Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 217: Mixed

The two hundred intact Almohad empire battles are not just smashing boats. They are all made with the best materials, the best craftsmen, and the most elaborate designs.

The reason why the Almohad Empire was able to cross the seven seas, play hooligans everywhere, steal money and rob women, was completely dependent on these high-performance warships and excellent sailors.

Even though the Ruman Empire is strong, it has always been their shortcoming in fighting at sea. People who are bullied by Almohad dare not say anything.

Otherwise, how can those rogues who are accustomed to domineering and domineering swallow their anger and sign the "Wan Nian Friendship" with them. Forever "Treaty of Peace and Friendship."

Regardless of how beautiful the treaty was written, it was actually used to deceive some foolish villagers. In the eyes of those bigwigs, no one took it seriously. That broken thing even wiped the **** paper. Not as good.

They all have bad ideas in their hearts, like evil wolves lurking in the grass, as long as they have a chance, they will play with each other.

In order to weaken each other. To enhance their own strength, they do everything they can to.

But now that there is such a great opportunity in front of you, if you don't know how to seize it, it is definitely the product of a close relative marriage. (Although Xiaoxi brother is also the product of consanguineous marriage, his old man is definitely a special case.)

Even though the Grand Duke Julian is the brother of His Majesty the Emperor, he is the commander of all the legions on the Eastern Front. But when I thought of putting such a big piece of fat there, I couldn't sleep.

After he listened to Lorraine's introduction, Xinfeng made some calculations. He couldn't help but yelled at the moment, and he was about to go out to find the three major deans of the academy, pull relations, explore the wind and so on.

Before Lorraine could stop him, when he saw his old man, he rushed out the door violently. He could only smile wryly when he looked at the archduke's back. I can't help but wonder if the old guy sees his wishes come to nothing, will he slaughter people?

Lorraine found that after taking a vacation, he had nothing to do when he was free, and he was entangled with everything during this period of time. It was rare to have free time. I chatted with Catherine for a long time.

They waited for a while, but strangely found that the Grand Duke had not returned.

Leo had already taken a long nap, and he was vigorously energetic, noisy at the moment. He drove everyone to the ski resort he opened and had a good time.

When they finished playing and went back, it was already dusk, but it was discovered that the Grand Duke had not come back.

They waited for a while, until the moon rose, but still did not see the Grand Duke. Later, I remembered that I would attend a banquet, but this. The protagonist is not present, so what else to participate in


When everyone was anxious, they saw a guard hurried back and reported to everyone that because of time constraints, the Grand Duke had already gone to the banquet in advance, so that everyone rushed to the Throne of God Seal.

Everyone is helpless. I can only change the dress in a hurry and rush over to the God Seal Throne.

Everyone in Lorraine drove to the banquet in a carriage, but saw that there were already a crowd of guests inside, all of them well-dressed and poisonous.

See them coming. The Grand Duke has already greeted him.

Catherine couldn't help but feel a little worried when he looked upset at him. I was afraid of something. In case he puts the fire on Lorraine again, Lorraine's donkey temper will definitely fight him.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly stepped forward and greeted the God Seal Throne. Angrily said: "Father, what's the matter? We have been waiting for you all afternoon at home, why don't you reply to us a letter."

She turned defensive into an offensive hand that was beautiful, and even if there was a fire in her heart, the Duke could not continue to attack her.

He snorted coldly. Then he cursed with a sullen expression: "I don't know which bastard, in order to make a little more money. I have a bad idea and say that we need to engage in bid auctions. And we have to break it all into pieces. In this way, we will have to spend more. A lot of money."

After he finished speaking, he was still a little unwilling, and bitterly cursed: "The thing that is dead and bad, don't let me find out if you look back, otherwise I must strip his skin, then remove the bone cramps, and finally hang the flagpole on it. The sky lantern."

The people of Lorraine had never seen the Grand Duke so hot, it is conceivable that this incident caused him to suffer greatly.

Seeing that the prince was so angry, Adele couldn't help but turn her eyes, knowing that she had a chance to put eye drops on Catherine, and then stepped forward and talked.

