Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 222: This is Huaxia!

"what about now?!"

When Pei Junlin came down and looked down like a god, at the moment when the words of the ants fell, Kuhn Bruce on the ground, a handsome face, became extremely wonderful.

Shocked, skeptical, incredible, incredible ... The whole face is like the old-fashioned TV, losing the signal and snowflakes jumping.

It was a bit too fast to beat his face. A minute ago, he was still humiliating and accused Pei Junlin of being a waste, an embroidered pillow and a straw bag!

Unexpectedly, it was the bale he thought in his heart, but in a blink of an eye, the terrible strength broke out. Not only did he swipe his hand, he severely damaged the two awakened bodyguards sent by his family, but also kneeled on the ground with humiliation. His fingers were broken, making him lose face.

Feeling gazes, taunts, and scornful glances all around, Kuhn Bruce felt only a rush of blood on his head, a beast-like roar in his throat, and a tyrannical special broke out suddenly in his body lying on the ground. Energy fluctuations!

In a harsh burst of crackling noise, under the eyes of a pair of eyes, Kuhn Bruce's body suddenly began to swell quickly, and his whole body muscles continued to swell like an inflated balloon, breaking through the custom suit on his body, exposing a piece of A shocking rock muscle.

The situation is like the Hulk in the movie. In almost an instant, Kuhn Bruce turned into a muscular, burly man with a mountainous body, exuding a terrible brute force wave.

The Awakener!

This Kuhn Bruce is also an awakener. No wonder he will be sent to the Huaxia country by the Bruce family to act as a representative of the family business. Although this guy is arrogant, he has some real skills.

Looking at Kuhn Bruce who suddenly changed in the field, many female members exclaimed in fright, they are just ordinary people, and where they have seen such incredible scenes.

However, many of the Chinese martial arts powerhouses hidden in the crowd saw this and couldn't help flashing their eyes. This Kuhn Bruce turned out to be a powerful awakener who has reached the B level.

The foreign awakeners are different from the cultivating hierarchies in the martial arts world of Huaxia. They do not have the so-called bright energy, dark energy, or great master, but some are more simple symbolic representatives.

The strength of the Awakener is determined by blood, and it is divided into five levels: S, A, B, C, and D. Among them, the S level is the highest, which is equivalent to the legendary divine power in the Chinese martial arts world. The A level is The levels of real people and true dragons, the B level is the level of the Grand Master, the C level is almost equivalent to the dark master, and the D level is the bright master!

Now Kuhn Bruce is already a B-level awakener, which is enough to prove that the opponent's bloodline talent is very high. After all, Kuhn Bruce is not very old.

And the blood awakening talent of the other party turned out to be a rock system known for its defensive power, nicknamed the Rock Giant!

"Pei Junlin, you succeeded in angering me, and today you must use your blood to wash away the great Bruce family shame!"

Hong Liang's voice came from the mouth of Kuhn Bruce after being transformed. It was more than two meters high, his body was exuding off-white rock muscles, and it gave off a sense of shocking power. No one would doubt it. , The powerful destructive power contained in that body!

Many martial arts powers also show their solemn appearance. At this moment, Kuhn Bruce, who is transformed behind him, has a breath that is almost equivalent to a martial arts power of seven masters and even higher.

However, those who knew Pei Jun Lin Xiu deeply had ridiculed smiles.

Maybe there is really an A-level awakener who can bring danger to Pei Junlin. With only a B-level awakener, no matter how high his blood talent is, he can't help it, and find humiliation!

Sure enough, with a pair of gazes, Pei Junlin looked calmly at Kuhn Bruce behind the transformation, his voice was indifferent: "Grandfather, do you think you have a layer of turtle shells, you think the whole world is you Is it? "

"This is Huaxia, not your arrogant Italian country. If you want to spread wild here, you have found the wrong place!"

The words didn't fall, Pei Junlin's clothes were windless and automatic, it seemed to be really angry, and there was a faint killing intention on the body.

This scene once again attracted the dignity of the audience around. At the same time, those foreign men and women from other countries also changed their looks again. Although they did not know the true cultivation of Pei Junlin, they felt the powerful breath at this moment. , But they have to pay attention.

Seeing that a life-threatening war was about to erupt, at this moment, a rush of footsteps came from outside, and then the crowd was separated, and a group of police officers charged with live ammunition broke in.

At the same time, there are special personnel who do not know how much plain clothes are hiding in these four surroundings.

"What? What are you doing?"

