Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 218: Let you steal my flowers (sorry for the late post)

Ou Jian Duke introduced himself to others so solemnly. Wen can take advantage of the conflict, and immediately felt that he was valued. He first looked at the Grand Duke with surprise and saw his seriousness, and suddenly realized that he had grown a lot.

He stretched out his hand right now, his eyes gleaming at those people. Said happily, "Good evening, sirs

The two looked at the fat white boy stretching out his little hand. Although he thought his manners were a bit strange, they knew that this was the future emperor of the Ruman Empire. But he did not dare to neglect.

Although he is an enemy country. However, according to the unremitting efforts of propaganda agencies in various countries to literacy, everyone knows the great truth of "the monarchy is conferred by God."

This fat boy with shiny black eyes looks innocent and cute, but who knows which star he is from? Anyone like me can't afford to offend ordinary people like myself.

Although Prince Shaker has a similar status to him, he is not ranked high for the Bosilla Empire. It is very likely that he is a comet that flashes in the sky of history. Meteor. Of course, it is impossible to speak with Leo's future star.

Therefore, they bowed one after another, and then solemnly stretched out their hands to have a gentle touch with Leo. At the same time, their hearts were also wondering: Is the Ruman Empire already so impatient to push that little fat man onto the political stage?

The Grand Duke saw their doubts, smiled slightly, and said: "Let him come to see you, there is no other meaning.

I just want you to get to know it. Because I think, General Maruk, you are open and upright, you are considered a hero of the party. If there wasn't that war, you and the commander of Samarkand Zorubaha. We might still be friends. That's why I want you to get to know my family. "

Maruk was taken aback. Looking down at Leo, he immediately relieved, and said with a smile: "Yes. Lord Zolu and I have been friends with you for a long time. Your Majesty Juno. Actually we are already friends, aren't we?"

After speaking, they looked at each other and smiled. There is a sense of sorrow of seeing each other late.

Lorraine watched them make such a contract, and couldn't help but shiver, and quietly backed up two steps. These two guys looked good and stupefied. You should stay away a little bit, so as not to cause unnecessary. In trouble.

Maruk thought for a moment. Then he untied the small knife studded with gems and gold and had a white ivory handle, and handed it to Leo's hand. Said: "According to our Bossian custom. When you see a friend's child, you must give a gift. So little father-in-law, I boldly ask you to accept my gift

Leo took the Xiao and Dao, and his big smile immediately narrowed his eyes into a slit, but he still nodded solemnly and said, "Then I thank you for your gift. Xiao.

Talking, pull it out and take a look. Immediately, I felt the chill came, and then my nose became cold and he sneezed hard.

He looked at the cold and sharp blade like a drench of autumn water, nodded his head pretending to be an expert, and said loudly, "It really is a good one.

After he put the knife away, he suddenly remembered something, raised his head, and said, "General, although you have received your gift, if one day I meet you on the battlefield, I will not stay. Hand. At that time, I hope you don’t blame me. Little.

Maruk saw that Leo was young and a bit financially obsessed, but he was not humble or overbearing, and he was generous, and he couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring.

But on the surface, he was calm and smiled and said, "Don't worry, child. Killing on the battlefield, you die. There is no room for the slightest compromise. If the day is really reached, even if you are defeated by you, I will be happy. "

The Grand Duke looked at Leo's response and smiled happily. Ran Zhou exchanged a few words with Maluk before leaving.

General Maruk watched them both leave and patted his waist habitually, feeling that it was empty and startled. Then I remembered that the knife that had been with me for many years had been sent out, and I only smiled bitterly. Secretly said in his heart: Ruman Royal Family is indeed capable of coming out in large numbers, and so is a child. The trouble after the empire is big

At this time, Shackler snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "That is the Grand Duke Julian who talked about the whole empire? It doesn't seem to be very powerful."

Maruk looked at the disdain on the young man’s face, with the vigilance and keenness of all the middle-aged people who had come from the young age, and at a glance saw through the impetuous and impetuous work of the imperial imperial son and second generation ancestor. opinionated.

But he also knew that even if he explained it to him, the arrogant young man would not listen. Therefore, I didn't bother to go up there, just let out a long sigh.

He secretly thought in his heart: Are they so powerful? How can they be judged by you, ass? The more you say, the more stupid you are

Thinking of this, he suddenly regretted it. He shouldn't impulsively agree to the Supreme Majesty and bring that stupid boy here to be embarrassing.

He didn't expect it either. Prince Shaker glanced at him, his eyes full of deep doubt and alert, but it flashed past. Then it disappeared deep in the eyes.

Lorraine accompanied the Grand Duke in the banquet hall for a long time.

He appeared strangely. All kinds of people gathered at this banquet. The three religions and nine streams are all different. I can’t help but wonder, this does not seem to be a welcome banquet specially held for the Grand Duke, but rather like a briefing before the auction.

