Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 406 Dou M’s Party

Biquge, the fastest update to restart the game era!

Guanghua City, Weiguang Game Experience Store.

Tang Ying wore a mask, but still held down her cap for fear of being recognized by passers-by.

Tian Yuan patted Tang Ying on the shoulder from behind: "Sister, what do you mean by this outfit? You have the burden of being an idol, right?"

Tang Ying was startled, and then she relaxed a little when she saw it was Tian Yuan: "What kind of idol baggage is it? It's not because you chose the meeting place here."

Although Tang Ying's popularity and popularity have been rising since she became the mainstay of Weiguang Live Broadcast, and she is now at the peak of her live broadcast career, there is still a big gap between her influence and those real stars.

A more obvious difference is that not many people will recognize her when walking on the street, which is very different from those big stars who are followed by paparazzi 24 hours a day.

But it would be completely different if it was in some special locations, such as... the Weiguang Game Experience Store.

Most of the people who come to this experience store are players, and there are also many players of Shimmer Studio games. It takes only a matter of minutes to recognize Tang Ying.

That's why Tang Yingcai wore a cap and a mask, completely covering her face.

"Didn't we agree to go shopping? Why did we make an appointment in front of the game experience store?" Tang Ying looked at the small groups of players in front of the experience store and said rather helplessly.

Tian Yuan smiled "hehe": "Don't you know, sister? A trial version of "Attack on Titan" will be released today, so of course you have to come and experience it."

"Oh..." Tang Ying said that she had no fluctuations in her heart and even wanted to laugh a little.

"Attack on Titan"? I have already experienced it!

As a pillar of Shimmer Live and a dedicated trial player, Tang Ying has a dedicated internal account on her GS1, which can directly and simultaneously update games under development. Ever since the game "Attack on Titan" had a demo, Tang Ying has been Already experienced it.

As for the results of the experience...

Of course it is very pessimistic.

So when I heard that Tian Yuan came to the experience store for this reason, Tang Ying silently prayed for her in her heart. At the same time, with the mentality of watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously, she followed Tian Yuan into the experience store.

The Weiguang Game Experience Store in Guanghua City is currently one of the largest experience stores, and new experience stores of this size are opening almost every month.

As Weiguang Interactive Entertainment grows in size, similar hardware + game experience stores can be opened in major cities around the world, and some cities in the West are also planned.

Although it was the first time to start the trial of "Attack on Titan", there were not many players in the console area. Most of the players were queuing up behind the UV1 simulator, waiting to experience "Extreme Speed".

As for the reason, it is naturally self-evident. One is to suffer, the other is to be happy. The choice of most players is so real.

Tang Ying and Tian Yuan came to the console area and found that the place had been arranged in advance to promote the "Attack on Titan" experience event.

Various promotional materials are hung on both sides of the console area, including "Wings of Freedom" flags, large posters and some figures.

Even some of the GS1 equipment in the console area have been replaced with models linked to "Attack on Titan", and the colors and patterns are moving closer to the uniform style of the Survey Corps in "Attack on Titan".

There were not many players queuing up in the host area, but all of their faces were filled with smiles of happiness and anticipation.

"Wow, these people are all perverts," Tang Ying muttered.

She could see some kind of expectation in the eager eyes of these people, which was the expectation of "death" and "suffering"!

Tian Yuan stuck her head out and looked at the game screen that the player in front of her was trying.


A figure flew past.


A figure flew over.


The flying figure was slapped to the ground by the giant, and a huge, bright red word "death" appeared on the screen.


The player who was shot to death didn't take it seriously at all and continued to start over from the beginning with great interest.

Tang Ying couldn't help but sigh secretly: "Sure enough, those who come here are all serious addicts of "Sekiro", and they are all a bunch of jerks!"

If it were any other game, the players would have thrown the controller and left long ago if they were so crazy, but here, the players' eyes were shining brightly, with expressions of anticipation on their faces like "Ravage me quickly."

