Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 235 Mixed Appreciation and Criticism

Biquge, the fastest update to restart the game era!

This kind of small method has actually been used by many game companies, and it can be regarded as a way to subtly expand the player base.

For example, in the previous life, Blizzard, wegame platform, etc., integrated all their own games and built a simple small log-in device. In the early days, players would not care too much about adding such a thing, after all, it is nothing more than clicking more A few clicks of the mouse.

But slowly, more and more games will be integrated on this small log-in device, and the section will be constantly updated, and even specific auxiliary plug-ins will be developed for some games. In a subtle way, this platform will be established.

Of course, to be called a platform, there must be enough games on it, or in other words, the games must be heavy enough. So far, Weiguang Studio does not have such strength. Although the only four games are high-quality products, they are far from enough in terms of the number of players.

Therefore, now it is equivalent to planting a seed, waiting for the right time to take root and germinate.


On the other side, Fu Xing'an, Wu Mingliang and Jia Jia were also having fun.

Not only playing, but also browsing various posts on the Internet, Weibo, real Q\u0026A, and reading players' comments on "Taiwu Picture Scroll".


This feeling is like my child won the first place and was praised wildly by the teacher, not to mention how comfortable it is.

The program group and the art group are also playing "Taiwu Painting Scroll".

Now that the game has been made, there is nothing to do in the short term except optimization, and nothing else to do except play games. Moreover, the program and art don't know much about the gameplay of this game. They just experience the game with the player's mentality, and they have a great time playing it.

There are still many people who don't know how to play by themselves, so they can only ask the design team. Fu Xing'an even took a part-time job as a guide.

Among them, Wu Mingliang was the most emotional.

"Taiwu Painted Scroll" has become a hit!

Regarding this point, Wu Mingliang really didn't think about it, because from all aspects of this game, there is no possibility of becoming a hit game at all!

The difficulty of getting started is so high, and the system in the game is so complicated that even some hardcore players can study it by themselves, and they can't understand it at all for a few hours. How can such a game explode?

What's even more outrageous is that Zhong Ming set up an official website without looking for any distributors, and he just hung the game on it and it's over. Although I also bought some advertisements, how much did I spend on those advertisements? Only a few hundred thousand! Of those games from major manufacturers, which one didn’t burn several times this amount?

But "Taiwu Painted Scroll" became popular, which really completely subverted Wu Mingliang's three views.

To be precise, it is the view of the game.

The point is, judging from the data, the popularity of this game is not accidental.

If the sales volume is only high, then it can be said that this game is just a gimmick, or many players bought it out of love for similar themes and with a supportive attitude.

But "Taiwu Painted Scroll" not only has high sales volume, but also has a considerable number of online users!

The current number of online users is basically maintained at around 40,000. This number is very scary, because the sales of the game are only 200,000.

If it is said that the popularity of this game is just a coincidence, then what does such a high number of online people mean?

These people not only bought "Taiwu Picture Scroll", but also played it non-stop.

Some people's game time has even reached dozens of hours, which has completely crushed many 3A masterpieces.

Of course, a sandbox game has a longer game time than the general 3A masterpieces with a plot, which seems a bit stinky and shameless, but the data of game time can at least show the stickiness and love of players for this game.

These data are all available in the data background, and Wu Mingliang is an insider, knowing that these are real data, so he was even more shocked!


"Let's suspend the work in hand first, let me briefly talk about the achievements of "Taiwu Painting Scroll" so far."

Zhong Ming stood up from his seat and came to the middle of everyone's desks, and everyone else looked at him.

"The sales volume of "Taiwu Painted Scroll" in the first week has reached 200,000, and many people may already know it. This is a very remarkable achievement for an independent game, and it is also something to be proud of. The result of hard work, here, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their hard work!"

