Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 720: Gunia's surprise

"Thank you!"

After thanking her, Gu Niya took her two younger sisters into the elevator.

As the elevator closed, even in the dreary environment, even Dinessa, who had always been lively, kept quiet, staying obediently beside Gunya without saying a word.

I was about to see the owner of this ship, and Gunya, who had always been calm, was also a little nervous.

What kind of person will the owner of this ship be?

There is also the so-called commander. What kind of position is in the First Army?

Time goes by every second.

The feeling of ascending the elevator disappears.

"Ding Dong!"

The elevator prompt sounded.

The sound fell and the elevator doors opened.

As the elevator doors opened, everything on the top deck was caught in the eyes of the three.

What a great place!

At a glance, the green lawn and the garden full of flowers of various colors came into the eyes of the three.

When the three people left the elevator, outside the door, Wendy in a black gothic dress was waiting.

This is the princess of the Kingdom of Austria?

Wendy frowned slightly looking at the three people in front of her.

The temperament on his body is a bit different from ordinary people, but this dress is really rude!

The three of them were dressed in gray robes, looking dusty, slightly messy, and this dress was uncomfortable.

Especially for Wendy.

"What a beautiful person!"

When she saw Wendy standing at the door, Gunia couldn't help but exclaimed.

The black dress made her look petite and lovely. The black hair and slightly weak face made her fully show the delicate beauty of Oriental women.

In addition, she has a distinctive temperament, which makes it look like an elf in the dark, beautiful and extraordinary.

Although the three dressing up made Wendy very concerned, Wendy did not show anything from her face because of her good qualities, but said to the three of them: "Come with me! The master is waiting for you!"

the host?

Gu Niya looked slightly stunned, and the title of "Master" made her very concerned.

This title of "master" usually only appears in slaves.

Is this beautiful girl just a slave?

If this is the case, it would be a pity.

Unable to hesitate, to the leaving figure, Gunia dragged the two younger sisters and quickly followed.

Walking along the road underfoot, when the line of sight in front of him became broad and there were no obstructions to the line of sight, a swimming pool was caught in the eyes of the three.

By the pool, the three also saw two figures.

One black, and another...

Looking at the looming blue fishtail by the pool, Gunia was taken aback.

"This... is this a blue scale mermaid?"

Gu Niya couldn't believe it, she was very shocked.

Yes, that's right, that is the blue scale mermaid, the most precious creature in the world and the most desired creature by humans.

"Sister Gunia! Is that a mermaid?"

As he approached, under the white body, the blue fish tail was clearly visible.

The identity has been confirmed.

Looking at Clelia lying on the side of the pool in surprise, Dinessa who was beside Gunya asked curiously.

"Yeah! That's the blue scale mermaid you saw in the book!"

Guniya said without a doubt.

"But! Didn't the father say that there is only one mermaid in the world? How can it appear here in the mermaid aquarium in the Republic of Sharjah?"

Can Gunia know about Dinesha’s questions?

For a hundred years, the traces of the blue scale mermaid have long since disappeared without a trace, and humans can no longer find their traces, except for the one in the Republic of Sharjah.

Gunia did not expect to see a blue scale mermaid on this ship.

This is so puzzling and shocking.

"It's him?"

When Gunia moved her gaze to the person beside the blue scale mermaid, Gunia was stunned.

I didn't expect it to be him!

His Royal Highness in the mouth of the General of the First Army

Gu Niya was a little surprised. The commander and His Royal Highness didn't expect to be referring to him!

At the same time, in her heart, Gu Niya breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s better to meet someone you know than someone you don’t know.

"Are you feeding a mermaid?"

Seeing Li Meng treating the blue scale mermaid as if feeding a pet, Kuniya felt quite speechless.

It's a pity that such a precious creature is treated like this.

When the clear sound of footsteps sounded in his ears, Li Meng stopped his movements.

Standing up, handing the plate in his hand to the guards waiting aside, Li Meng turned to face the oncoming three people.

Of course, there is Wendy.

When she came to the owner, Wendy moved to the side and moved away.

Facing the gaze of Li Meng's inspection, Guniya nodded slightly and smiled and said: "I didn't expect to meet your Excellency here by chance. It's really a fate!"

Li Meng couldn't comment on Gunia's words. It is indeed a kind of fate to meet in the vast sea.

With his gaze swept across Teresa slightly, Li Meng looked at Gu Niya and said in a slightly profound tone: "It can make you turn back halfway. It seems that you have got some unusual news!"

"I really want to know, what is the reason for you to turn back halfway?"

Faced with Li Meng's curiosity, Gu Niya did not hide it, saying: "It's just some news that I don't know if it is true or not. We are also preparing to go to Kyoto to verify it!"

"That's it!"

Li Meng nodded clearly.

"Let's go! Let's go to the pavilion and have a good talk!"

Li Meng invited Gu Niya.

Gu Niya nodded softly.

Everyone walked to the pavilion in the garden.

When looking at the mermaid lying on the side of the pool and watching them, Dinessa was quite curious and couldn't help reaching out her hand to touch it.


Seeing that the little humans were not inferior in their actions, Kleilia gave a disdainful "cold snort" and gave Dinesha a fierce look. The blue fishtail in the water swung lightly, and her slender figure immediately slipped into the water.

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