Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 728: High remuneration

The idea to fight the polluting beast?

Good way, Brevo's suggestion made everyone's eyes shine.

After all, the forest is the world of polluting beasts. If the polluting beasts can bring some trouble to the first legion, that would be great.

"How to attract the "cookie" polluting beast to Amway City?"

A ten thousand chief asked.

This is what everyone wants to know.

In the face of everyone's gaze, Brevo confidently said: "As long as you know where Cookie's lair is, this is not difficult, the only thing missing is a "brave man"."

Brave man?

Everyone looked at Brevo suspiciously, not knowing what he meant.

In the suspicious eyes of everyone, Brevo explained: "The forest is dangerous. Ordinary people don’t have the ability to move freely in the forest, and Cookie’s nest is some distance away from Amway City, and ordinary people don’t have that share. Physical strength, this matter can only be entrusted to martial artists. You know that martial artists have power far beyond ordinary people. They can move freely in the forest. As for the distance between Amway City and Cookie Lair, it is not a problem. ."

Martial artist?

It turned out to be this plan, but it is also true. With the power of a martial artist, it is indeed suitable for this task.


A martial artist shook his head and said: "Although the power of martial artists is strong, you should also know that martial artists will not participate in any wars between humans. They will not agree, and Amway City There is no martial arts guild, where can I find martial arts?"

Yes, they all know the rules of martial artists, how can they participate in this war?

The command room fell into silence again.

Only Brevo, still confident on his face, smiled slightly and said: "Since I have said this method, it is naturally possible to implement this method. Although there is no Martial Artists Guild in Amway City, this does not mean Amway. There are no martial artists in the city. As far as I know, before the battle in Amway City, several martial artists stayed in Amway City due to their missions. Now they are staying in the city. As for the rules, this can of course be avoided. Yes, in this season, it is the time when cookies pollute the beasts to lay eggs. As long as we send an intermediary to spend a lot of money to issue the task of capturing "cookie beast eggs" to those martial artists, as long as one egg enters Amway City, I am not afraid that the Cookie Beast will not follow it."

So it was this plan...

Everyone knew it.

This method is also feasible, and now it is only to see whether the martial artists are willing to accept the task of "capturing cookies and beast eggs".

"Leave it to you. You don't have to pay for the task. The five of us will share it equally. Don't you have any opinions?"

Everyone nodded, expressing no opinion.

The task cost is only a small amount of money, one less person is just a little more money, to the five people, it is not worth mentioning.

How could Brevo refuse it if he could save a certain amount of money, and this method was invented by him, and the reason for him to do it, for someone else, whether he can do it well is still a question.

Nodding lightly, Brevo said, "Leave it to me! If the martial artist accepts it happily, it will take about a day in terms of time."

one day?

Everyone nodded, this time is acceptable.

Standing up from his seat, looking around at the crowd, Brevo said: "It shouldn't be too late, I will contact the martial artists."

After speaking, Brevo turned and left in the eyes of everyone.


Amway City.

Since the battle outside West City started, the peace of the past has disappeared.

Although Bentley has been missing a war for a long time, the war is cruel, and no one knows this.

No matter what kind of person, he should maintain awe of the war, even if this person is not ordinary.

In the city of Amway, in a hotel, in a lobby with melodious music, several figures sitting opposite each other are very conspicuous.

The battle outside the city has begun, the city is under martial law, and the hotel has lost its source of customers.

The only thing that can work is accommodation.

In the empty hall, no one had a meal, and the few remaining people were just discussing matters.

On the soft seat, she is wearing a light blue leather skirt, sitting upright, beside her, a slender sheathed sword is leaning against the guard, she is smiling, under the brown hair The pupils are full of doubts.

There are two people beside her, a man and a woman. The man sits upright, his not handsome face is awe-inspiring, his gray-black dress makes him look strong, and the woman is petite and exquisite. In a black knee-length skirt, that slightly childish face was looking out the window with boredom.

"Mr., you should follow the formal procedures to release the task, but you can't go over the guild and find us directly."

Looking at the man in gray on the opposite side, Yuli explained with a smile, in the words, the tone of rejection was obvious.

Opposite Julie was Brevo, who was dressed in grey. He looked distressed and said quite annoyed: "Of course I know this. But now is the time of war. The whole city is under martial law. It is difficult for civilians like me. Leaving Amway City, what I need is very urgent. Once the deadline is exceeded, I will have to pay a large amount of liquidated damages. Several people. Otherwise, I will give you a deposit first. As long as you complete the task, after the war is over, I will pay How about going to your guild to post tasks and then following the formal procedures?"

"This one……"

Yuli hesitated. Although this method has not appeared in the past, it is not a formal procedure after all.

Seeing that Julie was hesitating, without a clear refusal, Brevo smiled in her heart, as long as there was no refusal, everything was easy to say.

Looking at Yuli, Brevo said with a pleading look: "I will pay a deposit of one hundred thousand crystal coins first, and then pay four hundred thousand remuneration after completing the task."

"Five hundred thousand remuneration?"

Yuli looked at Brevo in surprise.

Even the girl looking out the window looked back at Brevo unexpectedly.

Five hundred thousand crystal coins, if they follow the regular procedures, are enough to be worth the reward for an "S" level task.

Yuli was not tempted by this high price, but asked slightly puzzled: "What do you want us to do? The remuneration of 300,000 crystal coins is not something ordinary people can get. Don't look high on us. , If your task reaches the level of "S" level task, we may not be able to complete it."

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