Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 223: I may have found the killer!

Gem has always been a very precious stone!

In today's world, gemstones are widely known, and they are extremely versatile in high society. What gemstone rings, gemstone necklaces, earrings, etc. are the most precious colors don't care about these types. They are sapphire and ruby. , Emerald, opal, etc., but who has ever seen a gray-white gem? !!

The reason why people like gemstones is nothing more than the bright attention of the gemstones after grinding and polishing, which enhances their grade and taste. The gray-white gemstones are better to just wear a stone and wear it without any pretension.

But at the moment, Pei Junlin saw such a special gem ring on his finger. More importantly, he felt that the gray-white stone inlaid on the gem was very familiar, which made his heart beat faster. Is it the kind of treasure he guessed?

If that's the case, then this time, no matter what this Leibov's identity is, he has to set this gem ring!

As a dignified Shura warrior, plundering resources for his own use is really an ordinary thing. Since the rebirth of the earth, Pei Junlin has always been very gentle. It is very rare on the earth today. Treasures that make him tempted!

Shan Jingshi barely counted one, but he also obtained it by legitimate means, but plundered the resources of the Danzong. The method was slightly overdone, but it was normal. After all, his identity became the master of the Danzong.

For the first time, the gem with a special color gave Pei Junlin a predatory psychology. Of course, this premise must be something that Pei Junlin guessed.

In order to verify the conjecture in his heart, Pei Junlin's powerful consciousness immediately fell on the special gemstone ring on Laibo's finger at a speed that could not cover his ears.

Unexpectedly, just when his consciousness just touched the gemstone ring, he suddenly felt a strong resistance, and the situation was as if some kind of strong prohibition had been set on this ring, forbidding anyone to snoop. .

At the same time, Leibo, who was originally smiling and talking with Wang Ziqiong, felt like he felt a bit of a jerk, and then quickly lifted his face, looked around, his face's smile completely disappeared, and replaced by a Unprecedented alert.

Such an unusual reaction was felt by John, who had been following him closely, and he immediately got together. The two measured their heads and talked. No one could clearly understand what they were talking about. But on Pei Junlin's face, it was Showing a rare trace of excitement and excitement.

Can't be wrong!

He feels very accurate!

The gem inlaid by the gemstone ring that Laibo was wearing was a very precious hollow stone!

This may be a strange word for people on the earth today, but Pei Junlin is familiar and cannot be familiar with it anymore.

The empty stone is also one of the precious treasures in the thousands of worlds. It is different from the spiritual stone that can enhance the cultivation of people. There is no elixir or divine medicine that can make bones flesh and bones. It has a special ability that cannot be replaced by other treasures!

That is-storage!

Or it can be said that it is a treasure ore born with mustard space. Because of its unique function, it has been recognized by hundreds of millions of practitioners and has become extremely precious!

When Pei Junlin was in the Thousands of Worlds, the empty treasure stone, a special treasure ore, was almost played by practitioners. Some people made it into a space ring similar to Laibo, and some made it into a bracelet. Some are necklaces, earrings, and even headwear, and others use powerful refining techniques to expand the mustard space in empty stones.

In short, all of them are used for storage, and having such a treasure is really a must-have for traveling and traveling around the planet!

Since the reincarnation of Pei Junlin, he really has been eager to get such an empty stone. He does not expect that the mustard space in the empty stone is too large, as long as it can hold his daily things. He is really fed up with the earth. I feel like carrying a cumbersome manner!

Unexpectedly, this unintentionally attended the reception, he suddenly brought such a big surprise, if it is not suitable for the occasion, Pei Junlin would even want to come out directly and win!

Dignified Shura warrior is that kind of good man and woman!

But when Pei Junlin was thinking, Laibo and John, who had whispered to each other, turned around and suddenly turned around, apologized to both Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong and left.

Looking at the slightly hurried pace of these two people, Pei Junlin's heart suddenly moved, and he was connected to a great possibility!

An idea fell, Pei Junlin immediately immediately said a few words to Wang Ziqiong, and turned to leave!

Two minutes later, in a remote corner, Pei Junlin met with Lin Zhanlong and Li Chaoran again. Pei Junlin's words widened the eyes of the two.

"I may have found the murderer who stole the cultural relics and ancient books this time!" Pei Junlin went straight into the subject.

what? !!

Lin Zhanlong and Li Chaoran were startled at the same time. It was not that they did not believe what Pei Junlin was saying, but that the stealers were so clever that even the national forces could not find a breakthrough for the time being. How not to be surprising?

"Junlin, this is no joke, can you be sure?" Lin Zhanlong asked.

