Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 367 The beginning of the game

The prologue ended in the endless flames of war.

The mecha controlled by Tang Ying fired the last particle cannon at the Thunder Beast in the distance. The Zerg army was defeated, and humans began to launch a full-scale counterattack to clean up the battlefield.

The mecha driven by the protagonist has exhausted all its energy. In the CG cutscene, the protagonist gets off the dilapidated mecha, and his helmet visor is also stained with a lot of green slime from the Zerg. The self-cleaning function of the mask is activated, clearing the field of view again.

At this time, the camera passed over the protagonist's body and kept zooming up, overlooking the entire vast battlefield.

The war between humans and Zerg has left indelible traces on this planet. On the vast battlefield, there are black smoke from explosions and burning everywhere. Large areas of Zerg corpses collapsed in the craters and trenches, and the remains of Zerg The shell and shell were completely burnt black, as if exuding a stench.

Although mankind has won, it has also paid an extremely heavy price.

The camera continued to zoom up, and the interstellar fleet of humans stranded on the surface of the planet was vaguely visible in the distance. All of these large spaceships were seriously damaged, and the appearance of some of them was even beyond recognition. Those spaceships that were generally intact could also see various defects, and not a single ship was intact.

In the middle of the spaceship, there are still many corpses of Zerg. These Zerg suddenly appeared from the ground, causing serious damage to the human interstellar fleet.

In the voice of the internal communication channel, the team members and higher-level commanders who performed the mission were still reporting the situation or conducting on-site command, but gradually, the voice of the internal communication channel became smaller and smaller. From "Starfire 2" 》Replaced by unique BGM.

With the background melody, the camera continued to zoom up, and finally settled on the crimson planet in the sky, like dim blood. ——The deep red color also symbolizes its lifespan. It is a star that is approaching the end of its life and may turn the entire star system into purgatory at any time.

In the end, the camera freezes in the distance. High above is a huge star that is as red as blood, and below is the reddish-brown land and the still-smoking battlefield. The protagonist stands alone next to the huge mecha, looking at the stars in the sky. There is an indescribable sadness and loneliness in his back. I wonder if he is missing his hometown.

The title of the game appeared on the screen: "Starfire 2: Rebellion"!

Although it is a sequel, "Starfire 2" does not have a direct timeline continuation relationship with its predecessor. It is more like two different perspectives under the same timeline.

The former is from the perspective of a commander, and the latter is from the perspective of an ordinary soldier.

In any case, the function of this prologue is to allow players to familiarize themselves with the operations, put themselves into the game background, and show the grand scenes of this war from the perspective of an ordinary soldier.

These goals were all exceeded.

With the close cooperation of GS1 simulator, somatosensory suit and full-view display, "Starfire 2" completely elevates the FPS game experience by several levels, allowing players to obtain a completely different gaming experience.

The audience in the live broadcast room also enjoyed watching it.

Although there is no 360-degree surround screen and somatosensory suit, the quality of "Starfire 2" itself is not inferior to the 3A masterpieces on the market. Even if you watch it in a traditional way, you can't help but be shocked by this big scene.

The prologue ends and the content of the main chapter is seamlessly connected.

The large characters of the game title gradually disappeared, but the camera still maintained an overhead perspective. The red sun in the sky was slowly sinking, and the night sky was filled with stars.

Because the atmosphere on this planet is very thin, the galaxies in the sky appear particularly bright.

The camera moved down, and the chaotic battlefield during the day was being cleaned up. The Zerg corpses were not thrown away, but were collected by humans as a special resource.

On this planet, human beings are always in a state of extreme scarcity of resources, and all available materials cannot be wasted.

Humanity uses some of the battleships that are still functioning normally as bases, and at the same time expands outside the battleships, constructing some relatively easy-to-build buildings, and constructs simple building complexes as humankind's base on this planet.

The lights in the base are brightly lit, and there are many unknown facilities working all night long. They may be smelting plants, resource collection sites, etc.

Small spacecrafts shuttled around the human base one after another. The functions of those spacecrafts were different. Some were for investigation, and some were for collecting resources. They were like hard-working bees performing their duties, seemingly busy but orderly.

The camera flew towards the human base, and finally followed a small spacecraft as it landed on the ground.

A tired team of humans stepped out of the spaceship and headed toward a nearby military camp on roller skates.

