nodded, and exhorted: "Misfortune comes from your mouth, your Royal Highness must be extremely cautious!"

"I see!"

Kuniya nodded in response.

At this time, the hoisting platform is already flush with the deck.

"Theresa, Dinesha, let's go!"


Dinesha responded cheerfully.

And Teresa closely followed Gu Niya's side.

Unable to hesitate, Gu Niya took the two younger sisters and boarded the hoisting platform.

In the slight vibration, the hoisting platform was rising, and the three people were also moving away from the ship.

When they came to the tail cabin platform and stepped on the metal ground, the three people looked around, and all they could see was metal, a piece of metal world.

There were also soldiers wearing dark green full-length armor.

At this time, a soldier greeted them and said to the three of them: "Please follow me! The commander is waiting for you on it!"

After speaking, the mobilization soldiers turned and walked into the passage.

Gunia held the two sisters by the hand and followed closely behind.

Leaving the platform and passing through the long passage, in a whirl of white mist, the door at the end of the passage opened.

Leaving the metal world, what was caught in the eyes of the three people was still a metal world. The only difference was that this metal world was wider and bigger.

It seems to be a warehouse, in which a large number of neatly stacked materials can be seen.

On the aisle of the cabin, the three of them looked around while walking.

Everything in front of them made them feel very surprised.

It was too clean, the ground was as smooth as a mirror, no dirt was visible, and the environment was unknown how many times stronger than their ship.

Moreover, the air in the cabin does not appear dull, but rather clear, and there is no tingling sensation in the respiratory tract. This shows that the air in the cabin is very pure, unlike the air filled with pollutants outside.

At the entrance of the elevator, the mobilizer who led the way stopped, turned and said to the three people: "The elevator goes straight to the top deck, and someone will welcome you on it!"

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