Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 748: Who is the prince?

Time was passing. During the conversation with Sakuya, Li Meng learned about the general situation of Qingcheng.

Everything is running in an orderly manner, whether it is construction or commercial development, it is advancing steadily.

Getting up, Li Meng left the seat.

Looking at Sakuya on the stone bench, Li Meng said: "If there is nothing too important, stay in the temple. You have to go to the reincarnated tower. Although your generals are strong, you are not without rivals in this world. For the future For the enemies you may encounter, it’s always right to practice more and improve your strength."

Sakuya nodded lightly and said, "I understand! Your Highness."

Looking at each other with a smile, Li Meng left, and the thin figure left the pavilion.

Seeing the back of His Highness leaving, Sakuya remained silent for a long time.

After the figure of His Highness completely disappeared, Sakiya got up and left the courtyard for a long time.

As His Highness said, it is very important to improve your strength.

It’s been a long time since the reincarnated tower, and now it’s time to stay in the tower for a while.

As for ASEAN, there has been no movement for such a long time, and Sakiya will not think that ASEAN will do anything to the First Army.

There is nothing to worry about.

Leaving the courtyard, Li Meng did not go anywhere, but returned to the side hall next to the sleeping hall.

Nothing has changed much, the side hall is still quiet and silent.

When Li Meng opened the door and entered, the quiet side hall slightly broke the silence.

In the soft footsteps, Li Meng entered the bedroom.

On that white bed, I saw that little figure without accident.

She was still asleep, just like the sleeping princess in a fairy tale.


Li Meng, who was sitting on the side of the bed, smiled slightly and stroked that white face.

"Who will be the prince who kisses you?"

The murmured whispers echoed in the bedroom.

With a dumb smile, Li Meng shook his head helplessly at his own words.

Human culture is really powerful, and sometimes it affects the subconscious without knowing it.

The person on the bed is indeed a princess, but there will never be a prince who can kiss her.

The Maleficent is not something that a "kiss" can break.

Necromantic magic can only be broken by the caster who has the power of death.

In other words, only Li Meng in this world can wake her sleeping.

But Li Meng will not, at least not let her wake up now.

Li Meng's "illness" on her body was helpless, and waking her up would only make her "death" faster.

Li Meng always felt that if Mu Ling died, even if he had the power of death, he would not be able to bring it back to life.

In other words, once Mu Ling dies, it is true death, and the soul will not be corroded by the power of death, and cannot be resurrected to become the eternal dead.

Although this was just a feeling of Li Meng, this feeling was born from Muling's unique soul. The feeling was very strong. This made Li Meng dare not take risks, so he could only think of another way carefully and cautiously.

Looking at the little person on the bed, Li Meng said lovingly, "Go to sleep! Get a good night's sleep. When you wake up, everything will be fine."

After staying in the side hall for a while, Li Meng left silently.

With more than twenty days of blank time, Li Meng has a lot to do.

Although those things are only page after page of information, from those information, Li Meng can know the changes in Qingcheng during this time.

As the helm of the First Corps, sometimes you can't be lazy.

Although Li Meng is back, to the civilians in Qingcheng, he doesn't feel much.

Because in the eyes of civilians, the First Army is mysterious, and they don’t know anything about its system, nor do they know who is the highest leader. The only thing they know is that under the rule of the First Army, there are strict laws and no one knows. No right to violate the law.

Under the strict legal system, the changes in Qingcheng are vivid and life is getting better and better.

For many people, the rule of the First Legion has achieved the life they originally desired.

Not only is life guaranteed, but body and mind are also free, not to worry about hunger or cold.

Under various changes, the First Army has won the hearts of the people in Qingcheng.

In a short period of time, on Nanlin Island, the First Army has gained public opinion.

The people's hearts belonged to Li Meng as the helm of the First Army, and some things should be resolved.

Unconsciously, in the passing of time, five days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these five days, Li Meng lived a leisurely life, occasionally looking at the data in the data terminal, checking the changes in Qingcheng, and the war in Bentley.

Whether on a combat ship or a logistics transport ship, there is a set of devices that can connect to the data terminal of the First Corps.

When the ship heading for the Bentley country returns, through the real-time updated data, the frontline war reports will be transmitted from the port to the base in Qingcheng, and then from the base to the temple.

Although the update of the information is not instant, it can also guarantee that Nanlin Island can get the situation of the frontline war every few days.

The morning has just passed, and the sun is already high in the sky.

At this time, in the pavilion of the temple courtyard.

Li Meng, dressed in black, was sitting casually on a recliner, holding a tablet in his hand, looking at something.

As an advanced electronic technology, the tablet in Li Meng's hand is very delicate, just like a glass with a frame, which looks extremely sci-fi.

This is what Li Meng found from the world of "Al" when he seemed bored one day.

Although the projection equipment is convenient, sometimes it will produce some fuzzy feeling due to the light.

Although it does not hinder the use and browsing, it will always make people uncomfortable.

Using the tablet computer in his hand, Li Meng has entered the data terminal of the First Army and is looking at the information updated from the front line.

"Rebels? Those guys in Bentley?"

Looking at the information displayed on the tablet, Li Mengnannan muttered to herself.

It seems to be very surprised by the existence of Bentley's national resistance army.

The surprise is certain, because before the First Army attacked Bentley, Li Mengke had never heard of the existence of the Bentley rebels.

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