Catherine immediately raised her right elbow without a trace, and pressed it hard against her lower abdomen, and Adele snorted in pain. Then he bent down.

Grand Duke couldn't help wondering: "Dai'er, what's wrong with you?"

Catherine lowered her head first. Viciously said in Adele's ear: "I know what you are going to say, but shut it up to me"

Then raised his head. Reluctantly smiled, and said: "It's okay, she's okay, she just wore the heel

The Grand Duke sighed. Said: "Why are you so careless."

Are you ok? Must be wearing high heels again? You girls are also true. It's not impossible to dress up for beauty, but you should also be moderate.

Or, Nicole, you have to pay attention too. I think those bills are a lot thicker, and you will buy less messy things in the future.

Catherine listened to his nagging, but she didn't get angry, but interrupted him hastily, saying: "I know. Father. I will pay attention later."

This sentence came out. When he was about to block the remaining words of the Grand Duke.

Catherine didn't wait for him to react, and hurriedly helped Adele walk in.

Adele rubbed her painful and smooth lower abdomen, and whispered in angrily! "You one by one, how do you know that I want to sue me?" Lorraine had the idea of ​​that little bad guy? small.

Catherine glanced back, and then said: "Stop this kind of **** idea for making money, except for his guy who is outbursts of bad water. Who else can think of it. Okay, don't mess with me, Otherwise I will treat you badly.

"Then your silk shawl" Adele rolled her eyes and whispered softly after he wanted to speak. She wouldn't let this kind of bamboo piggy come to the door in vain.

"No way." Catherine said flatly with a burst of fire in her angry eyes.

Adele sneered twice, then suddenly raised her voice and said, "His Royal Highness."

Catherine was shocked immediately, and hurriedly reached out and blocked her delicate red lips.

Adele said twice, and then twisted her slender waist. Catherine desperately broke free of control.

Catherine was helpless. Hastily compromised and said: "Okay.

I will give you that black one. "

Adele stopped struggling immediately, chuckled twice, and said, "You know it."

Catherine looked at her beautiful jade-like face, gritted her teeth in hatred, and said: "Don't mess with me now, let's go in.

With that, he hugged Adele tightly and walked inward.

The Grand Duke looked at their backs from behind, always feeling that something was awkward, and then turned to Lorraine and asked, "What's the matter with them? Why do I feel like they are hiding something from me, do you know what it is? Something? small,

What kind of people are Lord Lorraine, who can tell at a glance what they are doing, but what can he say? Did you tell the old guy who didn't blink that he made this bad idea? It's strange that he didn't swallow himself raw.

He also looked blankly at the twin sister's incomparably moving, slim figure. Shaking his head, he smiled bitterly and said, "How do I know this?"

Grand Duke couldn't help but glanced at him strangely.

Lorraine didn't dare to be careless, and smiled calmly. Said: "Women often have little secrets."

Leo leaned in too. Glancing in the direction of the two Catherines, he agreed: "Yes, yes. Women are very complicated. Who knows what they think all day long! Little.

The Grand Duke didn’t expect to see him for a few days, his son had such a deep understanding of women, he couldn’t help but looked at Lorraine face to face, then raised his hand and patted Leo’s **** heavily, and said: " Stop stinky, wait until you have a girlfriend to say this!"

Because of the interruption just now, his mood gradually calmed down, and then he pulled Lorraine and said: "Come in. Don't just stand outside. Today, a lot of people have come." Lorraine was leading him. When I came down to the hall, I saw that there were more than a hundred people in the big hall.

These people are all stunned by the news these days, knowing that Fengye Danlin has a big oil and water, and various characters who rushed to hear the wind.

There are kingdom envoys, big merchants, nobles who want to separate one side, and even some pirate leaders who come in.

People of all colors waited differently, all of them dressed in luxurious and polite clothes. Knowing at a glance, they are all big people who call on Benro and are either rich or noble.

Although there are also one or two guys with extremely rude faces, but fortunately, their bodies are covered with gold and silver decorations. When they walk away, their whole body is shining with golden lights. And they are extremely defiant. They are often black holes, The big nose covered with messy grassy nose looks at people.

