Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 225: Rage!

Pei Junlin's words only came to an end, and Leibo first glanced, then his eyes fell on his right hand, and a second cry came out, "Ah! What about my gemstone ring? Why is it missing?"

"Mr. Pei, that is a gem ring that I have always liked. It must have been thrown on the reception. Please hurry up and find it for me. I will definitely pay a lot of money!"

Pei Junlin looked coldly at Leibo's pretend, and suddenly his lips were slightly raised, and he shouted, "Li Chaoran!"


Not far away, Li Chaoran, who had been preparing for the news, rushed to hear it.

"People will take them all over the body and even the car, and they will search it carefully. Be sure to find a gemstone ring of gray and white color!" Pei Junlin ordered.

When Li Chaoran heard his orders, he immediately ordered the soldiers standing around him. Immediately, more than a dozen soldiers appeared and began a rigorous search.

Neither John nor Leibo had any deterrents to this, but only questioned in anger, and must be held accountable today for the blame.

But all this has been ignored by everyone. This is Huaxia, not the so-called Milian, how can anyone care about their anger and dissatisfaction.

"Li Chaoran, what is going on? What are you doing?"

And just as the search was launched, among the men and women of the Yanhuang organization standing in the distance, there was a man and a woman striding forward. The man was about thirty-six or seven years old, maybe the actual age was a bit older, and his breath was as deep as an abyss. , Humu power generation, comes with a powerful gas field.

The woman is a very aggressive and beautiful woman. She is 27 years old, at the golden age of a woman's most mature, but her eyes are as cold as ice, like a pool of standing water. This kind of eyes, who have been very indifferent to everything after life and death, have no worse breath than the man beside them.

"It turned out to be Uncle Shen and Sister Yan. No big deal, we are looking for some very important evidence!"

Obviously, Li Chaoran also knows this strong man and cold woman. The name of the man, the woman and the man is Shen Tianci, and he is a member of the Tianzi Pavilion of Shennongjia Subdistrict. The woman is called Yan Qingsi. One of the members of Tianzi Pavilion in Shennongjia District.

The power of Yanhuang organization is divided into three levels of Tiandiren, of which Tianzi Pavilion has the highest level, and only the strongest innate or real level can join. Dizi Pavilion is only the strongest that accepts the master level, and the Herringbone Pavilion has the lowest, receiving Mingjin. Master and Dark Master.

The pair of men and women in front of them are all the top powerful men who have reached the rank of true dragon or real person, and the most important thing is that the age of the two is not very large, which shows that their qualifications are also one of them!

In response to the theft of cultural relics and ancient books, the elite men and women dispatched by the top management were responsible for Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi of the Shennongjia Subdistrict.

"Evidence? Is that what the gentleman said just now?"

Shen Enci said indifferently, his eyes fell on Pei Junlin's face. It is really the breath of Pei Junlin that has a natural appeal to his top powerhouse. This may be the telepathy between the powerhouses. Well, even if Pei Junlin doesn't show the true cultivation.

But Pei Junlin's age is so young that it cannot be surprising.

"This brother is ..."

"Uncle Shen, he is my new spell instructor in the Hengduan Mountain Division, Pei Junlin!"

Li Chaoran quickly opened his mouth to help introduce, and then introduced Pei Junlin the names of Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi, as well as his identity from the Shennongjia district.

Hearing that Pei Junlin was young and had already acted as an instructor in the Hengduan Mountains subdivision, Shen Tianci finally showed shock, and even Yan Qingsi, whose eyes were indifferent like a stream of standing water, also showed an emotional response. The selection of the organization is strict, and the minimum practice of any instructor must reach the realm of the title true dragon or real person.

This is also a sign that Pei Junlin is young and already a top real man with a real name. His talents are even more terrifying than them. When they are at this age, they are at most comparable to Li Chaoran and even slightly. Not as good.

"It was instructor Pei, disrespectful!" Shen Tianci said.

Pei Junlin could only hold his fist and pretended to be his peers: "Even though everyone belongs to different divisions, they all serve the country!"

"Let's solve the immediate problem now!"

During the talk, the soldiers not far away have searched the vehicle and the whole body of John, Leibeau, etc., but the result was nothing. These foreigners from the Milliken, with a few simple salutes, Nothing else is illegal.

This immediately made John, Leibo, and other people angry, one by one shouting loudly, ready to sue when they pulled out their mobile phones, threatening to punish everyone present.