Get everyone together, and then check each other's details, and then think of ways to drive up the price.

While thinking about it, he was dealing with everyone,

At this moment, I saw him in the corner of the hall. The deans of the three major colleges walked over here slowly with their wine glasses.

Cardinal Obachem's old face, with the sweet smile of a clergyman who wanted to walk away the last copper plate in someone else's pocket, slowly walked closer.

He smiled at the Grand Duke. Then he said a little apologetically: "His Royal Highness, originally this should be a reception banquet for you alone, but we have had a battle with the Internet and now the funding is too tight. Everything has to be frugal. So I took advantage of the trend and put all of us in the auction All the people in the meeting have been invited. You will not blame it, do you?"

The Grand Duke looked at the old guy, he was very frustrated, and he whispered secretly: This **** old guy, what a banquet? This obviously called all the **** and put pressure on me to demonstrate so that I can get more from my pocket. Spend some money out. But he also laughed and said, "No, no. How could it be. The more people there are, the more lively, right? I just take this opportunity to get to know who are our empire’s true friends.

He bit the words "true friend" extremely heavily, obviously because he was extremely dissatisfied with the old miser, and reminded that old guy whether he could become a "true friend of the empire" but he saw his performance.

Next to them, General Wabador and Lester saw the archduke's sharp words and couldn't help but looked at each other, and then took a step back together.

They have not forgotten, who gave them the favor of today, and for the price of a gold coin, pulled out the navy of the Ruman Empire to cheer them up and fight.

At this time, for the sake of a few dollars, they will stumble upon others, but they can’t hold back this face.

Obachem didn't care at all, he laughed, and then he leaned into the ear of the Grand Duke, and said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness, you are embarrassed for me. We have discussed it. If you buy a ship, Take your auction price down another 5%. Small,

The grand public was shocked when he was standing, and looked at him fixedly without saying a word.

Obachem looked back with some embarrassment, and then realized that the two old partners had retreated far away, leaving one of them behind. People sing black faces here, and the old man's eyes staring at gold stars immediately.

He cursed secretly in his heart: Everyone had said it all together, but now that I was exposed as a shield, these two old **** are really getting better and better.

He looked up at the sharp gaze of the Grand Duke. He gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and slammed his heart cruelly, saying: "Well, eight percent, it can't be more. Otherwise, this year will be really bad.

After speaking, his painful old face twitched.

The Grand Duke reacted and said softly: "Very good, deal."

After speaking, turn around and leave. I was afraid that the old guy would react and regret not admitting it.

Obahem looked at his hurried back and couldn't help but stunned. I feel as if I have done a losing business.

He vomited his tongue and took a careful aftertaste. Only then did he understand that the Grand Duke looked at himself because he was too shocked, not because the rebate was too low.

Thinking of this, the old man pounded his chest regretfully, his eyes turned green. How much less money can be made this time.

Lester watched the Grand Duke leave, then stepped forward, patted Lorraine on the shoulder, and applauded: "Boy, that's good. Making bad ideas is like taking spring water. It's an auction again, and again. It’s a rebate and a black-box operation. In this way, no matter who paid the money, he would have to come back and thank us. It’s really bad.”

Lorraine also sighed in his heart, and thought to himself: Yes, with my quality, I don’t want to sell abductees. What a pity

Leo listened to their conversation and immediately widened his innocent big eyes. After a long time, he suddenly pointed to Lorraine and shouted: "It turns out that the bad idea of ​​calling everyone for auction is you. Out of it. It's amazing."

Lorraine was shocked immediately, and it was too late to cover his mouth. Leo's crisp childish voice has been clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

He slowly raised his head to take a look, and as expected, all the people present were staring at him viciously, as if they wished to record himself alive.

And not far away, Julius turned his head back and stared at him in amazement. His eyes gradually turned into mockery, and he looked at him with a sneer. Obviously the old guy was planning to settle accounts with himself.

Lorraine is sensible, nonsense, don't care, don't care. Haha, hahaha"

After speaking, he turned around and pulled Leo. He left the hall in a panic and walked to a small living room next to him.

Before leaving, I faintly heard Lester's complaint and said: "Obach demon, you. Old bastard, this is intentional. Little.

Obachem sneered and snarled in a low voice: "Yes, I did it on purpose. That **** stole my flowers, I should actually have taken his skin."

Lorraine couldn't help sighing in his heart: strange Mexicans know that priests are more terrible than donkeys. Because for the donkey, just be careful not to stand behind it, and you won't be kicked. And the priest, who knows when that guy will yin you together, leaving you dead without a place to bury you.

As he thought about it, he opened the door of the room and got old into the tip. In ancient times, he saw Catherine sitting in it. In addition to leisure, there were also many female concubines of the guests. It was obvious that this was a female. The reception room where guests gather.

When they saw Lorraine rushing in with a beautiful and lovely child, they all cast amazement at them.

