Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 227: God's Ring

In fact, without the words of Li Chaoran and Shen Tianci, Yan Qingsi, etc., Pei Junlin would not kill John. The reason he did this is to give this foreigner some hardships!

What about the A-level awakened person from the State of Michigan, since he came to Huaxia, then everything must be done in accordance with Huaxia's rules. Theft of cultural relics and ancient books is not a small crime. Next, John suffered!

Pei Junlin let go of the control of the Nether Industry Fire. Finally, John, who was screaming in pain on the ground, seemed like a shrimp without bones, and the whole person shrank into a ball, just as if he had just taken it out of the water.

The Nether Karma can burn everything in this world, and is it a John who can bear it, unless Pei Junlin didn't kill his heart, otherwise, now John has already turned into an ashes and disappeared completely in this world.


When Pei Junlin was about to take back the idea of ​​controlling the Nether Karma, his eyebrows suddenly raised, and an indescribable surprise appeared in his eyes.

No wonder how I couldn't find the gemstone ring. The treacherous foreigner had already swallowed his feelings. It would have been unpredictable if the Nether Karma had accidentally entered the body.

Perhaps it is the horrible lethality of the Nether Karma. The ring of God that was swallowed by John involuntarily emits a wave of defense. Although the breath is slight, how can it escape the strong sense of Pei Junlin.

This is really a pleasant surprise. Before Pei Jun came to think of how to use means, torture a few foreigners strictly!

"You can't catch me. I'm an important person in the state of Michigan. Even if I am an A-level awakener, I have never violated any law. It is a robber!"

"I don't agree! I want to sue! I ask the relevant authorities in our country to intervene!"

When several soldiers rushed forward and caught the arrest, John yelled and looked dissatisfied, especially the look at Pei Junlin, full of resentment and fear.

Several other men and women of the Michigan State also shouted, and Leibov was the most violent. He was caught long before!

In this regard, Pei Junlin just smiled coldly. If it weren't for the moment, he really wanted to directly explode the existence of the space ring. Now he waved his arm and shouted, "Take it away!"

Immediately, John, Leibo, and others were put on special torture. These special tortures were specifically targeted at warriors and awakened people and were escorted into the car.

"Mr. Pei, please!"

After the vehicle that escorted John and Leibo started, Shen Tianci suddenly spoke to Pei Junlin, and his expression and expression spoke a kind of intimacy.

Obviously, in the previous war, Pei Junlin's powerful behaviors showed their approval completely, and even Shen Tianci felt that in the singles alone he did not have much confidence in victory.

Pei Junlin's amazing flame technique left a deep impression on him!

The team set off in a mighty manner. After more than an hour, everyone came to a special place-Shencheng Modu Police Station.

Because of their special identities, John, Lebow, and others must step up their interrogation overnight to determine the true evidence, otherwise, the status of a single A-level awakener is still inferior, and the members of the State of Michigan must be completely speechless.

Here, Pei Junlin saw Lin Zhanlong, presumably the reception was over.


After Lin Zhanlong saw Pei Junlin, he greeted him enthusiastically and patted Pei Junlin's shoulders vigorously, without concealing the excitement on his face: "Good job!"

Obviously, he had already received the news and rushed here.

Pei Junlin found that in the entire police station, one big man after another appeared, and many of them were big men who could only be seen on television, with powerful powers, all for this incident.

The entire police station was busy and busy, with silhouettes constantly moving, leaving Pei Junlin, Shen Tianci, Yan Qingsi, Li Chaoran and others to do nothing.

"Yes, King's Land! Didn't you say you were looking for a gem ring? Did you find it?"

Lin Zhanlong suddenly asked in a low voice.

Pei Jun nodded, then pulled Lin Zhanlong aside, and whispered a few words.

A quarter of an hour later, two people appeared in a rigorous interrogation room. John wore special torture on the steel seat and was arranged here. After hearing the movement, John, who had been keeping his eyes closed, opened his eyes when he saw Pei Junlin and Lin Zhanlong walked in unexpectedly without any anger, but closed their eyes again.

That expression and gesture was obviously made up of, and no words would be spoken.

Seeing this, Pei Jun grinned, and then under Lin Zhanlong's stunned gaze, he strode directly to John's side, hitting John's stomach with an unpredictable punch.

This punch was very powerful, and the shot was so unprepared that the eyes of John, who had closed his eyes and rested, suddenly stared and rounded, his eyes were full of bloodshot, the facial expression of the whole person was completely distorted, and it hurt his bones.

At this moment, John is sealed, which is equivalent to being an ordinary person. At most, he is slightly stronger physically. How can he withstand Pei Junlin's powerful punch.

Pei Junlin's punch went down, and John made a painful scream, but before he screamed, Pei Junlin punched him with no warning and hit him hard.

