Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 747: Devil statue

When I came to the courtyard again, everything in the courtyard did not change much.

The black flowers are still in full bloom, crystal clear, exuding a kind of strange beauty.

Leading the girls, Li Meng walked into the pavilion surrounded by a sea of ​​black flowers.

Sitting on the soft seat, Li Meng stretched lazily.

After staying on the boat for more than 20 days, the feeling is different from that on the land. The land gives people a sense of stability and solidity, while the sea is precarious, and the heart is always hanging.

Even Li Meng, who is the dead, can't help but relax physically and mentally when his feet are on the ground.

The guards took their place and stood around the pavilion.

Wendy and Sakuya stayed in the pavilion, along with the three guards who stayed behind the temple.

Lying comfortably on the seat, looking at the three people side by side in the pavilion, Li Meng said, "Let's talk! What did you find by accident?"

Li Meng cared very much about the accident said by the three women.

Li Meng knew that for some small things, his guards would never trouble him.

The accidents they talked about must be something that cannot be ignored.

Sure enough, one of the three, Qin Qian took out a statue from her waist pocket.

Touching the statue with both hands and looking at the owner, Qin Qian said: "Our accidental discovery is this!"

When Qin Qian took out the statue from her pocket, Li Meng's face had changed.

It became very unexpected, somewhat incredible.

Of course Li Meng knew what the statue in Qin Qian's hand was.

It is a statue of the devil, an evil thing that can corrupt people's hearts.

He beckoned to Qinqian.

Qin Qian stepped forward clearly, and passed the statue in her hand to her master.

He took the statue from Qin Qian, held it in his hand, Li Meng played with it.

At the same time, he explored the statue with spiritual power.

Not surprisingly, the statue was in chaos, and there was an unknown evil force.

When it was different from last time, this time the statue in his hand was still asleep with the evil power. Where is its source, even Li Meng couldn't find the way.

Looking at the things in His Highness's hands, Sakuya sitting on the stone bench asked softly: "Your Highness! Is this thing related to the previous statue?"

While playing with the statue in his hand, Li Meng replied, "A very similar power should be of the same species."

Hearing His Royal Highness's words, Sakuya's expression became serious, and said: "If this is the case, it means that the owner of this statue is not at peace. The ability to corrupt people's hearts is enough to cause chaos in human society.

Li Meng nodded, Sakuya was right, this kind of thing really can't be left alone.

With a movement of his mind, a majestic spirit surged out, enveloping the statue.

For the statue in his hand, Li Meng put a seal on the same statue as the previous one.

After throwing it away, the statue fell into Qin Qian's hands.

Looking at Qin Qian, Li Meng said: "Put it with the previous statue."

Putting the statue back in her waist pocket, Qin Qian nodded to the owner, then turned and left.

The two standing beside her were left.

When the figure of the three women disappeared in the pavilion, Li Meng turned his head and said to Sakuya: "Although this thing is dangerous, it is only a relatively exquisite work of art in our hands. It is a very good thing to put in the hall for decoration. Where to go."

Sakiya didn't think so. She reminded: "I don't know how much this thing still exists in our territory. As long as there is the possibility of such a statue, it is a hidden threat. We must find a way to stop this threat."

Lie down and posed a comfortable posture on the seat, Li Meng said: "Where did this thing come from, we still don’t know. It’s not easy to prevent it from appearing. We are the only one. All we can do is to discover it and control it in our hands before it exerts its abilities."


Li Meng suddenly shouted to the person beside him.

Hearing the master's call, Wendy on the side whispered: "Master! I'm here."

"Go and inform the security team and ask them to post notices throughout the city. If you find such statues, the First Army is willing to buy them heavily."

Under the heavy money, there must be a brave husband. Li Meng's purpose is very simple. It is to let all the people under the rule of the First Army find it in the interest of money, so that it has no hiding place.

"That's right! Tell Natasha of this news, you can't deny that such things won't exist in Bentley."

Although Natasha is on the front line, thousands of kilometers away from Nanlin Island, although it cannot be transmitted in time, there are many ships going between Nanlin Island and Bentley, and those ships are the transmission channels for orders.

It just took a certain amount of time for the news to reach Natasha.


With a soft response, Wendy stepped forward and left the pavilion.

Looking at the back of Wendy who was leaving, Li Meng suddenly realized that there was one thing he had forgotten to ask the three women who had just left.

Looking back at Sakuya, Li Meng asked, "Who is the hand of the statue discovered by accident this time? Do you know this? Sakuya!"

Facing the inquiry from His Highness, Sakuya nodded. When she returned to Nanlin Island, she went back to the temple, that is, at that time, the three women who stayed behind at the temple reported to her.

Speaking slightly, Sakuya said softly: "Before it settled on Nanlin Island, the location of the statue should be Sanmi City in ASEAN. For some reason, a trader from Qingcheng bought it and prepared to give it away. Make a gift for his wife. When the businessman returned to Qingcheng, the security team discovered the relic."


After an unexpected glance at Sakuya, Li Meng said, "That businessman has passed away?"

Sakuya nodded and said, "It's the murder that I told His Royal Highness before. The businessman is the victim of this incident."

It turned out to be so.

What an unexpected coincidence.

However, the businessman who gave such an evil statue as a gift to his wife is really "evilly interesting".

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