However, due to the outstanding characteristics of all this type of mobster, they are very generous in their actions in order to fear that others will look down on him.

Looking at the shiny pieces of gold coins like dust, they waved them out. It can be seen that it is not an ordinary mobster.

How far is Lorraine. You can smell the smell of copper coming from them, and can't help frowning: Where do these guys come from?

The Grand Duke couldn't help but sneered, and whispered: "They are from the Russen Empire, you know? In their own country, these guys have never been willing to spend such money.

And I treat all the people of my family as animals, and I wish I could shave off the oil and water on those people, and then smash the bone marrow out again.

He paused. Looking at the two guys who claimed to be princes contemptuously, he said, "I even heard that the people in their country can't even eat salt. Do you believe it? Can't even eat salt."

The Grand Duke seemed to be unbelievable and said it twice.

Lorraine couldn't help but smile. Nodded and said: "I know such a thing. It is said that when a mother was about to drink water, she heard that her son was dead. But because there was a little salt in the bowl of water, she was careful I drank the bowl of salt water before I went out."

After speaking, he sighed and said: "That is really a great and disaster-ridden nation.

The Grand Duke was silent for Pian Xuan, and then coldly snorted in a peculiar mocking tone. He commented: "A humble and cowardly nation. If they dare not resist injustice. Fight for justice. They will be even greater and more devastating in the future.

Lorraine was momentarily dumb.

Kapoor and other officers of the Ruman Navy who had already arrived at the scene, seeing the arrival of the Grand Duke and Lorraine, all came to salute the Grand Duke.

Immediately afterwards, a few middle-aged men dressed as nobles came over and exchanged greetings with the Grand Duke.

They were talking. They looked up and down Lorraine with a curious look.

The Grand Duke couldn’t help but smiled and introduced them: “This is the Earl of Lorraine, the Earl of Lorraine from the Longyacao family. My Gang Shuang 7 was born in a famous family, young and promising. It can be described as the pepper scarf of our young nobleman.

No matter how privately. But when he stood on the stage, he always had to give Lorrain some face, otherwise, if the two of them had a dispute, they would fight. At that time, Catherine rushed along. There is no good fruit for everyone.

The aristocrats slapped madly at once. Duke's eyes are like a torch, and he spared no effort to train young people.

The Earl of Lorraine led the student army and fought against 70,000 powerful enemies alone. He was really a hero.

These big guys finally said: This time the big guy came in a hurry, and it was not time to visit the little one and wait for the end of the matter here. They must have a few drinks with Count Lorraine.

The Grand Duke introduced to Lorraine that these nobles were all Marquis XX, Earl XX, and Baron XX. They all came from several famous empires, and all of them had outstanding military exploits. They were the cornerstones of the empire. Even if he is not a prince on one side, he is also a warrior with a heavy hand.

After everyone said hello, they sat down nearby, and Lorraine was also beside the Grand Duke, looking at the people in the chamber.

Lorraine noticed that there were also a few noble-looking people glaring at the group of grand princes, and a few others gathered together, sulking their eyes here from time to time, with bad eyesight.

The Grand Duke also paid attention to these people, but he smiled at them indifferently, and said to Lorraine: "I'll introduce you to some people, look carefully.

He pointed to the guy wearing a white robe over there and dressed as a foreign nobleman, and said: "The few over there are the noble generals of Hillon. Their navy was still very poor back then.

Grand Duke seemed to reminisce about something. He paused for a while, and then added: "Of course, that was only the year. Later, the navy commander West Germany was poisoned to death by their emperor, and the Allied forces of the Helen Empire were wiped out by me in Wallind. After that, they declined.

Now these are all quiet. Almost all of them rely on women's nepotism to climb up, and nothing can be done just by eating, drinking, and gambling. "

Lorraine looked at the nobles, and had no choice but to agree with the Grand Duke's statement.

Although everyone is noble. But compared with these people on their own, those people are hunched over and obviously not responsible.