Two consecutive punches continued, and the beaten John was lying on the seat, and the dirt in his nose ran straight. The sour smell in the whole interrogation room filled, Lin Zhanlong couldn't help covering his nose.

"Ouch, that ring is really strong, hasn't it vomited yet ?!"

Pei Junlin smiled loudly, with an undisguised drama in his voice, and John, who was originally extremely painful, heard the words, but the whole person fell into the ice cellar, and even his pain was temporarily forgotten, revealing an unbelievable pair s eyes.

Seeing this, Pei Jun laughed mockingly: "What? Do you think we have no choice but to swallow that ring into your stomach? Don't say that it happened that I found it. Even if it wasn't for me, the instruments are so developed now, you think you can hide Live that ring ?! "

The words didn't fall, Pei Junlin was two lightning punches, and hit John's stomach without any fancy. When the two punches went down, the painful John twitched, the chair fell to the ground, and the whole man was big again. Spit it, it's called a heartbreaker!

At this moment, John saw a pile of off-white jewel rings in the pile of filth spit on the ground.

"Woo ... it's vomited so soon! It's a shame, I haven't played enough!"

After seeing the gem ring, Pei Junlin's eyes brightened, and then a regretful expression on his face. As for Lin Zhanlong, who was standing aside, he had already widened his eyes.

"Commander Lin, mineral water!"

Pei Junlin shouted back to Lin Zhanlong behind him. Lin Zhanlong immediately passed the two bottles of mineral water under his armpit, apparently already prepared.

A few minutes later, the gemstone ring was completely cleared out. Lin Zhanlong stepped forward with curiosity. However, he heard that the direct evidence was on this gemstone ring, but after a long observation, except that the color was very special, there was no more Anything found.

"Jinglin, where is the evidence you said? How can I not find it!" Lin Zhanlong wondered with a look on his face.

Pei Junlin smiled when he heard what he said, but did not answer, but proved it with actual actions.

At this moment, the powerful consciousness in his mind was excited without any reservation, and the mighty consciousness power turned into an invisible sharp sword, which penetrated directly into the space ring in his hand.


Lin Zhanlong suddenly felt that a special force erupted from the small gem ring like a torrent. Under this mighty power, he felt that he had become a humble little person in an instant. It was unusually small and nothing. Resistance.

"This ... this is ... mental power!"

Fortunately, this feeling did not appear for a long time, it disappeared instantly, and Lin Zhanlong's face was so pale that he could not hide the fear in his eyes.

It is really that terrible spiritual power just now, far from what he can compare now, because the two sides are not at the same level at all.

"Jun ... Junlin ... How's it going ?!" Lin Zhanlong's voice trembled, but his mighty cultivation of the grand master Jiu Pin could make him so frightened, showing what kind of great fear he had just suffered in a moment.

Pei Junlin said, "It's broken!"

During the talk, Pei Junlin ’s consciousness has entered the inner mustard of the space ring. As far as the consciousness is concerned, it is found that this is a small space of about twenty square meters, which is full of various sundries and medicines. He God's consciousness fell directly on a pile of ancient books with yellowish color and full of ancient flavor.

In addition, there are a lot of precious cultural relics and jade. Obviously this is the lost precious cultural relics. Pei Junlin thought of it and directly removed all the cultural relics and ancient books.

Outside, Lin Zhanlong saw that Pei Junlin was in a daze ~ ~ was wondering, suddenly his eyes widened, and I saw a lot of cultural relics and ancient books out of nothing in the open space in front of me. The text is the unique relics of Huaxia Kingdom.

"Fuck, this is ..."

No matter how knowledgeable Lin Zhanlong was, he was really scared at this moment, his eyes were round and his face looked horrified.

Fortunately, at this time, Pei Junlin had taken back the consciousness and shook the space ring and said, "Now that the evidence is complete, you can condemn these foreigners!"

"As for this ring, we agreed on it in advance, and since then it has become my booty!"

"Pei Junlin, you ... can you break the ring of God and worship the divine restraint laid by the Lord?"

The angry roar suddenly came from the back, and John, who was covered with dirt on the ground, fell to the ground with a look of horror at this moment, with an incredible expression, full of frustration and despair, as if he had suffered a great blow. .

"Ring of God ?!"

Hearing the name shouted from John's mouth, Lin Zhanlong trembled, pursing his lips slightly, and said, "Jinglin, I have a bad hunch, this ring will probably cause a lot of trouble!"


At the moment Lin Zhanlong's words had just fallen, the closed interrogation room door was suddenly pushed open, and then a group of people appeared at the door, without hiding the hot color in their eyes, and fell to Pei tightly. Above the ring of God in King's hand!

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