A majestic, prison-like voice from near to far, followed by Lin Zhanlong's tall, self-imposed figure, stood out from the crowd, eyes like electricity, coldly glanced at the audience, and finally fell on Pei Junlin and Kuhn Bruce On his face, he said coldly, "Such a good night view, such a beautiful cuisine and many beautiful women, you are not good at eating, drinking, and fun. Are you going to tear down all this place?"

"Commander Lin, he insulted me and threatened me with Kingland International!"

When Pei Jun came to Lin Zhanlong, he made a public report.

"If you don't believe it, everyone on the scene can testify. This Master Bruce is a bit too arrogant and will not take my Huaxia businessmen into account!"

This sentence was immediately recognized by many people. The arrogant attitude of Kuhn Bruce before really angered many Chinese compatriots. Although they are businessmen and merchants have been profiting since ancient times, this premise must be remembered. Where is the root of this!

"Is that so ?!"

Lin Zhanlong's majestic eyes fell on Kuhn Bruce's body.

"This gentleman, this is not the case. Although I did get rude first, he is ..."

"It goes without saying! Come here, take me all away!"

Before Kuhn Bruce finished speaking, Lin Zhanlong had already interrupted coldly. In fact, from the beginning, he had already monitored everything to see the whole reception.

Lin Zhanlong was worried that those lost cultural relics and ancient books could not find a breakthrough. It was unexpected that Pei Junlin created the opportunity for him so soon. Regardless of whether the Kuhn Bruce group was the real thief, let's catch it and say Better than nothing!

Although Kuhn Bruce is arrogant, he can face the real power of the Huaxia country, no matter how powerful he is, he is still afraid to do anything, otherwise, the result can be really serious.

As he was taken away by a group of policemen, Kuhn Bruce turned back, staring coldly at Pei Junlin with a resentful look: "Asshole, I remember you! You are waiting for the anger of my Bruce family. Come on! "

Pei Junlin shouted immediately after hearing the words: "Commander Lin, listen! This wicked foreigner is still threatening me! You must deal with it impartially, do not let this rat feces harm my country in China Reputation! "

Anyone who really knew Pei Junlin ’s identity was rushing to hear it. Although it was indeed Kuhn Bruce's rudeness this time, the one who really took advantage was Pei Junlin. All of them were badly damaged, and it made Master Kuhn Bruce kneel on the ground, a real shame!

Looking at a group of people from Italy who were taken away by the police, those men and women from other countries also blinked their gazes, with expressions and expressions on their faces, no longer a hint of arrogance.

As for the elite leaders from all walks of life, the eyes of Pei Junlin have also changed. Although many people present have heard of Pei Junlin's name before, they have never seen a real person or Pei Junlin. Method of doing things.

Today, what Pei Junlin has done against Kuhn Bruce completely shines into the eyes of many people, and finally has a clear understanding of this famous rookie in the Jiangbei region.

This young man is not only arrogant by force, but also very resolute and unscrupulous in his ways of doing things. In his eyes, he doesn't care about powerful men. If he dares to offend him, he will be the enemy!

After a short episode, the reception continued. Whoever can participate in the reception tonight is not the one who experienced the strong winds and waves ~ ~ Soon the atmosphere became very harmonious again.

Among them, many people held wine glasses and toasted with Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin was unwilling to come, and the cup bottomed out. The bold style attracted applause.

Even those friends from abroad came to toast, some from Great Britain and some from Michigan.

The representative of Great Britain is a man and a woman, with graceful manners and warm smiles. It is a good etiquette from the bones. Non-aristocratic families cannot cultivate this temperament at all.

Of course, this is the first impression of ordinary people, but Pei Junlin knows that this pair of seemingly elegant aristocratic men and women, the hidden atmosphere in their bodies is not weaker than that of Kuhn Bruce, but even stronger.

The representative of Milliken is a burly middle-aged man with meticulous hair and a handsome young man wearing a hand-made custom suit. The two are equally polite and extraordinary.

In the process of drinking, Pei Junlin learned the name of the other party. The young man was named Leibo York Savile United, and the burly middle-aged man was named John. Both of them praised Pei Junlin's performances before. Said that their company does not operate luxury goods, otherwise, both parties will be the best partners.

Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong also expressed regret with smiles. The two sides drank each other and drank each other. In the process, Pei Junlin's eyes were suddenly attracted by a gemstone ring worn on Laber's finger.

That is a very special gem ring!

PS: New January, ask for tickets! Ask the old iron fire support!

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