It's not like these nobles here, who all stand straight, with piercing eyes, looking directly at each other. When speaking, the voice is loud, with the basic etiquette of the nobleman, who speaks good things loudly, and speaks bad things about others loudly. The tone is full of confidence. He is not afraid of offending people in his words.

All of them looked blue and yellow, and their eyes were swollen. At first glance, they knew that they were over-drinking. And they look at people a little wretched, like a mouse stealing things, without the slightest confidence.

They saw that everyone here was looking at themselves, their eyes flattened as if they were afraid of causing trouble, and they didn't dare to look up, but they raised their eyelids from time to time and looked here timidly. That look extremely wretched.

Seeing this, Lorraine couldn't help but define them in the bottom of his heart, "A bunch of villains are not enough."

The Grand Duke turned his head, pointed to a few people on the other side, and said: "They are my current enemies. Generals of Bosilla. In recent years, we have seen no less in the city of Samarkand. It's just that I take advantage. More time. They also suffer more when they suffer."

Lorraine moved in his heart. Although he was on duty at the head of the city these days, he had no time to participate in the battle, but he had heard about it. As for the warships anchored in the harbor, the guys in Bosilia often ran up. It is said that these guys who are sitting on gold mines and whose gems are packed in barrels are sure to win those battleships.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and looked at the few people carefully.

I saw them wearing black burqa. A thick white turban was wrapped around his head, and a small knife hung from each person's waist. The knife was studded with gems and gold, which looked dazzling and extremely gorgeous.

They were staring at this side bitterly one by one, fire bursting out of their eyes. It seemed that if no one was there, he would rush over. Tear the Grand Duke to pieces, and then do not touch the salt, you can eat him raw.

Lorraine felt a little worried. He reached out without a trace and touched his waist, the hand of the musketeer was hard, and he was slightly relieved.

The Grand Duke looked at his guard gaze. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't worry. Although they are enemies, they are also honest gentlemen and nobles worthy of admiration."

With that, he beckoned and took Leo to the Throne of God Seal.

Lorraine didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed the Throne of God Seal.

Those people watched the Grand Duke coming over. Also stunned for a moment.

The Grand Duke walked in front of them. Then he gave a solemn salute and said, "Everyone, I am Grand Duke Julian Juno. Your enemy. I must have known me already.

Lorraine couldn't help taking a look at the Grand Duke in admiration, and among other things, just this wayward hero, fearless courage and tolerance, was enough to despise the heroes of the world.

The eyes of those people were startled for a moment, and then gradually changed to a sudden change. Finally, they were full of clothes, solemnly saluting, and said one after another: "I heard your name early. When I saw it today, it really was a well-deserved reputation."

After they finished speaking, they introduced themselves.

Lorraine then knew that these guys had sent the imperial naval commander General Maruk, and a prince named Shaker, at the expense of the ships in the harbor.

The Grand Duke turned around, pointed at Leo, and said, "Everyone, this is my son Leo." (To be continued) Such a weird person is really hairy, everyone is very simple, and finally Cangbu shouted. Frightened and fainted, no one could stay awake.

"Oh, I'm really your ancestor, why don't you believe me." The beaten weird shook his head, waking everyone up one by one.

When everyone regained their sanity. I saw that weird took off his head without a hassle, and then carefully wiped it with his torn sleeves, and finally weighed it back and forth in his palm, as if it was not a head, but just a Tattered watermelons are generally worthless.

This kind of inhuman stimulus is really unbearable, and even the most nervous person will collapse. Everyone was in a very tacit understanding, and at the same time they stretched their necks and kicked their legs and rolled their eyes, once again all in a coma.

"Wake up, wake up." The weirdo pulled one by one to wake them up, but the moment everyone opened their eyes, they were greatly stimulated.

The strange man actually "cocked" and removed one of his thighs, dragging his head with one hand, and shaking that thigh with the other.

"God, don't you wake me up!" In the face of this inhuman stimulus, everyone felt their calves turn muscles, their hearts jumped, and they almost jumped out of their throats.

"I haven't seen a stranger for so many years. I want to have fun with you, but you are so boring." The strange man's head was held in his hands, but his speech was not affected at all.

