Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 762: Explore again

"By the way, Wendy, tell me specifically, which countries are there around the South China Sea?"

Although he has always paid close attention to the countries surrounding the South China Sea, Li Meng has never really learned about it.

The only thing I know is that there are only three countries, namely ASEAN, Kyoto, and Bentley. Apart from these three countries, no other countries know anything.

Wendy answered many questions from the owner one by one.

Speaking slightly, Wendy whispered: "In terms of military affairs, everything is in order. As for ASEAN and Bentley, everything is normal. As for the countries surrounding the South China Sea..."

Wendy continued to say: "The mainland in the north of Nanlin Island is the territory of Kyoto, the west is ASEAN, and in the east, opposite the South China Sea, there is Bentley. In the south of Nanlin Island, about three There is a small continent thousands of nautical miles away, and that continent is separated from Austria by a strait dozens of nautical miles. According to human official knowledge, the small continent belongs to the continent of Austria. There are three continents on it. The two kingdoms are the Kingdom of Yasi, the Kingdom of Dengsha, and the Kingdom of Danlan. In the periphery of the South China Sea, except for the great power of Kyoto, all other countries are third world countries. The domestic order is chaotic, plagued by poverty, and military power is not worthwhile. Mention it."

Kyoto, ASEAN, Bentley, Dengsha Kingdom, Danlan Kingdom, and Yasi Kingdom, in other words, there are six countries around the South China Sea.

The situation is really chaotic.

In his heart, Li Meng secretly said.

Although the South China Sea is not big, it is close to so many countries.

However, chaos has the advantage of chaos. For the First Army, countries around the South China Sea can all become development targets.

a long time!

"Don't watch it!"

Putting down the tablet in his hand, Li Meng stretched lazily.

He leaned back and put a comfortable posture on the seat.

He said at the same time: "Wendy! Come on, give your master a hammer!"

The master's call made Wendy act.

In speechlessness, Wendy knelt on the ground, kneading two small white hands on Li Meng's legs.

The refreshing touch made Li Meng slumber with his eyes closed comfortably.

The picture in the pavilion is really bald.

The clock is ticking.

In Qingcheng in the night, everything fell into silence.

Under the dim light, the streets everywhere were quiet, and occasionally a few figures swayed by, that was also the security team on duty.

In Qingcheng, a curfew is enforced. When night falls, people are prohibited from going out.

After all, night is dangerous.

In addition to similar dangers, there are polluting beasts.

Although Qingcheng is protected by a city wall, many polluting beasts have the ability to climb and will often enter human cities.

If you encounter a polluting beast that invades the city at night, there will only be one end, that is, the polluted beast "kills".

This situation has occurred several times since the First Army occupied Qingcheng.

Although the hunts were quickly carried out each time, there were also some casualties among the civilians in Qingcheng.

In this world, the martial arts guild is so common, and it is not without reason.

Compared with sending out soldiers to hunt and kill the polluting beasts that invaded the city, the martial artist with strong individual strength can undoubtedly eliminate the polluting beasts faster and cause less damage to the city.

The next day.

early morning.

While the civilians in Qingcheng were still asleep, deep in the forest south of Qingcheng, the mobilized troops stationed at the Tiankeng were dispatched again to explore the Tiankeng.

This time, the Xia Peng exploration team carried more complete equipment and more purposefulness.

Early in the morning, Luo Luomanfu rushed to the Tiankeng to preside over the exploration mission.

When I returned to the base last night, everything I needed to do was done.

The engineering team for the outpost is in preparation, and construction will begin soon.

Of course, the basic road measures cannot be put down before construction.

Without a road connecting Qingcheng and Tiankeng, the construction of outposts would not be so easy.

The road is essential.

The construction of the outpost cannot be completed in a short time.

It takes time, enough time.

Prior to this, only a temporary camp could be established in the rocky forest to monitor the tiankeng.

"Where are they now?"

In the outcropping temporary command room next to the tiankeng, Luo Ruomanfu, who was standing straight, asked the monitoring personnel.

Faced with the inquiry of Sergeant Roboman, the mobilizer in front of an instrument replied: "It has crossed the platform, and it is now about seven kilometers away. In about thirty minutes, the exploratory team will reach the ground. "

Informatization is still too backward.

Without long-distance communication, you can only use the sensors on the sliding rope to monitor the location of the exploration team. This monitoring method is not very reliable.

Stiffness and slowness are one of them. The most important thing is that once something happens underground, they cannot know the situation in time, and can only learn the situation through the report of the exploration team's wired communication.

This will cause great obstacles to command.

At this time, in the tiankeng under eight kilometers.

It's vast but dark.

Everything is gone, and the slightest sound will be infinitely amplified.

The "hissing" sound did not know when it appeared, and it echoed in the wide sinkhole.

I saw hundreds of blue gloomy lights shaking, and hundreds of figures loomed in the dark sinkhole.

The figure fell from the sky and went deeper.

Wherever he went, only the "hissing" friction echoed.

The series of figures on the sliding rope were nothing but troops exploring the sinkhole.

The team for this exploration consisted of ten teams with a total of one hundred people.

Compared with the last time, this time the exploratory team was lightly packed, without oxygen tanks, and with more ammunition.

When I explored the tiankeng last time, I was worried that there would be no oxygen in the ground, but in the end I found that the oxygen in the ground is very sufficient. In this case, it is unnecessary to carry the oxygen tank.

However, even though the heavy equipment such as oxygen tanks has been subtracted, it is still not easy for some mobilized soldiers.

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