Of course, this description is not very accurate. To be more precise, it should be an expression of "the difficulty of this game is really good and worth studying".

A hell for some handicapped players, but a paradise for hardcore players who like to challenge themselves.

Soon, Tian Yuan arrived.

Pick up the controller and reset the game to its starting state.

"On that day, mankind finally recalled the horror of being dominated by giants...and the humiliation of being imprisoned in a birdcage..."

Accompanied by a low and sad background melody, an impressive scene appeared on the screen.

White smoke rose from the fifty-meter-tall wall, and a super-large giant with no skin and exposed muscle tissue appeared behind the wall, staring at everything inside the wall, with despair in his eyes.

The camera passed over the bustling crowd, past the buildings of the small town inside the wall, past the fifty-meter-high wall like a mountain, past the giant holding the wall and raising his leg about to kick, to the blue sky, and quickly changed. for a black screen.

"Cheer up! If you can't even use the three-dimensional mobile device well, you won't even be qualified to serve as food for giants!"

The instructor's roar rang in his ears, the screen lit up again, and Allen used a three-dimensional maneuvering device to fly past the camera.

Obviously, the city wall and the huge giant that he just saw were all memories in Allen's mind, and at this time, he was undergoing an assessment mission for the training corps.

As two different artistic carriers, games and animation have slightly different narrative rhythms. As a game, "Attack on Titan" must expose players to the combat system and basic gameplay from the very beginning of the game, and cannot arbitrarily add too many cutscenes and real-time calculations in the early stages of the game.

Combat, exploration, and decryption are the core fun of the game. Although the plot is also one of the highlights of the game, it must be cleverly interspersed with the previous gameplay, otherwise players will feel very impatient.

Therefore, the first act of the game allows players to experience the unique combat system of "Attack on Titan", and the plot sequence has been adjusted to a certain extent.

Following the prompts on the screen, Tian Yuan continued to perform corresponding operations, using the three-dimensional mobile device to continuously move, replacing gas tanks and blades, and training on the operation of Attack Titan.

Because it was training, what we encountered in the battle were not real giants, but wooden signs in the shape of giants erected one after another.

These wooden cards cannot counterattack, but they can simulate the effect of a giant suddenly appearing, and at the same time test whether the training soldiers have mastered the attack method and timing.

The first wooden sign that bounces off the ground seems to be a regular guide. The system will guide the player through a series of processes including shooting iron wires, circling, sprinting, slashing, and breaking away. Each step will enter bullet time. At the same time, Corresponding buttons will be prompted on the screen, allowing players to clearly grasp the process of each step.

When slashing, there will be an auxiliary ring similar to the sound game. The ring will continue to shrink. When the ring shrinks to a specific position, press the attack button to achieve the perfect slashing effect.

Of course, this is just routine training content, there will be no such prompts in real battles.

After killing the first target, the game enters a period of free training.

In a training ground full of tall trees, players need to control Allen to use a three-dimensional maneuvering device to move continuously and kill giant wooden signs that suddenly rise from the ground to gain points.

At the same time, players must also pay attention to the status of their own gas and blades. Once they consume too much, they must find nearby supply soldiers to obtain supplies.

Other members of the training corps participate in this competition in the form of AI. Their abilities are basically similar to the settings in the game. A few outstanding students such as Mikasa will have strong combat effectiveness and high AI, and will naturally improve their performance. will have a clear advantage over others.

"This battle system is really interesting!"

"Besides, it doesn't seem that difficult."

Tian Yuan controlled Allen to fly around with a three-dimensional maneuvering device, killing "giants" one after another, and gained an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

Well, it's like the feeling of slashing at mobs when you first got the weapon when playing "Sekiro".

It has to be said that using a three-dimensional maneuvering device to fly quickly in the air has a unique pleasure. It is different from the "flying" experience of ordinary games. It is more rhythmic and has good controllability.