Fun? It's almost scary! After several stimulations, everyone was almost numb, and now it is difficult to faint on the Throne of God Seal.

What exactly is "you you you"? "

"I don't know **** wolves. It's in vain to take a trip in the world." At this point, the weird man put his thigh back in a "gappa" sound, and then slowly straightened his head and placed it on his neck.

At this moment, Guanghua flashed, and there was another shadow here, and everyone screamed at the same time, it was a big snake with nine heads. It is cast like silver, shining with the cold luster of metal.

"Cannon, snake demon!"


The crowd screamed in horror. What they have seen today has reached their psychological limit. I'm afraid everyone will be scared to death if I get stimulated again.

The nine-headed serpent gleamed and turned into a white-clothed man, and said to Killing Wolf: "You have left the customs, don't do boring things, now let me go to the Dragon Palace."

"Brother has also become a saint and an ancestor. I haven't seen popularity for so many years. Today, I can hardly want to find someone to talk, but the result is so boring. These people are really too fragile." Hua Guang flashed, and everyone at the scene was stunned by the gods. , The memory of not long ago was erased, and when they woke up blankly, those two shadows had long since disappeared.

The mouth of the Yellow River is in Dongying, very close to this area, where the turbulent river flows into the vast sea.


The two figures instantly submerged into the Yellow River, and the space at the bottom of the river was distorted. In the blink of an eye, they entered a mysterious dragon palace, forming a small world on their own.

True to the myths and legends, the Dragon Palace is made of crystal sacred stones. It is colorful and gleaming, and all kinds of treasures are displayed in the magnificent palace, shining brightly.

The Dragon Palace stretches into pieces. The magnificent buildings can't reach the end at a glance, as if a palace in the sky has fallen here.

However, in this vast and vast underwater world, it is so deadly silent that there is no popularity to match it.

Silence is supreme, like a cemetery, as if no one has been inhabited for many years.

The two figures went straight to the central giant palace. There was a young man who was as dark as a waterfall, sitting cross-legged, motionless, like a statue of a god, just before the count, but it gave people an infinitely ethereal feeling, as if they were far away. Sitting crossly on the horizon.

The most eye-catching thing is that there are two Ancestral Dragon horns in his silk.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the entire Dragon Palace seemed to brighten up suddenly, as if the light in his eyes had flowed for thousands of years, and the current moment passed nine days and ten places.

It is the old dragon king. That is, Xiao Long, in front of Xiao Chen, he resolutely plunged into the Yellow River, and has been silent for more than 13,000 years.

He is inherently talented. Practicing asceticism in the Yellow River where the ancestor dragon has transformed. The strength has reached a terrifying point. Become a powerful war ancestor. The ancestor dragon left too much, he has not really inherited, and there is endless room for improvement.

One of the two of them is naturally the Killing Wolf. Although it is a creature in the dead world, this guy is greedy for red dust and has always liked to wander in the human world. Back then, Kyushu faced threats from another world, Xiao Chen and He A took away a large number of monks, but in such a situation, this guy did not retreat. The result was very unfortunate. During the battle of the strong, someone summoned a meteorite from outside the sky, hitting the pond fish, smashing him into the Yellow River, and was rescued by a small stubborn dragon.

The other is Hydra. In the past, the empress Zhao Lin'er had been supported, and some of her heirs were named princes, and the end is coming. He was hit hard and fell into the Yellow River, where he was also rescued by Xiaolonglong.

Hydra once fought fiercely with the Nilong King, and vowed to become a nine-headed dragon after losing. In the end, he was rescued by the enemy. For more than 3,000 years, he has seen with his own eyes that the opponent has gradually become an Ancestral Dragon. Past grudges. They have long since dispersed with the wind, and now they are one of the few ascetics in Kyushu, and their prejudices are long gone.

"That stone, have you awakened yet?" Sha Po Lang peeped into the depths of the giant palace and said: "How can I say that I am also a saint and an ancestor, and actually sealed me in the crypt for so many years. Saying to sharpen your practice, vomit blood when you think about it!"