A crisp crackle blew up, and the phone from a woman from the State of Michigan was torn apart. The scared woman screamed. When she looked up, she saw Pei Junlin's indifferent face appeared before her. Eyes with no sense * color almost scared the woman.

She is just an ordinary person, and where can't stand the eyes of Pei Junlin.

"If anyone dares to move again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Pei Junlin's cold and bitter voice sounded slowly.

"Pei Junlin, you'd better release us right now, otherwise, after tonight, you will suffer the unprecedented anger of my state of Michigan!"

Leibo glared at Pei Junlin's eyes, and at the same time, John said, his voice was cold: "Pei Junlin, do you know what your behavior is tonight?"

"Your actions will provoke anger between two behemoths and international disputes. Do you think you can afford this consequence?"

Seeing the deliberate anger of John and Leibo, Pei Junlin suddenly raised his lips, revealing an undisguised taunt.

"You guys, you are too far away. I don't know what the other results are, but what I know is that for a while, I'm afraid I can't go home!"

"What do you mean ?!" Leibo was furious, with a bad feeling in his heart.

Pei Junlin sneered: "I mean, even if the gemstone ring is temporarily unavailable, you can only rely on the identity of two B-level awakeners and A-level awakeners. Do you think it will be tonight? Can you leave my country in peace? "

what? !!

Just like a thunder on the ground, as soon as Pei Junlin's words fell, it completely shocked everyone, and Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi, who were standing indifferently to watch the war, were also shocked when they heard the words. His eyes fell on John and Lebow.

But soon they were puzzled, because no matter how they released their perception of consciousness, it was simply impossible to find that John and Leibeau were just two ordinary people!

If you hadn't learned that Pei Junlin was a top-level real-life player, I'm afraid both would have to ask questions.

Ke Rao is so. Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi are also full of suspicion.

"Mr. Pei, the breath on them ..."

Pei Junlin sneered and said, "A little trick that is a little obstructive. I didn't expect that there is such a strong man in China who is so proficient in the magic of spirits! He can hide the sky!"

The words didn't fall, and Pei Junlin suddenly drew his hands together to form a vivid lotus seal, then threw it in the air, and spit a word in his mouth: "Break!"

The lotus seal in the air suddenly burst and burst into a dense light rain, and sprinkled on the two of John and Lebow. They wanted to hide, but in the eyes of the public, once there was any action, it would be enough to make them all over.

What they can rely on now is that the powerful magical powers of sacrificing adults can help them through the immediate difficulties!

With a pair of tense gazes, the light rain in the sky quickly fell on the two of Lebo and John. These light spots were also very magical. When they fell, they even merged into the skin of the two and disappeared.

The next second, when John and Leibov were still unaware, suddenly the expressions of Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi changed, and Li Chaoran's expression followed closely.

They sensed the surging special energy fluctuations from Leibow and John. That unique breath is undoubtedly the identity of the most extensive awakening abroad!

Especially the horrible energy fluctuations from John, Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi were very shocked!



The horror of the Congenital Power broke out on both people at the same time. Just don't say what the gemstone ring is, just the identity of the awakened person exposed by John and Lebow at the moment ~ ~ is enough to let Huaxia In this respect, the two people were arrested on the spot!

"not good!"

When aware of the powerful killings that suddenly erupted from Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi, Leibo and John were both shocked. At this time, they finally realized that the hidden breath restriction set by the sacrificed adults in their bodies was rapidly disappearing. Where? Can't figure out what happened.

The two men's bodies suddenly burst into shape, turning into two amazing rays of light, fleeing each other!

Fighting is definitely unbeatable. Facing the siege of the surrounding nets, especially Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi, two innate strong beings exist. Only by doing our best to escape can we have a chance to live!

The direction John chose to flee was Pei Junlin's side. At the moment when he stood up, the A-level awakener who had been able to endure power finally showed his uncle's minions.

He hated Pei Junlin thoroughly. If it was not for this guy's mess, they would not be forced to run away in the middle of the night, and then fall into the encirclement of a life of nine dead!

Therefore, when he fled, the last thought in John's mind was to kill Pei Junlin, the nasty fly, with his mighty A-level awakening power. He wanted to destroy a great master of Huaxia. It's so easy to die an ant!

"Pei Junlin, be careful!"

Noting the sudden upsurge of Leibo and John, Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi were furious, but when they saw that the position that John ’s uprising was facing was unprepared, Pei Jun, their faces changed. It's up!

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