"Here, I would like to emphasize the issue of project bonuses. According to the company's regulations, 20% of the project's net income will be distributed as bonuses to all members participating in the game. However, depending on everyone's position and workload There will be a certain amount of weight in the allocation, the specific amount, I will emphasize to the heads of various departments, if you have any questions, you can directly go to your own person in charge, the art group to Jiang Wanna, and the program group to Zhou Sen."

"This is the first project that everyone has worked together. Maybe before this, many people had some mistrust of our studio's ability and prospects. I hope this game can make everyone understand that we want to build Weiguang Studio into a The world's top game maker is definitely not just talking casually, and I hope everyone can continue to work hard in the future, our next game, the next game, and every game in the future must be a blockbuster!"

After Zhong Ming finished speaking, everyone applauded.


This is not the same as the general leader's drawing cakes. Others draw cakes to make everyone work overtime, and they give empty checks; Zhong Ming is not painting cakes, because the cakes have already been distributed to everyone!

Judging from the current sales volume, the sales volume in the first month reached 600,000, which is not a big problem.

After deducting various costs and taxes, and taking out 20% to pay the bonus, that is a bonus of several million!

Even if these people in the project are not in charge, they are just ordinary employees, and they can get tens of thousands of yuan in bonuses a month.

Everyone is applauding not only for their own success, but also for money...

Miao Zhu asked in a low voice: "Then, is the celebration banquet still ready?"

Zhong Ming thought for a while: "Get ready, watch it, and the company will report it."

Although Zhong Ming is not very interested in formal things like the celebration banquet, if everyone likes it, it should be done.


"Taiwu Painted Scroll" is on sale for a whole week.

Zhong Ming's personal Weibo and Weiguang Studio's official Weibo both posted a message.

"Warmly celebrate the sales volume of "Taiwu Painted Scroll" breaking 200,000 in the first week!"

"Hello everyone, I am Zhong Ming, the producer of "Taiwu Painted Scrolls". I am very happy to share this good news with you. For Shimmer Studios, which has produced several high-quality games, this is also a proud achievement.”

"Thank you for your attention, and thanks to the players who have been supporting you all the time. It is you who have made "Taiwu Scroll" a vivid world, and our efforts have been rewarded. In the future, Shimmer Studio will continue to We will continue to launch more high-quality games, and hope that everyone can join us and witness together!"

As soon as this Weibo was posted, there were a large number of comments below.

Many people also forwarded it one after another, and it became a hot topic in an instant, spreading quickly!

"Sales 200,000 in the first week???"

"Fuck, is this going against the sky? This is just an independent game!"

"The key is that this game sold 68, isn't it the first week that the turnover exceeded 10 million??"

"It's scary. There are still more than 40,000 active people. Isn't this statistic too good?"

"From the perspective of popularity, it's nothing surprising. So many streamers are playing, and several friends around me who don't play games have heard of it!"

"Sister Dangdang is invincible!"

"Fuck, bragging, I don't really believe it. How can the quality of this game be worthy of this sales volume? To be honest, how many sailors did you buy?"

"That's right. Anyway, the data has not been made public, and there is no way to verify it. If you say that you sold 1 million in the first week, no one can hit you in the face."

Among the congratulatory comments, there were a few harsh ones.

However, it was quickly submerged without causing any storms.

After all, this is Zhong Ming's own Weibo. Most of the people who follow him are his fans and loyal players of "Taiwu Painted Scroll". "The group of people, of course, are mostly supporters.

And this sales figure is enough to shock many people in the industry.

It's incredible!

A hard-core indie game with almost no announcements and no releases on any platform can achieve such sales? Too ridiculous?

All of a sudden, there are those who are jealous and those who are suspicious.

But no matter how many praises and slanders there are, "Taiwu Painted Scroll" has undoubtedly become the most popular independent game during this period, with no second in the limelight!


next morning.

As soon as Zhong Ming arrived at the company, Fu Xing'an ran over.

"Boss, look quickly, in the real question and answer, someone is blackmailing us!"

Zhong Ming didn't take it seriously: "Then what's the matter, the game can't be liked by everyone, it's normal if there are many people who are popular, and some people are black."