At this moment, there was no sound in the giant palace, and a figure appeared out of thin air, sitting cross-legged, like a wood or a fossil, without any fluctuations in life.

In this state, it is really like a stone man, but it is not a stone body, it is still a flesh and blood body, which is somewhat similar to the three supreme ancestors of the eternal unknown.

It is Xiao Chen who has been hiding in the Great Underground of Kyushu. After years of cultivating, he thinks about his old ancestors and thinks that only the little stubborn dragon is most likely to survive. So he came to the Yellow River, searched for many years, and finally met. Also retreat here.

"Since we have all left the customs, take a trip to that world. Little stubborn dragon stood up.

Xiao Chen nodded his head. After so many years passed on the Throne of God Seal, he became quieter or quieter. The moment he stood up, the four of them instantly disappeared from the Dragon Palace and arrived on the ground.

Seeing those people not too long ago, the Beatles' Killing Wolf waved towards the oil well.

"Which crew do you belong to, don't act here, go to other places to set the scene." It was also the manager Zhang, staring here with great power.

"Brother said, I talked to you just now," Shapolang muttered.

"Insane!" Mr. Zhang's memory has long been erased, how could he believe it.

"Small" Shapolang took off his head directly and weighed it a few times in his hands.

"Ghost," Mr. Zhang fell to the sky.

The four of them disappeared from here, the little stubborn dragon frowned, and said, "Don’t show God in front of mortals.

"I'm not going to mess up. I have passed away, and I will not touch my body. I promise that I won't leave the butterfly and weep the flesh and blood of a fellow. I am even more greedy. The shadows of the city have long been unable to hold back. I want Act alone.

However, he was forcibly suppressed by the little stubborn dragon. With this guy's disposition, he ran out alone. In this world, he has to make trouble.

In the distance, there are tall buildings and locomotives speeding. Various patterns are quite different from those of Kyushu in the past.

"The vicissitudes of life, the world has changed a lot now." Xiao Chen sighed a little, but was not surprised. He had already seen technological civilization in the past years. In the distant past, the Throne of God Seal, human beings have already experienced this era, but like the civilization of Gods and Demons, they cannot escape destruction in the end.

Soon, the four of Xiao Chen discovered the fact that many regions have continued their ancient names, such as Yandu, Luoyang, and Jinling. There are many similarities with a five-thousand-year scientific and technological civilization in the Yan and Huang era.

Xiao Chen and the others were standing in the air, looking down on the earth, things are human and not" This is a new cycle, and the long history is unstoppable, but how long can these three aspects last?

I am afraid it will be a fantasy after all. Maybe it's short-lived like fireworks, only momentary.

Xiao Chen stood in the clouds, spreading his right hand, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his hand.

"What is this?" Shapolang asked.

"Currently the strongest nuclear weapon of this civilization." Xiao Chen was calm as water, and then detonated in his hands. The so-called strongest nuclear weapon was disillusioned in his hands like a flame, and even the thread he pulled out was not damaged.

"This weapon is too weak and useless at all." Sha Po Lang shook his head.

The little stubborn dragon also stretched out his palms and placed the strongest nuclear weapon that had been imprisoned on the head of the killer wolf, and then with a bang, a small mushroom cloud could be more than half a meter high, and the killer wolf would have his head full. Long boom count down fiercely, it's black.

"Brother said, don't do experiments so casually, right?!" Sha Po Lang was angrily.

Naturally, his strength is far from comparable to Xiao Chen, and he has not yet reached the point where his body is like the world, carrying the power of billions of stars.

The one on the earth, to them, is like a kind of landscape, it is difficult to have much overlap.

"Familiar breath" colorful sacred tree, is it Hehe? ! "Xiao Chen has been without waves, but at this moment suddenly became excited.

He directly broke through the space, and the four of them appeared in the sky above Dunhuang in an instant, and the powerful spiritual consciousness suddenly penetrated into the underground, and immediately discovered everything.

As soon as Xiao Chen waved his hand, the helpless sacred tree in the ruins disappeared and came to his palm.