This experience is a bit like a Spider-Man game, but of course, players in this world have not played it.

In the process of using the three-dimensional maneuvering device, the iron wire is shot out and quickly pulled up, and then it glides in the air for a period of time based on inertia, and then shoots out the iron wire again when it falls. Movement will always follow this relaxed rhythm, so that players will not fall into chaos due to crazy acceleration.

The battle is a combination of strategy and skill: players need to choose to hook the giant's body part, avoid the giant's attack by rotating, or first cut off the joints of the hands and feet to weaken the giant's movements, and finally chop the back of the neck. Always press the attack button at the right moment.

Whether moving or fighting, the rhythm is very good. This combat mode will not make players feel tired, but always allows players to maintain a high degree of concentration and strong enthusiasm for the game.

"It's weird, I thought it was a suffering game." Tian Yuan muttered in a low voice. The older brother who was playing the game next to him glanced at this ignorant little girl and said nothing.

During the training process, Allen, played by Tian Yuan, will have some plot interactions with other training soldiers.

For example, when you want to attack a certain giant, but another training soldier suddenly rushes out and snatches it away, there will be a plot dialogue, and what the other person says will be in line with the character's personality.

Tian Yuan doesn’t know these people yet, but she will become familiar with them soon.

After the training content is over, a cutscene begins.

"This is... a cinematic way of processing." Tian Yuan still understands these things very well.

Cinematic games are also a relatively new type of game, which mainly tells the story of the game through cinematic means.

In the past, game plots were limited by the skills of the equipment and the content of the game itself, and were often relatively blunt. For example, some games would use a large number of avatars + dialogue boxes to express plot dialogue, supplemented by a small number of character model actions, or It's dubbing.

The advantage of this approach is that it requires less investment, but the disadvantage is that it is unreal.

Cinematic games, on the other hand, try to make the game as close to a movie as possible, including the character’s movements, language, expressions, and details, including the storyboarding of the entire screen, the narration of the script, the BGM that matches the plot, scene transitions, etc. , all based on movie standards.

"Uncharted" from Zhong Ming's previous life is one of the best. Even when the player is playing the game, UI information rarely appears on the screen. The player's actual game screen is perfectly connected with the real-time calculation of the plot. Allowing players to have an immersive gaming experience.

"Attack on Titan" also adopts this method. The transition after the training will connect the second time the city wall is breached and the training soldiers' first battle with the Titan. It will also play the role of background and character introduction. The entire The process will be presented in a cinematic manner. In addition to some mobile operations required by the player, most of the plot content is displayed through movie-like storyboards.

Different from the original game of "Attack on Titan", this version produced by Zhong Ming will show the movements and expressions of each character in great detail, and all their lines will also be filled in.

For example, some trainees will excitedly think about life after joining the Military Police Regiment, some will be upset because they did not perform well in the exam and failed to enter the top ten, and some will not say a word and cannot understand what they are thinking.

At the same time, all the discussions in the original work were reproduced. For example, 4 years ago, humans invested 20% of their population in attacking the giants in order to regain their territory, but they lost everything. Most people had no confidence in defeating the giants, etc.

So far, the game has planted many questions in Tianyuan's mind.

For example, what exactly is a giant? Where did it come from? What is that super giant in the first scene? Allen has a deep hatred for giants. What is the reason?

These questions will be answered as the game progresses.

During the intensive battle that follows, memories will be constantly interspersed to reveal players' questions.

In the early days of "Attack on Titan", it was precisely because of this weird, grotesque, yet somewhat authentic world view that it attracted players to continue to understand more.

The plot continues to advance.

On the city wall, the training soldiers were chatting and laughing.

Sasha stole a large piece of meat and wanted to share it with everyone. Allen stood on the city wall, confidently looking forward to the imminent human counterattack against the giants.

But at this moment, a bright light suddenly appeared behind him, and the super giant's head appeared on the city wall again!

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