Li Chaoran also widened his eyes, and Pei Junlin said coldly: "One hundred percent sure, who can guarantee that, I just said it is 'maybe', since you don't believe it, let me say nothing!"

Having said that, Pei Junlin turned and prepared to leave.

This can frighten Lin Zhanlong. No one knows Pei Junlin's identity better than him. Even the Lin Zu, the old ancestor of the Lin family, takes it very seriously, let alone him. Although he is the commander in chief, but Perhaps such status may never have been looked at by Pei Junlin.

Immediately hurriedly blocked, and apologized: "Junlin, don't get me wrong! I was really unintentional just now, and you know that people like us will inevitably have some occupational diseases,"

"Boss, Commander Lin is really careless!"

Li Chaoran also started to help explain. At this critical moment, no clues can be spared, not to mention he has a blind confidence in Pei Junlin, and vaguely realized that this time he might want to find those despicable thieves, Pei Junlin can really help!

Pei Junlin stopped and said, "It's not impossible for me to help, but the premise is that I need to take something from the killer, and it's the reward for my help!"

Lin Zhanlong froze and said, "It depends on what you are holding. If that thing is also very useful to the country, I am afraid it will be difficult!"

"Rest assured, even if that thing is in front of your eyes, I don't know anyone who can know it!" Pei Junlin said.

Lin Zhanlong was slightly relaxed, but he immediately asked his superiors. Soon after, the result came down: "As long as Pei Junlin can help catch the murderer who stole the cultural relics and ancient books, everything is fine!"

Pei Junlin snapped his fingers and said, "Very well, now I will point you to an important direction, focusing on investigating the information of all people from the State of Michigan, especially when they entered my country and when they entered my country. After all the whereabouts! "

Lin Zhanlong heard the words, and for a moment hesitated, then his eyes brightened: "What you mean is that the killer is the mess of the millennial country!"

But soon, Lin Zhanlong looked excited and sighed: "Unfortunately, there is one of the biggest problems in front of us. That is, the identity verification of these people from the United States of America has encountered difficulties. We have not confirmed their true identity so far, and the National Intelligence Agency's files about Nalebbo and John are also very innocent. They are standard pure businessmen ... "

"It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous!"

Before Lin Zhanlong finished speaking, Pei Junlin immediately interrupted, sneering and taunting: "Are all those who grew up eating shit, have you ever seen a pure businessman who would have a class A? The power of Class B Awakeners! "

Like a thunder on the ground, Pei Junlin's last sentence directly stunned Lin Zhanlong and Li Chaoran on the spot with incredible faces.

"Jinglin, what did you just say? Then Lebo and John turned out to be two powerful awakeners who reached A and B levels? How could this be, why our people have never noticed!" Lin Zhanlong whispered, unbelievable.

If this is the case, it is an unprecedented major mistake on the part of Huaxia, and such important information has not been collected.

Fortunately for the B-level awakeners, the A-level awakeners are in and out of Huaxia, but the Chinese side has no knowledge of this. This is definitely facing great scourges. We must know that the cultivation of the A-level awakeners is equivalent to that of the Chinese nation. In terms of real people, the top powerhouse of true dragon.

The consequences of these people's actions are unimaginable!

Pei Junlin sneered: "That only proves that those sent by the Intelligence Agency are too incompetent!"

He didn't say a word ~ ​​ ~ That is, this Leibor and John should be equipped with some hidden magic weapon, if it is not his spirit is too powerful, it is really difficult for ordinary warriors of the same level. Find.

Lin Zhanlong and Li Chaoran did not dare to delay, and immediately reported this very important information to the upper levels. Soon the above instructions came down. Be sure to closely monitor Lai before verifying the true identities of Laibo and John. The traces of Bo, John, etc. cannot let the other party leave China.

The moment he received the order, Lin Zhanlong immediately ordered the lightning below, specifically targeting the people from the State of Michigan.

However, what was unexpected was that just after Lin Zhanlong's order was issued, information was immediately returned at the reception: "Commander! Bad! Someone just found out that the few foreigners from the State of Michigan have already Ready to leave! "

what? !!

Lin Zhanlong raised his eyebrows suddenly, and there was a savage evil spirit on his body, which was simply the most standard guilty conscience.

But Pei Junlin secretly lamented that the foreigner from the Millennial State was really good enough. It should be that the abnormality of the space ring caused by his consciousness caused the other side's alert. Then these foreigners were ready to leave immediately.

But is this possible? !!

This is not the State of Mili, but Hua Huaxia. How can these thieves leave with such a big swing?

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