"The sacred tree has evolved again, but" there is no Ahe breath left. "Xiao Chen fell silent again.

Below is a relic of an ancient battlefield, that piece of blood that has never rotted, is left by an alien ancestor. He didn't know why the treasure tree was buried here.

"Go!" Xiao Chen drank and disappeared out of thin air with the four of them.

Little Stubborn Dragon also had the feeling, and sensed that the powerful ancestral god-level divine consciousness swept in this direction.

"There are powerful ancestors walking in this world, maybe it will be interesting next. However, now I want to go to the Quartet world for a while. I found the other few sky marks."

Xiao Chen's strength has reached a bottleneck. The profound techniques and supernatural powers of the Divine Seal Throne in the past have been completely sublimated to the extreme, and now they need new opportunities.

However, after saying these words, Xiao Chen's heart moved, and the pattern in his body became misty, and he felt that something in the city not far away was attracting him.

"Another war sword!"

In an instant, he understood what it was.

"It seems we can't leave yet."

The four descended outside Yandu, changed their clothes and changed into the clothes of this era. Very alternative feeling. Especially the four of them are waist-high. The language of this era is naturally different from that of Xiao Chen's era, but after reaching their level, the powerful spiritual consciousness has been swept away. You can understand.

Yandu is really prosperous, row upon row of high-rise buildings, and the roads are accessible in all directions, which really surprised the four celebrities in a short time.

Walking on the streets of Yandu early, the eyes of Killing Wolf seemed to be inadequate. It was not the dazzling of science and technology, but for those ship girls who were exposed and drooling. Radiant.

"It's hard to find a bosom friend, but it's a sigh of gold 300 million. Why do elegant people always die early? If they are still there, there will definitely be a lot of unique insights." At this point, he complained: "The current sword can be taken directly. , Why do you need such trouble. Otherwise, let's go around separately."

"There seems to be a problem with this war sword" Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

Then, they entered an antique street and stopped at an old antique shop.

Xiao Chen frowned again, and the sword was inside, but he felt inexplicable.

"It seems this is a bait."

At this moment, the war sword in this shop trembled slightly, as if sensing something, Guanghua flashed, and the shop wrapped Xiao Chen and the others disappeared.


Xiao Chen let out a cold snort, and led the other three people out of the shattered space above the vast sea thousands of miles away. He forcibly broke the imprisonment and broke out of the teleportation conflict.

Xiao Long frowned and said: "The formation specially set for the ancestor **** can be forced to him

"This is the area of ​​overseas islands lined with hundreds of races in the past" Hydra frowned.

"The destination of the teleportation array is ahead." Xiao Chen shot two divine lights in his eyes.

Xiao Chen hid his four breaths with strength and rushed forward.

This is a strange sea. If you don't reach the realm of the ancestor gods, you can't enter at all, and this place is divided from the vast sea to another space.

The Hydra nodded forward and said, "Prime Magic City!"

In this independent world outside the sea. An ancient magic city stands tall and majestic

Xiao Chen watched from a distance. Now the Sifang city gates are hanging a sword!

"Too arrogant!" Shapolang said angrily "An ancient city was condensed in the Hanhai Sea, and four war swords were hung outside. It's really arrogant."

"Look at the city

The little stubborn dragon lit the black fog in the ancient city. Vaguely, one could see a corpse floating up and down.

Xiao Chen had already noticed that they were the corpses of some ancestor gods, among them were the old farmers and Mo Xiaowang, and a few of them were actually the corpses of strong men in the heavens. He had seen those people when he was ascending to heaven in the past.

"The hanging corpse is provocative, and there is no fear. Make it clear and tell us that this is the killing field." Xiao Chen's eyes were cold.

"That's" there are stone statues. One of them is, Ahe? ! Two terrifying rays of light shot out of Xiaolong's eyes.

The black mist surged in the ancient magic city. Among the corpses floating up and down, there are actually stone statues, one of which resembles Hehe's innocent appearance.

"What's going on?" Xiao Chen shot two sharp shots in his eyes, feeling a little puzzled. (To be continued)

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