Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 224: pier!

When Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran rushed back to the reception, they saw Laibo, John, and other men and women from the State of Minnesota preparing to leave. After a few inquiries, the reason these people found was that they were far away. There was a major event over my hometown and I needed to rush back immediately.

At the same time, I am very sorry for leaving halfway through the reception, and frankly send someone to leave a cooperation project, which can be regarded as compensation for this trust.

The polite and sincere apology attitude has won the favor of many people. After all, everyone in this world will encounter some sudden major events. Although everyone feels sorry, there is nothing they can do.

What's more, Michelin did something kind this time. Although people left, they sent people to leave the cooperation project. Everyone cares about money. As long as the cooperation project is there, the others are not very important.

"Boss, what to do? Would you like to stop this mess!"

Seeing Leibo, John, and others preparing to leave in this way, Li Chaoran immediately showed strong anger, clenched his fists, and had a horrific killing intention on his body.

Pei Junlin glanced at the lively reception and slowly shook his head: "It's not appropriate to do it here!"

Before the words fell, Lin Zhanlong's voice came from the miniature headset carried in Li Chaoran's ear: "Don't block it first, let them leave!"

"Li Chaoran, your Yanhuang group has arrived at the Demon Capital, and will be approaching here. Even if the miscellaneous pieces of the Michigan State have wings tonight, it will be difficult to escape!"

Li Chaoran relayed his words to Pei Junlin, and the two soon chose another elevator and quickly went downstairs.

Not long after, the two saw Laibo, John, and others who were sent out from the hotel by everyone. Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran, who were hiding in the car, clearly saw that the people of the Milliken State boarded two cars together. The car, soon the vehicle started quickly, into the vast traffic flow.

As soon as Leibo, John, and others left, several cars parked on the road lit up the lights and quickly followed them. Needless to say, Lin Zhanlong had already arranged the horses.

Li Chaoran also quickly started the vehicle and followed up!

In a luxurious Mercedes-Benz car in front, Leibeau and John were sitting together. At this moment, there was still a half-hearted wind on the faces of the two people, and some of them were only thick and gloomy.

"We are being followed!"

Laibo spoke in pure English.

John nodded: "I know! This is the most normal, after all, China has lost valuable cultural relics and ancient books. We are not anomalous if we are not followed up for investigation!"

"Then what do we do now?" Leibo said anxiously.

John was very calm: "Let ’s not panic, Leibold, you tell me carefully, when you were sure you had a reception before, did you feel a strong mental force detecting the gemstone ring on your hand?"

"Can it be accidental, and then we have overreacted!"

Laibo shook his head: "No! It will definitely not be my fault. That mental force is very huge. It directly touched the forbidden enchantment set by the priest on the gem ring. I believe it was no accident!"

John finally showed shock: "How is this possible?"

"The stone inlaid on your gemstone ring has not been known by anyone in our entire kingdom of Michigan. Even the greatest sacrificial lord cannot be named, but by accidental coincidence it was detected that the stone had it. A lot of space was later devoted to research by the sacrificed adults before they could be used for free storage! "

"Later, this stone was made into a ring, so it was easy to carry. It was called 'The Ring of God', which means a treasure from God!"

"This time, the ring of God was obtained by us with great difficulty. The purpose is that God will hide the sky without knowing it. How could it be recognized so quickly?"

Leibo shook his head, which was also a very shocking place in his heart, because he always believed that treasures like the ring of God might be such a piece in the whole world and would not be known at all.

And if it is recognized, the result will be very bad this time, they dare not even think about it!

Don't look at two people, one is a class A awakener, and the other is a class B awakener. They are powerful, but in this country of Huaxia, the other party wants to crush them as simple as an ant!

"Can't panic! Absolutely not panic!"

John spoke to comfort Laibo around him. Their identities are very confidential. Before, they have been performing tasks in other countries. It is the first time for Huaxia Kingdom. I believe that China does not have much information about them.

At this moment, suddenly, John noticed that Leibo reached out and took off the ring of God and handed it to him, with a solemn look: "John, we must now make the worst plan, once we are discovered This ring of god, you are better than me, you must do your best to break out! "

"This ring of God is very important. We must not tolerate any mistakes!"

"Leibo, you ..."

John was shocked, and he had seen a fascination deep in the eyes of Leibold. They were the most secret agents trained by the State of Michigan. One of the educations he had received since childhood was to die the country!