Catherine looked at it, hurriedly greeted him, and said, "What happened?"

Lorraine smiled bitterly, and said, "About the auction, your old man knows that I made the idea."

Catherine shivered immediately. She thought for a moment, and said: "Then you will hide for two days, and I will also say a few more good things to you here. Maybe it will be fine when he is angry." Then, she quickly opened it for him. He closed the huge French window next to him, and said, "Well, you go quickly."

Lorraine glanced at the window. Can't help but hesitate.

Catherine stomped her feet and said, "You just take it for me, don't argue with him. Isn't that OK?"

Lorraine watched her widening her beautiful gray eyes in anger, and immediately softened, and surrendered, "Okay, okay."

As soon as he jumped, he jumped out of the window, and then he was about to leave.

Catherine hesitated for a moment and said: "You wait a moment."

As he said, he stretched out his hand, then put his arms around his neck and gave a affectionate kiss. Lorraine who had been kissing almost died again. This separates. Said: "Well, you go quickly."

After speaking, he closed the window heavily.

The eldest princess of Ruman Empire. He leaned against the window and took a few breaths, cursing in his heart: I really owe you. It’s a little better when I watched the Internet, it’s going to cause trouble again and it’s causing me trouble, so I eloped to see what you can do to us

She cursed Ruthlessly in her heart. When she thought of this, she felt something was wrong. When she opened her eyes, she saw the surprised and curious eyes of everyone nearby, and she couldn't help whispering.

Catherine couldn't help but furious. Angrily shouted: "See what you have never met someone else will be a lover"

All the eight wives were immediately shocked by the queen's domineering radiating from her body, and then all bowed their heads.

Quite a few hungry and thirsty young* mistresses turned their heads together with the thought: I heard that the young man would write poems and make plays again. The young Earl of Lorraine who can fight is quite handsome and in good shape.

I don't know whether to play a one-night stand. Although he is usually dignified and virtuous, he is not a casual person, but once he gets up casually, he is not human.

Lorraine jumped out from the back window. Then he followed the trail behind and went around to the front again. Abashiri reached the path near the gate, and saw someone jump out from the side, covering his eyes with his hands.

Lorraine was shocked immediately. Then came a scent of orchid and fat from the tip of the nose. He immediately relaxed.

Immediately afterwards, I felt the man leaning in his ear and said in a tired voice: "Guess who I am?"

Lorraine felt a gust of heat squirt from the opponent's mouth, sprayed into his ears, and his whole body was immediately numb. Immediately afterwards, I felt that there were two plump and tender soft jade balls, pressing tightly on his back. There was a feeling of dissipated soul.

He immediately rose up, and pushed back hard twice, feeling the waves coming from behind like the sea.

The man suddenly exclaimed in a low voice. Angrily stretched out his hand and patted him, and yelled softly: "Don't move, guess quickly, or you will be beautiful."

Lorraine sighed, and then touched the opponent's round and round hips with a backhand, feeling the martial universe, the holy king made the sacred king, the night kills the god, the seal, the throne, the devil, the proud world, the strongest abandonment Zhou royal family will kill the night god, **** seal throne, ask the devil, proud world, the strongest, abandon the young king, martial arts, will kill the night **** The Indian Throne is the strongest in the Ninth Heaven, and abandoned the smooth and elastic softness of the Shao Da Zhou Royal family to the fingertips, saying: "Melia, Mei Xinya, besides you, who has such a great mind? ?"

There was an electric shock-like numb sensation from three vital points on her body at the same time, causing Silmelia to squeak in a low voice. She was almost unsteady and soft to the ground.

She turned around, pushed Lorraine to the hand of the tree next to him, and then put her arms around him tightly, first kissed him deeply, then panted heavily and said with a trembling voice: "You" Today, see you in the same place, okay? "

Lorraine watched her clothes untidy. The pretty face blushed, her beautiful eyes were about to drip out charmingly, and said: "Of course, see you in the same place. Even if there are knives in the sky, they will never disappear."

Just then heard a sound of toes.

The two were so frightened that they didn't move. I was afraid that there was a little noise.

After that, the footsteps were unconscious, and he gradually walked over to the Shenyin Throne.

Lorraine immediately became lustful again, and reached out to touch the vital part of Shirmeinya.

Silmelia's body immediately softened. He couldn't help but groaned, and his eyes were suddenly covered with a layer of mist. At this time, there was a burst of laughter in the hall.

Silmelia was shocked, and then she woke up. This is not a good place to cheat. She gritted her teeth, tried all her strength, and slapped Lorraine's claws away. Then he raised his head and glanced at him severely, and said, "Remember."

After speaking, he jumped out. After tidying up the head of the clothes, Shi Shiran walked out pretending to be nothing.

It's a bit uncomfortable, so it's late, everyone forgive me, there is still a chapter in the evening. , If you want to know what's going on, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!

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