"The point is, there are still a lot of likes. It feels a bit like being paced!" Fu Xing'an said.

"Then let me take a look." Zhong Ming opened the link sent by Fu Xing'an.

Originally, Zhong Ming thought that this was the result of a colleague who was jealous of "Taiwu Picture Scroll", and he was deliberately picking on the fault.

After a closer look, it wasn't.

The person who wrote this article turned out to be an excellent answerer on a game topic, and since this article was published, it has received more than 2,000 likes so far. Search for the topic "Taiwu Painting Scroll" on Real Q\u0026A, and scroll down a little Once you flip through, you can see this article, which ranks very high.

The title of the article is: "Stop praising Taiwu scrolls, revel blindly!" "

Read the content of the article carefully.

First of all, the article briefly introduces the high attention, high sales volume, and achievements so far of "Taiwu Painted Scroll", calling it "a miracle that cannot be ignored".

Then, the author went to play it himself, and played seriously with a very correct attitude, but chose to give up after feeling sleepy countless times.

Then I came to a conclusion that although this game is very hardcore, very attitude, and rich in content, it is really not very fun.

In the end, I came to a conclusion: "Taiwu Painted Scroll" is so popular, it is supported by Chinese players. It is only because Chinese-themed games have never been very good that this game has been praised to the sky.

Then, he checked the comments on Weibo, and found that there were a lot of good reviews in it, all because of the Chinese theme of this game.

For example: "Currently speaking, it's not very fun, and the shortcomings are 12345, but it's not easy to make Chinese-themed games, and independent games with conscience must be praised!"

and so on.

Then, the author writes a conclusion.

"I have never been afraid of losing fans, so some correct words need to be spoken out. "Taiwu Painting Scroll" is a game aimed at Chinese people, but in fact, it is only suitable for about 0.1% of Chinese people. Please treat it rationally This game, the current "Taiwu Painting Scroll", is far from being fun. Its main content, such as exploration, simulation management, RPG development, etc., has different fun, and the result of forcibly mixing them together is mutual influence. It's made into four images."

"The randomly generated NPC is a pair of repeaters generated by messy data and textures. It has no character, no story, and cannot provide any sense of substitution."

"And its battles are made into automatic battles where values ​​determine everything. It lacks the experience of RPG games and is more like a strategy game that only relies on pre-war preparations."

"Overall, the experience of this game is mediocre and drowsy. Different gameplays fight each other and cause conflicts. People are divided into different stereotypes that cannot be shaken. Maybe it has depth, attitude, and innovation. , but it’s not fun, I hope everyone will return to rational evaluation, and stop bragging without thinking, affecting those players who have not yet entered the pit.”

Zhong Ming carefully read the whole article from beginning to end.

If it was maliciously smeared by a competitor, and the whole story was factually wrong, then Zhong Ming would definitely not refute it, because the players themselves could see the problem.

If a player yells angrily because he doesn't like "Taiwu Picture Scroll", then Zhong Ming will not refute it, because whether he likes it or not is very subjective, and no one can decide what others like. I like my work.

But for this article, Zhong Ming felt the need to respond.

It is not to refute some factual errors in this article, nor to prove some right and wrong in terms of design concepts, but just to express a certain attitude of myself.

Obviously, this article still has a lot of influence. Although the comment with the most likes among the popular comments is a comment that refutes him, the number of likes of more than 2,000 shows that many people are indeed impressed by this article. Take away.

Moreover, Zhong Ming couldn't tell whether the author was a high-end hacker who received money, or just expressed his feelings because he didn't like the game.

Of course, the latter is more likely.

There must be many more voices like this, and with the current popularity of "Taiwu Painted Scroll", it is completely normal for such voices to appear.

But in any case, Zhong Ming felt that he should speak out for the players who really like "Taiwu Painted Scrolls", and also on behalf of Shimmer Studios.

Not to the author of this article, but to everyone who holds a similar opinion.

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