Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 729: Eggs

Hearing what Julie said, Brevo quickly nodded and said, "Of course, of course, I know this. This task is not difficult to say, and it is not easy to say it."

"Then talk about it! If we can, we won't refuse."

The reward of 300,000 yuan is still very attractive. Although martial artists are not short of money, they will not have too much money, because the ultimate goal of every martial artist is to have a high that can nurture vitality. Grade rough, and high-grade rough stones that can nurture vitality, the lowest grade also needs cyan rough stones, and the value of cyan rough stones can be said to be priceless, and the cheapest ones also require hundreds of millions of coins.

Ordinary martial artist, if there is no great opportunity, it can be said that after all their lives, they may not get a rough stone that can nurture vitality. It can be imagined how precious a high-level rough stone is.

Looking at Yuli with a slight expression, Brevo said: "I need a "Cookie Beast" egg."

Egg of Cookie Beast?

Yuli looked slightly stunned and hesitated.

As martial artists, they are very clear about the types of polluting beasts. Of course, they have been living in Bentley for many years and they also know the situation of polluting beasts in the nearby forest. After all, the biggest factor in martial arts is to deal with polluting beasts. The only cookie animal group in Bentley, the Silver Wings Guild just understands it.

The three of them knew exactly where Cookie Beast's lair was.

"Yuli! If only to obtain a cookie beast egg, with the abilities of the three of us, we should be able to complete this task."

The teenager sitting beside Yuli looked at Yuli and said in a very affirmative tone.

In the words, full of expectations for this task.

The temptation of 500,000 crystal coins is not small, and it is an unavoidable task for anyone.

Turning her head to look at Qivi, Yuli confirmed: "Qivi! Are you sure? This task is not difficult, but not easy. We all know where Cookie Beast’s nest is, but no one knows what’s in the nest. , The underground terrain is complicated. Once discovered by the cookie beast, even we have the possibility of physical damage. The cookie beast is a maternal society. Only the mother can lay eggs, and the mother usually only exists at the bottom of the nest. To get the eggs, we must go through layers of guards. Have you ever thought about the possibility of getting the eggs?"

Compared to the tempting rewards of this task, Yuli cares more about the danger.

Qi Wei couldn’t deny Yuli’s words, saying: “There is no mission that is not dangerous, Yuri! Sometimes we have to take risks. This mission is difficult, but I believe that we can complete it with the strength of the three of us. There is no problem with this task."

Seeing Qiwei persisting in this way, Yuli did not refute, but looked at the girl sitting in front of the window on the other side, and said, "Eri! Do you think this is feasible?"

Because of Yuli's words, the girl in front of the window withdrew her gaze from the window, looking at Yuli, she whispered, "I listen to sister Yuli."

Hearing this unexpected answer, Yuli smiled helplessly, and had to ponder the possibility of this.

The index finger tapped the tabletop lightly, looking at the hesitant Yuli, Brevo was very nervous.

From what he said just now, he could see that the young girl opposite was the one who had the right to decide.

His mission cannot be defeated. If there are no other unexpected factors to join the war in Amway City, it will fall within three days at most.

After listening carefully, I could faintly hear the sound of guns coming from outside the West City.

The battle outside the city is fierce.

Smiling slightly, looking at Yuli, Brevo took out a pile of yellow coins from his arms and placed it on the table.

Pushing the yellow crystal coins in front of Yuli, Brevo said: "Here are ten yellow crystal coins, worth one hundred thousand red crystal coins. This is just a deposit. After the task is completed, the remaining 700,000 remuneration will be paid in one lump sum. clear."

Has the price increased again?

Looking at the yellow crystal coins on the table in a daze, Yuli's expression changed rapidly.

Finally, Yuli reached out and put away the yellow crystal coins on the table.

Looking at the client "Brivo" who posted the task on the opposite side, Yuli said calmly: "It stands to reason that the worms of the cookie beast are not worth the price. I will not ask what you want to do with it. We will If we take it, we can return in two days at the latest."

After her words paused, Yuli looked at Brevo solemnly, and said solemnly: "Before this, I have to warn you that the scent of insect eggs is very big, even if the distance is hundreds of miles, the polluting beast can find the stolen insects along the way. We are not responsible for the follow-up trouble where the egg is."

Brevo couldn’t comment on Yuli’s warning, and quickly said: “Of course, of course, I have a relationship in the military government. You won’t get into trouble. Amway City has high walls, even if Cookie Beasts are chasing them. I believe it will not pose too much threat to Amway City."

Nodding lightly, Yuli said: "Then it's settled, we will set off as soon as possible!"

"Okay, I won't bother you. When you come back, I will come to contact you."

While speaking, Brevo got up and stood up.

Nodding lightly to the three of them, Brevo turned and left the hotel as they watched.

When Brevo disappeared outside the hotel door, the three men withdrew their sights.

Looking at Julie, Ellie said curiously: "Sister Julie! What is his purpose? Now Amway City is being attacked by the First Legion. If the Cookie Beast is attracted, it will be for Amway. As far as the city’s defenders are concerned, it is quite advantageous. Are we participating in the war in disguise?"

Joining the war in disguise?

At Ai Li’s statement, Yuli chuckled and said, “Well, now that we have accepted this task, then we have to complete it. As for the purpose of the client, no matter how he is, this is related to our task. It doesn't matter. For us, we are just doing a more difficult task, and it has nothing to do with this war."


Ellie nodded lightly, and said: "This First Legion is fairly well-established. Although it is an intruder, it has not done anything tragic. Now the president should rest assured!"

"That's true too!"

Yuli couldn't comment on this.

When I heard that the First Army was invading Bentley, the chairman was always worried about the safety of the civilians in Bentley.

After all, in a war, unarmed civilians are the most miserable, and they are often bullied by enemy soldiers.

But what happened in Bally City was reassuring.

Although the First Army occupied the city of Bali, everything in the city of Bali remained as usual, still operating in its original state.

At least for now, I have not heard of the massacre of civilians in the First Army.

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