At this moment, it is time to truly test them. In fact, special personnel like this are available in every country in the world. As soldiers, it is reasonable to be prepared to donate their lives to the country.

The vehicle was moving at a rapid speed, and a huge pier soon appeared in front of it. Here is Yangdu Port, which is the most famous of Modu, and can be directly connected to Europe, America and other places.

Even in the middle of the night, there are still brilliant lights and traffic, but when their vehicles entered the pier tonight, they found that the route they passed was quiet and horrible. Only the dim street lights were guiding the direction. .

When the vehicle finally stops-oh! Huh! Huh!

The dazzling lights suddenly lighted from all directions without warning, and the entire dock was illuminated like daylight.

Around Leibow, John and others' vehicles, I don't know when a soldier with a live ammunition actually appeared. They were fully armed, the bullets were loaded, their faces were calm and iron, and on the other side of these soldiers, seven or eight Men and women in plain clothes, like the mountains of the abyss, each person's eyes fell on their vehicles.

Zizi! !!

There was a harsh brake sound in the rear. The vehicles that followed Leibov, John and others stopped in the back, stopped all retreats, and rushed down from the car. A special person with a weapon in hand was also used as a shelter. The black muzzle aimed at the two Mercedes cars.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the pier became extremely cold. It was obviously the weather in June, but it made people feel chills. In the car behind, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran quietly looked at everything in front of them. .

"Boss, see that there are seven or eight men and women standing in front of me, that is our Yanhuang organization personnel, but unfortunately not a district!"

Li Chaoran began to explain: "I only know the two of them!"

Pei Jun bowed his head. The Yanhuang organization is the most powerful defensive barrier in the entire Huaxia country. Naturally, there is not only a section of the Hengduan Mountains, but also several places, including crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and masters!

While the two were talking at will, the Mercedes-Benz finally moved in the middle of the dock. They saw each of the men and women from the car stepping out of the car, their faces agitated and raising their hands.

"Dear friends of Huaxia, do we have any misunderstandings? We are just legitimate businessmen from the State of Militia who are safe and secure. Are you targeting us so wrongly with a gun?"

John, headed, shouted loudly, and it was hard to hide his anger in the look of panic: "Who is your leader, I need to talk to him!"

In the distance, Pei Junlin, who had talked with Li Chaoran at random, suddenly stared at this moment, because he noticed that the gem ring on Laibo's finger had disappeared!

His gaze glanced at the audience, and he could no longer find the gemstone ring. Someone was wearing the ring, but it was definitely not the empty stone.

"Damn, treacherous alien!"

Pei Junlin scolded in his heart. If he could not find the gemstone ring, he would not be able to find the stolen cultural relics and ancient books, and there would be no direct evidence to prove that John, Leibeau and others broke the law. Not only that, he also had to play a big role responsibility!

It doesn't matter if he bears the responsibility, he doesn't care. Pei Junlin only cares about the space ring, which is the most valuable thing!

In his anger, Pei Junlin did not wait for the members of the Yanhuang organization to react. His shape had turned into a flash of lightning, appearing spooky in front of John and Leibo.

"It's you! Pei Junlin!"

Seeing the people, both John and Leibo were shocked. It seemed that they never expected that Pei Junlin would get together with people from the Chinese military ~ ~ Although they met Pei at the reception The powerful strength of King's Landing is not superficially wastewood, but it is just a little stronger than the young master of the Bruce family. Wouldn't they look in the face of the magnificent country?

But now, Pei Junlin appears in such a special environment at the moment, but brings out a distinctive atmosphere.

However, what shocked John and Leibault was still far behind. At this moment, Pei Junlin said another word that made two people's hearts shock at the same time, showing an incredible word.

"What about the ring? Where did you hide the ring ?!"

John and Leibo would not have thought that the first person to call out the ring would be Pei Junlin. How old is Pei Junlin? How did he know the ring of God? !!

Do not! Never!

It must be the news he learned from the mouth of an older character. The Huaxia Kingdom is really like a mystery in the rumor. Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tigers. No one in the whole of the Kingdom of Michigan recognized the specific material of the ring of God. They It was only a few days after I came to Huaxia Kingdom that I was recognized so quickly!

"What ring? Mr. Pei, what are you talking about, how can we not understand it!"

Leibo wondered, his face puzzled.

Pei Junlin sneered: "Pretend to be the same, of course, the gemstone ring you put on your right **** at the reception before! If you still want to argue, do I need to call up the monitoring at the reception?"

PS: Thank you for your reward!

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