In this team, Tang Ying recognized the protagonist's back at a glance. The protective clothing the protagonist wears is slightly different from the others, and his figure is also taller. In fact, the protagonist's identity is a sergeant major. Although his military rank is not high, he has a very high prestige in the entire fleet.



The protagonist enters the military camp and walks through the usual passages. Many soldiers are busy doing their own things, but when they see the protagonist, they all stand at attention and salute.

"Squad leader" is not a military rank, but an honorific title. Soldiers will call veterans who are older than themselves "squad leader." This can also reflect the protagonist's status in the military camp from the side.

Dragging his tired body back to the barracks, the protagonist took off his helmet, took off his roller skates, hung the protective clothing next to him, sat down on the chair, took the portable water bottle next to him, and drank some water.

There are special sealing methods in military camps to prevent oxygen from leaking out, so in these buildings, humans can take off their protective clothing and relax.

There were several moderately deep scars on the protagonist's left arm. After resting for a while, he took out the bandage from the medical box next to him, disinfected it and bandaged it.

The entire game scene was calculated in real time, and Tang Ying watched it all like a bystander.

At this time, the player only knew the protagonist's name through the nameplate on the protagonist's bedside: Luo Zhou, a first-class sergeant major.

In previous similar interstellar science fiction themes, most of the protagonists were Westerners. Seeing Chinese names and faces for the first time still made Tang Ying and the entire audience a little excited.

After taking off his helmet, Tang Ying finally saw Luo Zhou's appearance. He is about thirty-five or sixteen years old, with a standard yellow face, with some fine stubble on his face. He is more than 1.8 meters tall, and his weight is hard to judge, but his figure is the same as that of most Chinese soldiers, not that of the West. Not a strong muscular man, but a lean and flexible body type.

However, it would be a very wrong judgment to underestimate his combat power because of his size.

There is a pendant around Luo Zhou's neck. Inside the transparent high-hardness material is a small photo, a family portrait, including his father, mother, mother-in-law, wife and daughter.

The screen only gave a relatively brief shot of the pendant, and it flashed by very quickly.

"Brother Luo, is today's operation going well?" Another soldier came next to him and asked while cleaning his gun.

Luo Zhou said calmly: "We found a large energy mine, but there are a lot of traces of Zerg activities around it."

The soldier was silent for a moment: "In other words, there will be another fierce battle soon."

Luo Zhou didn't say anything. His left arm had been bandaged. After moving it for a while, he felt that it was fine. He also joined the soldier to clean his own gun.

In the military camp, four soldiers lived in the same cubicle. The space was very small. The distance between the upper and lower bunks was just enough to ensure that they would not touch their heads when they sat up.

It is not easy to build enough military camps in such a short period of time to provide a place for most people. There is nothing to complain about.

The soldiers finished their day's work and chatted while repairing.

During the conversation, a lot of information was revealed, such as concerns about helium flash.

Humanity has discovered signs of aging on this star, but the sudden attack of the Zerg caused heavy losses to the human fleet, and they have been trapped on this planet.

Now, these soldiers have heavy tasks every day. On the one hand, they are fighting against the Zerg army that will appear when they don't know when. On the other hand, they also have to undertake survey and exploration tasks, and cooperate with the expedition team to find nearby energy mines to ensure that they can be rebuilt as soon as possible. the entire industrial system.

Whether it is repairing the spacecraft or escaping through other means, the first prerequisite is to gain a foothold on this planet.

Although the situation is extremely serious, many soldiers still maintain an optimistic attitude. Tang Ying learned from the conversation that this group of people once had a complete psychological breakdown - when the earth was invaded, their homeland may have been completely destroyed, and the entire fleet decided to start a long drift into the endless universe. Many people's mentality completely collapsed, and a large number of people committed suicide in a desperate frenzy.

But slowly, the people on the fleet changed this mentality, so although they are now in a desperate situation where it is almost impossible to survive, most of the soldiers have learned not to worry about these problems, but to focus on what is in front of them. Things come up.

After cleaning his own gun, the protagonist wiped his face with the limited-edition detergent and turned over to bed to rest.

the next day.

Luo Zhou got out of bed and dressed up, and Tang Ying officially took over control of the character.

The surrounding soldiers all had their own things to be busy with. The next mission objectives appeared on Tang Ying's screen, guiding her to start the official game content.

There are workbenches in specific areas of the military camp, where you can modify and repair your own firearms, and at the same time, you need to consume some specific materials. Of course, as the game progresses, some outside strongholds will have similar workbenches to facilitate players to modify firearms before battle.

