Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 761: Skeleton

Today's tiankeng has become a very dangerous place. It is very necessary to build a large outpost in the tiankeng to deal with the polluting beasts that may emerge from the tiankeng.

The corresponding equipment, as well as the engineering team, need to be handled by Luo Rumanfu himself.

For Luo Luomanfu, now is not an easy time.

Time was passing, and as the night fell, the day passed.

Different people have different experiences and different lives. For the civilians in Qingcheng, they had another peaceful day.

Like day after day, year after year, if life does not fluctuate too much, for ordinary people, everything they experience every day will not change much.

Qingcheng, in the temple of Houshan.

Under the soft light, in the pavilion shrouded in a sea of ​​purple flowers, the slender figures stood tall, motionless, like statues.

Only the pale teenager in the chair was playing with the tablet in his hand.

Beside the boy, a slender figure was listening to the boy's words.

The task report is almost generated. Whether it is a written statement or a large number of photos, Li Meng knows what the task is performed by Luo Ruomanfu.

While looking at the beautiful or hideous photos on the screen, Li Meng said: "Nanlin Island actually has a huge underground space. This is indeed beyond my expectation. It is 10,000 meters deep... …"

Looking at the photos on the screen, Li Meng asked Wendy: "Wendy! Do you know how deep the sea around Nanlin Island is?"

Faced with the owner’s question, Wendy nodded and said, “Because of being close to the mainland, the sea area around Nanlin Island except the east and the south, the depth of the sea in other directions is no more than one kilometer, and the east and south are about two hundred kilometers. Beyond the sea, the depth is more than five kilometers."

Wendy's answer made Li Meng slightly clear.

In this way, this underground space may be very large, and its area far exceeds Nanlin Island.

It seems that underground space still has a lot of space for exploration.

Moving away from the beautiful photos of those scenes, Li Meng looked at the hideous behemoth.

The polluting beast in the photo is very big and fierce.

It looks like a lizard with only hind legs, but it looks much more ferocious than a lizard. Its head and body are covered with armor like bones, which makes it look like a moving creature skeleton. .

It just looks terrible.

What species is this?

Li Meng was very puzzled.

"Does it have a name?"

Li Meng suddenly asked Wendy beside him.

Wendy was beside him, Li Meng knew that all he could see, Wendy was also watching.

Sure enough, Wendy shook her head and said: "The world’s pollutant beast species have been collected by the First Legion from various channels, and they have been entered into the data terminal. On Nanlin Island, the First Legion encountered before. There is no related record of the black polluting beast and the small white polluting beast."

Not recorded?

That is to say, is this a newly discovered species?

Thinking of this, Li Meng became interested, his face thoughtful.

"Well, those white little things are called "Silkworms", the black polluting beast is called "Puppy", and that giant beast is called "Bone Skeleton". I think this name is very suitable."

Seeing the master talk so much, Wendy was rather helpless.

How can this name be so arbitrary? Once the name comes out, it is a permanent name.

However, those polluting beasts are lucky to be able to be named by the owner himself.

Although somewhat random...

Beside Li Meng, Wendy whispered: "Understood! I will pass the named data to the terminal later."

In this way, under Li Meng's temporary intention, three different types of polluting beasts were named by Li Meng himself.

Seeing this, Luo Luomanfu's exploration mission no longer needs attention.

Although Li Meng was very interested in the huge underground space and the gas emerging from the tiankeng.

But the exploration of Tiankeng has just begun, and there is still not much that can be seen from the task report.

Only after the exploration mission is over can we know what will exist in the underground space.

To be able to breed a behemoth as big as the "skeleton", the underground space is probably an undeveloped virgin land, maybe in it, what the First Army wants.

Before the results come out, anything is possible.

After finishing his focus on the exploration mission, Li Meng turned up other things aimlessly.

The night has just come, and in this long night, something needs to be done to pass the time.

In silence.

Li Meng's voice suddenly rang in the pavilion.

"Wendy! Where is Sakuya now?"

Faced with a sudden inquiry from the master, Wendy whispered: "In the reincarnating tower, General Sakiya has been inside for many days."

Reincarnation Tower?

Li Meng knew it.

Then Xiao Nizi is really obedient.

I don’t know why the master suddenly asked General Sakiya, Wendy asked, "Master! Do you want me to summon General Sakiya?"

"No! Let her stay inside, it's good for her."


Li Meng suddenly thought of something.

While looking at the information on the tablet, he said: "Is anyone looking for Sakuya in the last few days? What's the problem with the military?"

In the past one or two months, Nanlin Island has not been peaceful. It should be said that the First Army is not at ease.

In addition to launching an invasion of Bentley, we must also maintain the necessary vigilance against ASEAN. In addition to these, we must also maintain absolute control over the huge South China Sea.

In terms of maritime power, although the First Corps is not weak anymore, there are dozens of warships large and small.

But compared to the vast sea, once the fleet is dispersed, its strength in various places appears weaker.

However, even if the three major fleets of the First Army are scattered, any fleet can easily suppress the countries surrounding the South China Sea.

Thinking of this, another question appeared in Li Meng's mind.

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