The gun system in the game is similar to "Xuanjia Project". Luo Zhou has three guns, two long guns hanging on his back, and a pistol on his waist. There are many types of firearms, including shotguns, automatic rifles, sniper rifles, heavy machine guns, etc. Different accessories can be used to achieve different strengthening effects, but you can only carry two long guns each time you leave the warehouse.

Functions such as injecting medicine and shooting projectiles are all integrated into this multi-functional auxiliary pistol. At the same time, this pistol also has certain combat capabilities, and it also has considerable power after being equipped with enough accessories.

Wandering around in the barracks, you can talk to many NPCs. These NPCs have their own personality traits, some have special functions, and others will reveal some information and combat skills in casual chats.

There are weapons merchants in the barracks, and all weapons and accessories can be exchanged for merit points. In this very tense wartime state, all materials were distributed according to military industry, and in most cases it was strictly distributed according to work.

Killing Zerg, collecting special materials, exploring and discovering new mineral veins, discovering Zerg nests, and completing specific tasks. These "beneficial to human beings" behaviors will increase merit points.

In the barracks, the main NPCs Luo Zhou came into contact with were functional officers (such as selling weapons, issuing tasks, collecting materials, etc.) and members of his own team.

The team is composed of many different races. Luo Zhou is Chinese, and there are also Westerners, Africans, etc. in the team. Because of the real-time translation system, everyone can communicate without any barriers.

Everyone in the entire team is responsible for different functions and is responsible for different tasks such as assault, sniping, demolition, logistics, etc.

For example, the sniper in the team is a taciturn Westerner who saves his words like gold, but occasionally teaches the protagonist some special skills in using a sniper rifle, etc.

Currently, the teams' primary mission is exploration. In the background of the story, the main goal of mankind at this time is to open up territory on the planet, find resource veins, build a base for construction, find nearby Zerg threats and eliminate them, etc.

When performing some large-scale tasks, such as attacking the Zerg nest and destroying this type of task, humans need to mobilize heavy troops to launch large-scale battles, but other activities, such as collecting resources, exploring, and solving small groups of Zerg, are Conducted as a team. Because manpower is limited now, in order to make the most efficient use of existing human resources, it must be carried out in this "scavenger" mode.

The first part of the game is to explore the vast scenes around the base, which is a semi-open world gameplay.

In this part of the content, the protagonist and other members of the team will perform tasks nearby, including collecting resources, rescuing other teams, destroying small Zerg troops, etc. During the battle, other team members are controlled by AI, and they will work closely with the protagonist to complete the mission.

In the semi-open world, the protagonist can explore at will, and may encounter some emergencies during the process, and may also be injured. Once injured, medicine needs to be purchased, and seriously injured members will be absent from the battle for a certain period of time.

Of course, this part of the content also has a main plot. As players continue to explore, the Zerg activities will become more and more rampant, and finally end with the discovery of a large Zerg nest.

During the game, Tang Ying also discovered some special features of this game.

A very significant feature is that the UI control in the game is extremely restrained. Mission targets are displayed on the full-view display; the lighting system (flashlight) is integrated on the firearm, but it will need to be charged after a period of use. When charging, the firearm The small screen on the simulator will display the charging progress; the line of sight may be obscured by Zerg slime or sand. It has a special self-cleaning function, but it needs to be used manually; the protective clothing and metal arm guards may be damaged and require special materials to repair them. …

In short, the game highlights a sense of reality as much as possible. Although this is a science fiction-themed game, various details in the game continue to remind players that it is very difficult to survive in this world.

At this stage, the main goal of the game is still to guide players to adapt to the rhythm of the game. The difficulty during this period is not too high. The enemies you encounter are all scattered Zerg. Materials can be purchased at the barracks at any time. As long as you complete more tasks, you will not be short of resources. With the help of teammates, you will rarely encounter them in battle. to danger.

When the player and the Zerg were fighting inextricably, the teammate (AI) responsible for sniping in the distance suddenly killed the Zerg fighting with the player with one shot. Many players felt a sense of relief and gratitude. The benefits of teamwork.

Moreover, semi-open maps also give players a higher degree of freedom.

At this stage, players will gradually become familiar with some of the game's settings, such as developing the habit of hoarding supplies. It not only provides enough guidance to players, but also prevents novices from encountering too many setbacks and difficulties due to lack of supplies and excessive difficulty.

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